
How To : Crochet a second line in a project

Learn to crochet with these how-to videos. Once you have crocheted one row you can two, or three rows. Crochet a towel, a blanket, or anything longer. Watch and learn how to finish crocheting a first line and move on to the second one.

How To : Create a simple rollover menu in Dreamweaver

This video shows how to create a menu with rollover images in Dreamweaver. Open a new document and create a table with one row and one column. To add your rollover images, go to the "Image" tab and select “Rollover Image”. In the “Insert Rollover Image” box, give the i ...more

How To : Crochet a cross stitching

Watch this instructional crochet video to witness the basics of cross stitching. This is a slow process, but the cross stich creates a much more three dimensional pattern that appears on both sides of the blanket. This example uses two colors to point out the crochet steps. Af ...more

How To : Knit a Color Graded Hat

This is a fun project and a good way to use up small amounts of yarn. Just follow the easy steps below for knitting a color-graded hat. Cast on the number of stitches you need for your hat on a circular needle using Color A. Knit for 10 rows for a rolled edge or k2p2 for a ri ...more

How To : Make a ribbon tree

In order to make a ribbon tree, you will need the following: 50 2" pieces of ribbon, scissors, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, and a floral tree. Cut the ribbons into even 2 inch strips. This is a way for you to use up all of your left over ribbon, which is leftover from oth ...more

How To : Knit the Stockinette Stitch

Some people think that knitting is difficult, but it really isn't. All knitting is actually based on only two simple stitches, the knit stitch and the purl stitch. The Stockinette Stitch is the most common of all the Knitting Stitches. It's very simple. Once you know how to k ...more

How To : Do a boxed block stitch for right handers

This crochet stitch tutorial is definitely not for beginner crocheters, as it involves a rather difficult pattern called the crochet boxed block stitch, but the results are fabulous if you're an advanced or intermediate knotter and approach the project with patience. In this ...more

How To : Machine knit an open cast on

Watch this instructional knitting video to complete and open cast on with a knitting machine. Push your needles back into forward position and knit across one row. You will want to use clips and claw weights to keep your knit work straight. If you knit with a knitting machine, ...more

How To : Make a Siamese cube

This is a tutorial on how to make a Siamese cube. You will need these two things to make a Siamese cube: two rubik's cubes and strong glue. Take one row off of each cube but make sure the colors "fit in good"--which is open to interpretation, huh? You may want to use old rubik ...more

How To : Do stockinette stitch

In this video, we learn how to do a stockinette stitch. This is where you knit one row and stitch the row after that. This will curl up if you don't stitch on the side of it as well. When you're on the right side, you will do a knit row making it as large or as small as you wa ...more

How To : Play 12-bar Blues style guitar

Justin is giving guitar lessons in the 12 Bar Blue Styles *In the lesson Justin is going to teaching 12 bar blue styles with a chunker chunker rhythm. Chunker chunker is just a word taught by Justin's teacher for the strumming action. *He is going to go very slow and then pi ...more

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