
Apple vs. Google : 9 New iOS 8 Features Android Already Had

When Apple recently unveiled iOS 8, many of the newly-added features in their mobile OS seemed eerily familiar to Android users. This is probably because the vast majority of these new features have been available in Android for quite some time. If imitation truly is the sinc ...more

How To : Get a free drink from a bartender

Everyone likes free things, and everyone likes drinking. Combine the two and you've got one happy hour. You will need no expectations, a smile on your face, basic common courtesy, and some money. Never ask for a freebie. It doesn’t work, and since most bartenders have good mem ...more

How To : Spot a player

Steer clear from empty flattery and malicious social engineering with these tips on how to avoid a player. Avoid getting ambushed by the ruthless player. Here's how to identify the traits of this predatory species. Step 1: Beware of the stare Beware of a guy who stares at y ...more

News : The World's First $4 Android Phone Is Here... Maybe

A little-known company in India is making waves after announcing that it will sell an Android 5.1 Lollipop smartphone for less than $4 (or, more precisely, 251 rupees). The Freedom 251, from Ringing Bells, sounds almost too good to be true. Is that because it is? A presale fo ...more

How To : Win over your mother-in-law

Like it or not, she's one of the most important people in your spouse's life, so do what it takes to get her on your side. You Will Need * A respectful attitude * Some of her recipes * Shameless flattery * Selflessness * Gratitude Step 1: Be respectful to her child Be respect ...more

How To : Take a woman's portrait

Taking a woman’s portrait isn’t just about photographic skill, it’s about flattery. You will need a single lens reflex camera, a female subject, a backdrop and a hurricane of compliments. Tip: to isolate the subject from the background, use a long telephoto lens at the widest ...more

How To : Trace a picture accurately of an apartment complex

Imitation is the best form of flattery, right? In the case of this picture of a roadside apartment complex, imitation will help you learn about perspective and vanishing points, and how architectural features align with these two drawing caveats to create a realistic picture. ...more

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