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Woven clutch bag made from colorful packaging materials.
01/29/2024 8:08 pm

11 Clever Candy Wrapper Crafts You Can Do After Binging on Halloween Chocolate

Halloween night for most people with kids means tons of candy. That translates into tons of trash from candy wrappers. But even though you probably wouldn't think it, there's no shortage of alternative uses for those wrappers, from clothing and accessories to home decor. This year, get creative inst ...more

Bowl of noodle soup with vegetables and chopsticks
01/29/2024 7:31 pm

5 Simple Tips to Upgrade Your Packaged Ramen Noodles from Instant to Gourmet

Instant ramen has been popular in the States for decades, and restaurants that serve the real thing in any variety you can imagine have been popping up everywhere in the last few years. But you don't have to go out or cook all day to have a gourmet ramen experience. The little spice packet with your ...more

01/19/2024 12:24 am

'Tis the Season to Be Naughty: 10 Awfully Inexcusable Office Pranks

Tomorrow's the 1st of April which means it's the one day of the year you can put aside the daily grind, and go at it Dwight Schrute and Jim Halpert style. Yes, there are easy apps to do your dirty work, but if you're old school and you like to do it the old fashioned way, here are 10 simple pranks f ...more

A person resting on a pillow with a worried expression.
01/18/2024 3:50 pm

If You're Hungry When Sick, It Might Be Less Severe—But More Contagious

Lack of appetite often signals a cold or flu. Eating can be the last thing we want to do when we have a sore throat or are too fatigued or achy to even get out of bed. When hungry, we don't feel as strong as when we are well fed—and we more than likely aren't as strong. The scientific world used to ...more

01/10/2024 4:47 am

Perform Criss Angel's Fork Bending Magic Trick

Mindfreak. Indeed. In the magic community, Criss Angel is considered a bit silly, albeit hardworking. To reveal the fork-bending trick, Jay Jay presents a very witty and informed tutorial. Mindfake. Related, see the Masked Magician reveal the trick behind bending spoons. Cover photo via andrechinn/F ...more

Close-up of water droplets on a textured surface.
01/09/2024 9:17 pm

5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Bathroom Mirror from Fogging Up

Getting hot and steamy can be awesome, as illustrated in the 1997 smash hit Titanic. Titanic (1997)/Paramount Pictures But having the bathroom mirrors fog up during a nice hot shower can be very annoying. Getting ready in the morning can already be rushed, and wiping down your mirrors after your sho ...more

Green liquid being poured from a glass.
01/05/2024 9:56 pm

Make Slime Without Borax: 5 Easy Recipes for Gooey Homemade Ooze

One of the only things I remember from watching Nickelodeon as a kid is the epic green slime. Looking back, I don't know what was so great about it, but every kid my age thought that being drenched in slime would be the coolest thing on earth. GiphyOf course, the first thing I did was beg my parents ...more

10/11/2023 3:52 pm

When You Can't Sleep, Eat This

Being able to sleep deeply and fully is one of the foundations for real health. When you go without it, you feel subhuman and incapable of dealing with the world—just ask a student who's had to pull an all-nighter or the parents of a newborn. In fact, many studies have shown that lack of sleep or ir ...more

Wireless earbuds and a silver smartphone on a flat surface.
07/25/2023 11:33 pm

Holiday Guide: Essential Gifts for the iPhone Addict on Your Shopping List

So, someone on your shopping list has an iPhone. Lucky for you, Apple's line of smartphones are practically made for accessories. From AirPods to adapters, there's something for every iPhone user in your life. Are you feeling overwhelmed by the options? You've come to the right place. Know how much ...more

Smartphone and photography accessories on a wooden surface.
07/25/2023 11:32 pm

Gift Guide: Must-Have Phone Accessories for Photographers

With smartphone cameras and software getting better and better every year, more and more users are getting passionate about photography. So when you're shopping for a gift to get someone, if they have a smartphone, chances are they'll more than appreciate some tools and accessories for taking better ...more

Image of a smartphone screen displaying a photo title and date.
09/30/2022 11:17 pm

It's Easy to Falsify Photo Geotags on Your iPhone to Keep Real Locations Secret

Without realizing it, you may be giving away the GPS coordinates of your home, workplace, school, and other important or secret locations. Unless you've blocked the feature on your iPhone, location data is stored in almost every photo and video you take, and anyone you share the content with can fin ...more

05/17/2021 10:48 pm

Facebook Reality Labs VP Hugo Barra Abruptly Heads for the Exit

Facebook Reality Labs just experienced its first major executive exit since the pandemic began. Hugo Barra has announced that he's stepping down from his position as vice president of VR at Facebook. Barra's move comes as a bit of a surprise as Facebook and its Oculus brand have been on a bit of a w ...more

Smartphone displaying a colorful home screen with various app widgets.
02/01/2021 4:32 pm

Over 200 Widgets for Your iPhone's Home Screen

Chief among iOS 14's excellent new features is the overhauled home screen. Now, you can add customizable widgets that live alongside your traditional apps, and both first-party and third-party apps can take advantage of it. Talk about an upgrade. They even work in the Today View and lock screen, so ...more

Image displaying technical details of a photo taken with an iPhone 12 Pro.
01/27/2021 6:31 pm

The Easiest Way to View Exif Metadata for Photos on Your iPhone

Most of the images in your iPhone's Photos app contain exchangeable image file format data known as Exif or EXIF data, which has several helpful uses. You can use countless apps capable of reading Exif data, many of which are paid or limited. But you already have an app on your iPhone that can give ...more

Cartoon pufferfish underwater with colorful coral background.
08/21/2020 11:49 pm

Set Up the Ultra-Secure Operating System OpenBSD in VirtualBox

OpenBSD implements security in its development in a way that no other operating system on the planet does. Learning to use the Unix-like operating system can help a hacker understand secure development, create better servers, and improve their understanding of the BSD operating system. Using Virtual ...more

Person typing on a laptop with a blue keyboard cover on a white table.
08/01/2020 11:00 am

Master Microsoft Teams with This Comprehensive $20 Training

It looks as though the novel coronavirus and social distancing guidelines are here to stay for a while. So companies of all sizes and industries are scrambling to adapt to a new reality in which everything from morning meetings to large-scale presentations are done entirely online. It looks like thi ...more

A medical professional wearing a mask with digital code projected on their face.
07/17/2020 10:35 pm

Track ADS-B Equipped Aircraft on Your Smartphone

Flight disruptions can cost billions of dollars, but most modern commercial flights rely on air traffic control systems that harbor serious vulnerabilities. The Federal Aviation Administration uses an infrastructure called NextGen, which relies on Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast, or ADS ...more

Terminal window displaying file and directory commands.
07/01/2020 7:53 pm

Use Images to Smuggle Data Past MacOS Firewalls

Data can be injected into images quickly without the use of metadata tools. Attackers may use this knowledge to exfiltrate sensitive information from a MacBook by sending the pictures to ordinary file-sharing websites. Continuing on the topics of DPI evasion, payload obfuscation, and utilizing popul ...more

Microcontroller circuit board with various components and connectors.
06/05/2020 7:48 pm

Build a WiFi-Based Offline Chat Server That Anyone Can Connect To

PirateBox is a great way to communicate with others nearby when cellular and Wi-Fi networks aren't available. With it, you can anonymously share any kind of media or document and even talk to one another by voice — without being online. However, it needs a Raspberry Pi, which is more expensive than ...more

Chromecast device connected to a power source.
02/21/2020 11:27 pm

Hijack Chromecasts to Display Images, Messages, Videos, Sites & More

Giving up your Wi-Fi password can be giving up more control than you think. Because of the way Chromecast and other IoT devices communicate, anyone on the same Wi-Fi network as your device can often make it do whatever they want. With a script called "Cast All the Things," we can hijack a Chromecast ...more

Three smartwatches displaying various features and interfaces.
01/29/2020 8:00 pm

Apple Watch vs. Fitbit — What's the Best Bang for Your Buck?

In the case of Apple Watch v. Fitbit, the winner comes down to the judge at hand. Apple currently offers two smartwatches — the Series 5 and the Series 3 — while Fitbit offers three models — the Fitbit Versa 2, Fitbit Ionic, and Fitbit Versa Lite. Whatever your assumptions about these devices are, t ...more

Butterfinger candy bars in yellow packaging.
01/10/2020 4:15 pm

How to Make Your Own Nestlé-Style Butterfinger Candy Bars at Home

Look through the dessert recipes on any food blog and there's a pretty good chance you'll find something with chocolate and peanut butter. It's one of the most common combinations in candy bars and other sweets (not that I'm complaining). In the past, we've featured delicious homemade peanut butter ...more

ASUS Tinker Board circuit board close-up.
12/13/2019 6:26 pm

Raspberry Pis Aren't the Only SBCs — Try These Alternative Boards Instead

The $35 Raspberry Pi is an amazingly useful single-board computer (SBC) with a good balance of price, performance, and connectivity options. But for some projects, it just isn't enough. Whether you need more computing power, a smaller size, or better machine-learning capabilities, there are other op ...more

Festive wreath with yellow flowers and holiday decorations.
12/12/2019 10:22 pm

Hang a Christmas Wreath Without Damaging Your Door

Whether you choose to hang an authentic or artificial pine Christmas wreath on your door — or an entirely different type, like ones made of paper waste or even food — chances are you've spent a year or two struggling with how to keep your decor hanging. With one easy to apply, quick to remove trick, ...more

Sliced roasted turkey with gravy served over stuffing.
11/25/2019 11:10 pm

Thanksgiving Tip: Add Booze to Pretty Much Anything for Added Flavor

To some people, Thanksgiving is merely quality time with family and friends that they can't get throughout the rest of the year. To others, it's that one time when it's okay to be a greedy hog and get hammered all weekend long. In that spirit of eat-and-drink-until-you-drop, we've found some of the ...more

Roasted turkey being basted with pan juices.
11/25/2019 10:54 pm

Thanksgiving Tip: You Don't Actually Need a Baster for Your Turkey

A turkey baster is one of those single-use kitchen items that most people only need once or twice a year (although you can use it for a few other things). You never seem to miss having one until the holidays roll around when it's time to cook your Thanksgiving turkey. But do you really need a baster ...more

Hand inserting a meat thermometer into a roasted turkey.
11/22/2019 7:07 pm

5 Common Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Thanksgiving Turkey

When I was 12, for some mysterious reason, my dad put my little brothers and me in charge of cooking the Thanksgiving turkey. Naturally, my brothers and I spent the rest of the day playing hide-in-seek in the backyard and forgot all about the humble bird defrosting in the sink. Then we realized our ...more

Deep-fried turkey in a pot.
11/22/2019 6:37 pm

Thanksgiving Tip: Try an Untraditional Approach to Making a Turkey

Roasting turkey is a topic that inspires endless debate among cooks. How do you get the perfect mixture of juicy meat, crispy skin, and flavor? Everyone has a favorite technique, whether it's brining the bird or spatchcocking it. However, if you're ready to move onto Ph.D. levels of turkey cooking, ...more

Two carved Halloween pumpkins with candles and colorful candy.
10/14/2019 11:31 pm

7 Ways to Keep Your Pumpkins from Rotting

Pumpkin carving and decorating is a favorite October pastime. After you've carved an amazing design or face into a pumpkin or two, you want to show it off through your window or set it out on your porch for the neighbors to see. But, without knowing the tricks to save your holiday pumpkins, they can ...more

Silhouettes of three individuals against a textured background.
09/17/2019 4:21 pm

NR30: Next Reality's 30 People to Watch in Augmented Reality for 2019

If we were to assign a theme for the 2019 edition of the Next Reality 30 (NR30), it might be something along the lines of, "What have you done for me lately?" Many of the top names in the industry from the 2018 edition remain the same, but their positions have shuffled. The people that rose in rank ...more

Code snippet displaying a server response and file upload command.
06/08/2019 3:06 am

Hide MacOS Payloads in Photo EXIF Data

Complex shell scripts can be implanted into photo metadata and later used to exploit a MacBook. In addition to obfuscating the true nature of an attack, this technique can be used to evade network firewalls as well as vigilant sysadmins. In this attack scenario, a malicious command will be embedded ...more

Monk working on a laptop in a library.
06/07/2019 10:02 am

How to Stealthfully Sniff Wi-Fi Activity Without Connecting to a Target Router

Identifying vulnerable devices and services on a target router can be difficult without leaving logs and other traces of an active attacker on the network. However, there is a way to covertly decrypt and view Wi-Fi activity without ever connecting to the wireless network. When targeting Wi-Fi router ...more

Person holding a tissue to their face, expressing emotion.
05/29/2019 10:37 pm

Clear Your Stuffy Sinuses in Seconds Using Nothing but Pressure

When a stuffy nose hits, it feels like breathing clearly and easily may never come again. Allergies, colds, and even changes in weather can leave our sinuses blocked, with medicine seeming like the only option. But don't break out the medication just yet — relieving the pressure of a stuffy nose, a ...more

Pumpkin pie with a slice removed, surrounded by cinnamon sticks and decorative elements.
05/06/2019 8:27 pm

8 Simple Tweaks to Transform Your Boring Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin pie is a symbol of autumn, and it's the traditional dessert to whip up for your fam when Thanksgiving Day arrives. But year after year of the same old thing can be a total bore if you're not a strict traditionalist. So, we found 8 unique ways to make that pie a little less snooze-fest and a ...more

ZTE logo displayed at a technology event.
04/04/2019 7:36 pm

ZTE Axon 9 Specs, Pricing, Release Date & Rumors

UPDATE April 4, 2019: We had high hopes for the ZTE Axon 9, but it won't be releasing in the United States. If you're in another area of the world, you can look into the ZTE Axon 9 Pro, but we cannot recommend this device to American readers due to carrier incompatibility. Below, we've saved the ear ...more

Map application on a smartphone displaying navigation options.
04/01/2019 3:01 pm

Add Your Home, Work & Favorite Places to Uber to Get Rides Faster

Uber is one of the best ride sharing services out there, allowing you to travel without needing to be tethered to a car of your own. Still, if you're a frequent flyer, you may get tired of entering the same few locations into your app every time you use it. Fortunately, Uber lets you streamline this ...more

Silhouettes of three individuals against a blue abstract background.
03/04/2019 8:52 pm

NR30: Next Reality's 30 People to Watch in Augmented Reality in 2018

Welcome to the first annual Next Reality 30, our list of people who've made the biggest impact on the augmented reality space in the last 12 months — and what a 12-month roller-coaster ride it's been. Apple introduced ARKit-powered apps last fall, Google launched ARCore for Android soon after, Snapc ...more

Hooded figure using a laptop in a digital environment.
03/02/2019 5:53 pm

How to Secure Your Identity & Become Anonymous Online in 2019

Your social security number, credit card information, and medical history can fall into the wrong hands if you're not careful about how and where you share your data online. If you really care about your data, there are tools and techniques you can utilize to protect yourself from cyberstalkers, adv ...more

Wooden bed frame with slatted support.
02/28/2019 11:05 pm

How to Silence Your Obnoxiously Squeaky Bed with 4 Easy MacGyver Style Fixes

Any living creature will die if deprived of sleep for long enough. The longest documented occurrence of a person not fully sleeping and surviving is only 11 days. There is a rare disease where deep sleep is never achieved, affecting roughly 100 people worldwide. Patients usually only survive between ...more

Collection of personal care and food products on a bathroom shelf.
02/28/2019 10:57 pm

If You've Run Out of Shaving Cream, Give These 10 Household Items a Try

Running out of any shower necessity is just a temporary annoyance, but it always seems worse when it's an empty can of shaving cream or gel. Sure, you could dry shave or use whatever liquid toiletry item is in hands reach, but if you want a truly smooth shave without irritation, you'll want to try o ...more

Map interface showing locations in Tokyo with images and icons.
02/25/2019 5:21 pm

How to Stop Your iPhone Photos from Broadcasting Your Location to Others

Every photo you take is brimming with metadata such as iPhone model, date and time, shooting modes, focal length, shutter speed, flash use, and geolocation information. Share these pictures with friends, family, or acquaintances via texts, emails, or another direct share method, and you unwittingly ...more

Smartphone screen displaying various app icons, including messaging and media options.
02/25/2019 4:28 pm

7 Privacy Tips for Photos & Videos on Your iPhone

Chances are, you just point, shoot, and share photos and videos on your iPhone without a second thought about how your privacy is affected. It's fairly easy to do so since the Camera and Photos apps that Apple provides seem so innocent. But there are a few things you need to know when it comes to sh ...more

Smartphones displaying various Google service logos on a wooden surface.
02/15/2019 6:02 pm

How to Completely Banish Google from Your Android Experience

Update (February 2019): The methods below will help on older Android versions, but we've recently revisited this topic. So if you have a newer Android phone and you want to get rid of Google, head here. It seems like every week there is a new exposé revealing all of the backroom deals companies make ...more

Huawei headquarters building with logo.
12/04/2018 4:08 pm

What Huawei's Rumored Mobile OS Means for the US Market

Huawei has been in a losing battle with the US government for around ten years, with the last year being the spike of Huawei's problems. Because of US pushback against some Chinese-based smartphone manufacturers due to security concerns, Huawei is hoping to limit its dependency on US-based companies ...more

White earbuds hanging against a black background.
11/21/2018 8:26 pm

The Best Black Friday 2018 Deals on Headphones for Your Smartphone

The holiday season is upon us, and that means all the big-box stores are competing against each other to offer the best prices on electronics. What was once a 24-hour period of flash deals the day after Thanksgiving has now become a holiday in and of itself — Black Friday is an event you don't want ...more

10/04/2018 3:00 pm

NR30: The Mobile AR Leaders of 2018

This time last year, we got our first taste of what mobile app developers could do in augmented reality with Apple's ARKit. Most people had never heard of Animojis. Google's AR platform was still Tango. Snapchat introduced its World Lens AR experiences. Most mobile AR experiences existing in the wil ...more

Mobile device control panel showing various settings and features.
09/17/2018 5:21 pm

91 Cool New iOS 11 Features You Didn't Know About

Apple's iOS 11 is finally here, and while they showed off several of the new features it brings to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch back at WWDC 2017, they've only just touched the surface of what iOS 11 has to offer. There are a lot of cool new (and sometimes secret) features to explore, so we've ...more