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How To : Watch the 2011 Super Bowl Commercials Online

It's that time of year again when pizza boxes line the room and buffalo wings stain the couch. When cases of beer sit in the cooler and the big screen TVs are fired up and properly calibrated. When two of the best football teams vie for the championship title and the Vince Lom ...more

News : 10 Photography Apps for Android

Giveaway Tuesdays has officially ended! But don't sweat it, WonderHowTo has another World that's taken its place. Every Tuesday, Phone Snap! invites you to show off your cell phone photography skills. Submit your best shot to our weekly competition for a chance to win an awes ...more

Vidify : The Best Automatic Video Editor App for the iPhone

There’s a race on to see who'll be the Instagram of moving pictures. This makes sense, since many of our phones are clogged with video that, so far, no one is going to see. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a simple app that could take our video content, edit it for us, and t ...more

News : The Amazing, Amazing Danny MacAskill

Scotland's Danny MacAskill first came to the world's attention in April 2009 when his roommate uploaded a video of his insane mountain bike stunts. The video amassed more than 350,000 views in the first forty hours it was uploaded. Six months later, the video now has over ten ...more

News : 12 Tips for Perfecting Your New Facebook Timeline

Facebook's new Timeline feature has been rolling out gradually since its unveiling in September, but yesterday it finally became available to Facebookers everywhere. It's even available on your mobile device, too. Those who want to upgrade to the radical new profile design can ...more

Chrome 101 : How to Block Popups & Intrusive Ads on Android

Ads can detract from your mobile browsing experience, especially if they appear out of nowhere as popups or large annoying banners that take up almost all of your screen. If those weren't bad enough, some ads appear as extremely loud videos that can even disrupt others around ...more

News : 10 Ways iOS Beats Android

I've been an Android user almost as long as the operating system has existed, so when I received my first iPhone in April, I felt like I was in a foreign land. Sure, it runs most of the apps I'm used to, and the phone itself feels about the same in my hand as any similarly-siz ...more

How To : Make Money by Streaming Videos Online

Want to make money by streaming videos online? Here's three steps to success. Find Good Quality Websites to Submit Videos First and foremost, you need to do your research online and check out good quality streaming websites that have high traffic volumes each day, as well as ...more

How To : Automatically Mute All Spotify Ads on Android

There are modded Spofity APKs floating around that essentially give you a Spotify Premium account for free, but the music streaming giant has been aggressively banning users who go this route. So if you're tired of listening to ads, but you don't want to do anything illegal, y ...more

How To : Create a muted color effect in Adobe Photoshop CS5

Interested in making your photo look like an advertisement from a fashion magazine? This clip will teach you what you need to know. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with t ...more

News : The 5 Best Free Twitter Clients for iPhone

Twitter's official iOS app is adequate if you're not much of a tweeter, but if you are, there's a lot of useful features that are missing. Luckily, there are plenty of free Twitter clients available that you can use on your iPhone. These third-party apps have features such as ...more

How To : Play Safe & Avoid FarmVille Scams

With FarmVille being one of the hottest Facebook games on the market, it's no wonder it's the primary target for scams and virus downloads. Anyone playing FarmVille is at risk, but the primary targets are those looking to improve their gameplay and build their farms and neighb ...more

News : All of the Other SCRABBLE Prints & Posters

This is my fourth (and final) installment on SCRABBLE adverts. I'm sure there's a lot I haven't found, but that's for another day. But this post features all of the remaining SCRABBLE advertisements (prints and posters) that haven't already been listed in my previous posts: O ...more

How To : Separate Your Recycling

Recycling your garbage is noble and, in many places, mandatory. But it also can be very confusing. This guide will clear up the rules. Step 1: Check Laws Check the local laws regarding recycling in your town. Step 2: Rinse Rinse glass bottles, plastic containers, and alumi ...more

How To : Turn Any Magazine into an iPhone Stereo Sound Dock

Coca-Cola has unleashed a brilliant marketing campaign to celebrate the one year anniversary of their online Coca-Cola.FM radio in South America. In the latest issue of the popular Brazilian magazine, Capricho, the Coca-Cola advertisement literally turns the magazine into an i ...more

How To : Stop Ads from Spying on Your iPhone Activity

Stumbling upon a specifically tailored advertisement on your iPhone can be a bit disconcerting. But that's what happens when you let advertisers track your data. Some of you may appreciate more relevant ads in apps, but the rest of you might consider it a straight-up privacy i ...more

How To : Make real automotive vinyl stickers in CorelDRAW

This automotive customization tutorial shows you how to make pro-level vinyl stickers at home in Corel Draw. Vinyl stickers are used on all race cars for sponsor advertisement and to make their cars recognizable in a crowd. Learn how to create your own vinyl stickers for your ...more

How To : Survive and Thrive in the Victorian Era

I don't know how many of you had this experience in your youth, but when I was a kid, I used to actively think about what would happen if I suddenly woke up in a fantasy land, or were to pass through a portal into another space and time. I knew it wouldn't really happen, but w ...more

News : Russian Pin Ups Raise Political Awareness

Somewhere in the faraway land of Russia, the female form is used for more than one of the most popular deadly sins. The women pictured below made a pin up calendar to... ahem, arouse... awareness of Russia's social and economic issues by posing in politically-themed cosplay. ...more

How To : Facebook Better Using Google Chrome

With over a billion monthly active users, it seems that Facebook is nowhere close to being dethroned as the most popular social media service in the world (sorry, Ello). While their stats may be impressive, it doesn't mean that Facebook is as good as it can be. Complaints abo ...more

How To : The 5 Best Free Twitter Clients for Android

In a way, Twitter is the town square of our era, where people can share and discuss ideas on a wide variety of topics. While the tech giant has its own app for Android, it's pretty bare-bones when it comes to features. This has paved the way for third-party clients that are ri ...more

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