Free Electricity

News : Super Cap USB Flashlight!

This awesome how to explains the construction of a DIY USB-charged flashlight! The coolest part is that there are no batteries! Two super capacitors hold the charge from the USB and release it to the LED light at the touch of a button! Image from La famille créative

News : Why the High Bill?!

During the cold months customers often call because they recieved a higher than normal bill, during the winter your usage may spike. This video will break down where your money may be going to specifically, and show you ways to avoid high bills during cold temperatures.

News : Understanding Usage Adjustments

Sometimes your bill may not be correct- your TDSP may record your usage either higher or lower than it really is. In some cases the mis-read may not be noticed right away but sooner or later you'll get a usage adjustment. This video will explain to you what usage adjustments a ...more

How to Hack Wi-Fi : Automating Wi-Fi Hacking with Besside-ng

Besside-ng is the hidden gem of the Aircrack-ng suite of Wi-Fi hacking tools. When run with a wireless network adapter capable of packet injection, Besside-ng can harvest WPA handshakes from any network with an active user — and crack WEP passwords outright. Unlike many tools, ...more

How To : Make a wind-powered generator with MAKE magazine

MAKE magazine never fails to amaze. And this time, John Park tackles a DIY wind-powered generator—and he shows you how to do it! Before you start watching the video tutorial, make sure to download the PDF of this project for reference. So you want to build this wind-powered g ...more

How To : 5 DIY Treatments for Your Bad Hair Days

Who would have thought that dryer sheets can be a quick remedy for super-staticky flyaway hair? But it's true. It's all about the positive charges in the sheets and their ability to neutralize electron buildup. And that's not the only surprising quick fix for hair problems tha ...more

How To : Mine Bitcoin and Make Money

Bitcoin is a new currency built off "Satoshi Nakamoto's" (alias) 2008 Bitcoin white-paper. Bitcoin provides its users with a way to make peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions without having to use a bank as a mediator. There is no middle man, no corporation backing it, and no one ha ...more

How To : Perform First Aid on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Burns

What is a burn? It's a form of injury to body tissues which is caused by heat, corrosive substances or friction. There is another form of burn, which is known as scald; it results from exposure to hot water or steam. There are three degrees of burns, explained below. First d ...more

How To : Construct a vinegar battery and power a calculator

Using only vinegar and a few simple materials, it is possible to construct a working battery. This science video tutorial explains how to construct and use a battery like this to power a calculator. A good science project as part of an introductory electricity course. This pro ...more

Better Than Brita : Water Filters with No Plastic Parts

I used a plastic water filter for years. Who wouldn't? It cuts down on buying bottled water, which, as it turns out, is pretty much the same as unfiltered tap water. Plus, bottled water is terrible for the environment and your wallet, too. Water that costs only pennies a day a ...more

How To : Fix your front load washer if it stops mid-cycle

If you're washing clothes and your front load washer stops mid-cycle, you may have a problem. A washer that stop mid-cycle can be a sign that something has happened to the electricity or your machine. In this tutorial, you'll be finding out some ways to help take care of your ...more

How To : Make a Mini Cannon From a Lighter

I love this project. It involves fire, projectiles, electricity, and is easy to put together from commonly available parts. This mini cannon fires airsoft pellets, is fueled by alcohol, and is made almost entirely from parts found in a standard BBQ lighter. The total cost is u ...more

How To : Make green luminescent phosphorescent glow powder

It's a stormy winter night, and you're electricity goes out. You could grab some candles to add a little light to your life, or you could use glow-in-the-dark chemicals for a cool luminescent. Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make a luminescent, phos ...more

Making Electromagnetic Weapons : Flashlamp Lasers

In my second article of the laser weapon series (see the first part here on CO2 lasers), I'll be expanding on the potential of pulsed lasers. I'm sure most everyone has seen those green and red laser pulses on Star Wars. Theoretically, those lasers could be built using a conc ...more

How To : 8 Weird Ways to Cool Down for Summer

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to cool down during the hot summer heat without blasting the A/C in your house and opening the refrigerator every few minutes to feel the cold, machine-made air blow against your overheated face. Below are 8 weird and unexpected ways ...more

How To : Make an amazing floating static orb

Learn how to make this spooky, amazing floating static orb. This is so simple, and so cool. It uses static electricity to make a tinsel orb levitate above a PVC pipe. We've gotten the orb to float for over 10 minutes. We just discovered you can use a regular balloon instead o ...more

How To : Construct a model windmill and calculate its power

This science video demonstrates how to construct a model windmill and then calculate its power output. This tutorial also includes a discussion of Energy, Work, Power, Joules and Watts. If you know anything about electricity, you'll be fine with this science experiment. If you ...more

How To : 26 Big iPhone Features and Improvements on iOS 16.1

It hasn't been long since Apple released iOS 16.0 with over 350 new features, but iOS 16.1 just came out with even more cool updates for your iPhone. While some of the recent upgrades were expected, others are somewhat surprising — and there's even one that you may not even th ...more

News : How to Start a Fire with a Lemon

There's no doubt you've heard the old saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." The phrase was penned in an obituary to a dwarf actor in 1915 by an anarchist named Elbert Hubbard, who lost his life five months later aboard the RMS Lusitania when it was torpedoed by ...more

How To : Check a washing machine pump for blockages

Ultimate Handyman demonstrates how to check a washing machine pump for blockages. First, disconnect the washing machine from the electricity source and remove the pump. The water sucks through the inlet and is pumped out of the outlet. Check to make sure that the pump doesn't ...more

How To : Get rid of cramps in 10 Minutes easy and proven

Dale Warner shows us how to get rid of PMS cramps in about 10 minutes. It's an easy, natural, effective and free approach. When it's that time of month, the bloating and cramping can be serious. This solution only takes about 10 minutes to practice. He uses a Jin Shin Jyutsu ...more

Making Electromagnetic Weapons : Lasers, Part One

In this series on weaponized lasers, I'll be exploring the function, operation, strength and building instructions for three basic laser weapons; CO2, Diode, and Flashlamp. These laser types are just a few of many, selected because of their simplicity and basic construction (d ...more

How To : Create exploding water

Watch this instructional science video to learn how to create hydrogen from water, salt and electricity, for only a few dollars. This is an experiment that produces explosive gases, involves electricity and water and a number of risks so please be careful. Not an experiment to ...more

How To : 4 Crafty Ways to DIY an Emergency Oil Lamp

If you're ever in a survival situation where you have no electricity and you're fresh out of flashlight batteries, fear not. By using commonplace items such as glass containers, old T-shirts, and cheap vegetable oil, you can very easily put together your own DIY oil lamp that ...more

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