Garena Texas Hold'em Card Hack

How To : Slow play a Texas Hold'em hand

Are you not quite sure what slow playing mean in poker terms. You should only slow play when your hand is very strong and the odds of the next card giving your opponents a stronger hand very small. Master the art of slow playing and win more hands than before.

How To : Make a wallet out of a playing cards

Here is a great gift idea for any Texas hold'em poker player or other card player. Find out how to make a playing card wallet using packing tape, scissors, and six playing cards. Make a wallet out of a playing cards. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Simply learn Texas Hold'em

In this tutorial, we learn how to simply learn Texas Hold'em. First, you will need a deck of cards dealt out to all the players. After this, the dealer will place cards out on the table, one will be upside down and the others will be face out. Now, it's up to the other players ...more

How To : Play Texas Hold'Em like a champ

In this tutorial, we learn how to play Texas Hold'Em like a champ. First, you will get two face down cards. After this, there will be a round of betting, followed by the dealer putting down the flop. After this, there is another round of better. Then, the dealer will deal the ...more

How To : Play Texas Hold'em

To play Texas Hold 'em, you need: a deck of cards, an object to be used for the blind (also known as the dealer button), and money. The person with the object is dealt first. They also bid first. Deal 2 cards to each player. Now, deal four cards to the center of the table. On ...more

How To : Know when to call, raise, or fold in Texas Hold'em

This segment of this ongoing video series gives you a bit more strategy into the decisions you have to make during Texas Hold 'em. They display a situation that is known as "pot odds". This is when the money you have to put in to see the next card is significantly less then th ...more

How To : Deal cards in Texas Hold'Em

This video shows you the basics of dealing a hand of Texas Hold 'em. When dealing you always start off dealing the cards to your left; deal two cards to each player to start the initial round of betting. After the round of betting is over you "burn" one card by placing it face ...more

How To : Understand Texas Hold'em

This is a wonderful instructional video on how to play Texas Hold 'em cards game. This video demonstrates the rules very clearly and hence any one who watches this video will quickly learn how to play the Texas Hold 'em game. You can start the game with bet, deal and then you ...more

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