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News : Freefall Elevator

Tips a secret prank for Jeff and Johnny to read , or the element of surprise will be lost. hi : ) Find a very tall hotel and arrange for remote control of the elevator system that it actually freeefalls and can up n down like a super bungie via a remote pad. Early mo ...more

News : Mystery Game - Black Stallion!

FarmVille added a new feature today in place of the old Mystery Boxes. This is a mystery game! It costs a bit more than the old boxes did, but you are guaranteed to get at least one of each of the mystery prizes by the time all the balloons are popped, instead of wasting tons ...more

Metro 2033 : Eye Candy

Picked up Metro 2033 from the Steam Sale. Wow is it pretty. At 1080p with DX11 and gorgeously detailed, it's hard to not stop and stare at every single thing! I wish there was a way to somehow convey this feeling.. Something like that. Beside the amazingly detailed texture wo ...more

News : The Unreasonable Journey

On a Wednesday evening when friends are going to a movie or out to dinner, you’re at the dojo training. On a Sunday night when your show or the game is on the television you’re not home to watch it, you’re at the dojo training. On a Friday night when the town is full of exci ...more

First Round : What really grinds my gears.

What do you guys think about all these "pleasant" ties? I'm so not cool with waking up to watch a game, only to fall asleep again. The lack of goals scored in these first few games is really discouraging and detrimental to new viewers and the growth of the sport in the U.S. Th ...more

News :

There is a wonderful site that just launched with the youth sports community in mind. The site is , a collaboration of youth sports coaches and a major online travel brand. They offer arguably the best prices on hotel and motel rooms anywhere. For p ...more

How To : Remove Gamers Unite from your Facebook Account

I recommend you take a look into this issue and suggest that your friends delete their association with Gamers Unite and any other cheat providing site. This post is meant only as my advice for how to remove Gamers Unite or any other spammy app. This is all based on my persona ...more

News : Lord of the Rings Online is now free

Lord of the Rings Online, one of the most popular and recognizable MMOs out there, is now Free to Play. This now joins Dungeons and Dragons Online as the second game by Turbine to go from subscription to Free to Play business model. DaDO was a ...more

How To : Keep score the right way in bowling

Bowling is such a fun group activity and is perfect for birthdays and other types of gatherings. However, if you are not a pro bowler the scoring system can be pretty confusing. This tutorial will walk you through the steps of keeping score so you will know a strike from a spa ...more

How To : Throw a cheap block party for the neighborhood

Throwing a block party is a great way to meet your neighbours! Block parties are perfect for hot summer nights when no one wants to be stuck indoors. These parties are fun and easy to throw, even on a budget. Check out this video for information on how to throw a rockin' party ...more

How To : Play capture the flag

Get out your army pants and prepare to conquer your backyard. Learn how to play Capture the Flag with this video Step 1: Choose teams Divide the players into two teams of equal size. Step 2: Find playing field Find a large outdoor playing field that includes both open and ...more

How To : Play Spit

Spit, or speed, is a fun, fast-paced card game that will have your heart racing nearly as fast as your hands. Step 1: Set up cards Split the deck so each player has 26 cards. Set up your tableau opposite your opponent by dealing your cards face down into five piles. The first ...more

How To : Play euchre

Tired of losing your shirt playing poker? How about a fun game for couples instead? You Will Need * 4 players * Deck of cards * Table Step 1 Form two teams of two. The goal of euchre is to be the first team to score 10 points. Step 2 Remove cards 2 through 8 of every suit. S ...more

How To : Play hide-and-seek

Learn how to play hide-and-seek. If you need a rainy day activity for the kids, or just want to relive your childhood, hide-and-seek is a great game for everyone. You Will Need * A place to play * Someone to be "it" * People to hide Step 1. Designate hiding spots Designate ...more

Null Byte : Never Let Us Die

If there ever was a time for Null Byte to need people to contribute, it's now. Let's make Null Byte a place where anyone, from novice to master computer user, come and learn. It has been sometime since the last "Call to Arms" for Null Byte, and even longer since the last "Week ...more

How To : Backup All of Your Xbox 360 Data to Your Computer

Flash memory can be a tad unpredictable at times. I have had 4 flash drives die out on me over the last few years, and they usually die without warning. When a flash memory based device dies, the data is likely impossible to recover. Adversely on an HDD, or Hard Drive Disk, ev ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : WENDIGO

WENDIGO n pl. -GOS windigo 62 points (12 points without the bingo) The WENDIGO (or WINDIGO) is a malevolent creature from the mythology of the Algonquian, one of the most populous and widespread Native American language groups, which includes such tribes as the Innu, Ojibwe, ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : GRAMARYE

GRAMARYE n pl. -S occult learning; magic 64 points (14 points without the bingo) Simply put, GRAMARYE is MAGIC, SORCERY, and in some cases, NECROMANCY. But overall, there is very little distinction between the terms. Magic is best described as an OCCULT art that can manipula ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : CARRION

CARRION n pl. -S dead and putrefying flesh 59 points (9 points without the bingo) The word CARRION refers to the dead and putrefying flesh on the carcass of any dead animal. Yes… humans are animals. Carrion differs from plain old dead bodies (cadavers, corpses, LICH, etc.) b ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : CREMAINS

CREMAINS n/pl the ashes of a cremated body 62 points (12 points without the bingo) Perhaps one of the creepiest portmanteau words out there, CREMAINS combines CREMATED and REMAINS to clearly describe the leftover ashes from a dead body that was burned. When you're grieving, ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : REVENANT

REVENANT n pl. -S one that returns 61 points (11 points without the bingo) Frankenstein. Vampires. Zombies. These creepy creatures are all examples of the UNDEAD, living entities that are technically dead but still animate. Some of these 'walking dead' feed off blood, others ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : BURKITE

BURKITE n pl. -S a burker 63 points (13 points without the bingo) There's no better time than Halloween to have the BEJABERS scared out of you, and no better way than with a slasher flick or horror movie about HEXEREI. To some, Halloween is a time for candy, costumes and cel ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : COXSWAIN

COXSWAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to direct (a crew) as coxwain 70 points (20 points without the bingo) The definition for coxswain could be pretty confusing if you don't know what a coxwain is, but perhaps even more confusing is the fact that coxwain is not an acceptable word in Scr ...more

How To : Download and Install the Minecraft 1.8 Pre-Release

Update 2: 1.9 Version3 is currently out. Click here to download and install 1.9 Version 3. Update: 1.8 is now officially out! It'll prompt you to update the next time you launch. Be sure to read the rundown of the new 1.8 features and share your thoughts in the 1.8 general im ...more

Google+ Pro Tips Round Up : Week 6

We're ending the week with a lot of big announcements and updates. To date, Google+ has updated its name policy, but is still forbidding pseudonyms. Blocking people on Google+ became even easier, and yesterday, games on Google+ launched. Google+ Name Policy Changes Google+ h ...more

News : 3 Unique Alternative Web Browsers for Your iOS Device

A few weeks ago I wrote about Atomic Web as the best web browser for iOS devices, and while I believe it is a superior option, Atomic Web is not the only alternative web browser you can use on your iOS device. There are three more—Dual Browser, iCabMobile, and iSwifter—that ar ...more

News : Creating Social Structures in Minecraft

Minecraft is the most basic and barren open sandbox building game. There are a limited number of materials and recipes to craft. But with these few building blocks, people have been able to creatively build some amazing structures and cities. There is a physical limitation, bu ...more

News : Was Worms the First Indie Video Game?

In the mid '90s, there was no such thing as a widely available indie video game. Brick-and-mortar stores were the only places for consumers to buy games, and magazines were the only outlets to hear about them. For video game creators, the need for a publisher to market and dis ...more

News : Pirates! Possibly the Purest RPG Ever

I love role-playing games. They tell great stories, require intense strategy, and make minimal demands of my tyrannosaurus-like hand-eye coordination. The idea of an RPG experience, at least on paper, is to allow users to play the role of a character. However, real people do n ...more

News : Has SimCity Been Destroyed for Good?

Yesterday, Electronic Arts had a nice sale on Steam for 40-60 percent off some of their Sims titles, which included The Sims 3 (along with its DLCs) and SimCity 4. I've never been a big Sims fan, especially with the slew of virtual people games in the last decade, so I didn't ...more

News : Of Coyotes and Chickens

In my earlier post about long-term strategies I promised I’d ask some of my neighbors who do what I call factory chicken farming (Let 1000 Chickens Bloom) if the coyotes that have shown up will change the way they play the game. The one guy who replied in any detail said that ...more

Book Review : Little Brother by Cory Doctorow

Note: Little Brother is available as a free ebook download. Warnings I read Boing Boing a lot, which means that I know just about everything about Cory Doctorow's politics and opinions. So, knowing his politics definitely colors my perceptions of this novel. My review will i ...more

How To : Keep Fit While On Vacation

It’s that time of the year when everyone feels like taking a long vacation from the hustles of life and bend most of the rules. This is especially with regards to eating habits. Most people tend to forget the importance of eating a healthy diet. However, there are the few of u ...more

How To : Create Scenery in FSX

How to Create Scenery in FSX This article will show you how to create scenery objects in Microsoft Flight Simulator X (unfortunately not available to the Standard FSX, but it is available to standard FSX with the Acceleration Expansion Pack) that you can see in the 'real world ...more

Abstinence : The Video Game

There is an abstinence game being created by the University of Central Florida with $400k+ of taxpayer money. The game is directed at middle school girls to help them handle and cope with sexual advances. From the article: Fox News Orlando reports that the University of Cent ...more

How To : It's How You Play The Game

"Life is difficult." That's how Scott Peck's best-selling book, "The Road Less Travelled", begins. That life is difficult is not news. Over two-thousand years ago the Buddha said it too: Life is suffering. The sanskrit word the Buddha used for suffering is dukkha. Dukkha doesn ...more

News : Making the most of the bonuses!

You may notice the bonus bar in the upper righthand corner of your screen. This bonus is meant to give you coins on top of what you're already getting from the game. You DO NOT need to click on the stars and coins, etc that pop up unless you want to get this extra bonus. They ...more

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