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How To : Run motion offense in youth basketball

Get all the players open for a shot. Learn how to play the motion offense in youth basketball in this free basketball lesson video from an experienced coach. Part 1 of 15 - How to Run motion offense in youth basketball. Run motion offense in youth basketball - Part 2 of 15. Cl ...more

How To : Run man-to-man defense in youth basketball

Play tight defense and control the pace of the game. Learn how to run a man-to-man defense in youth league basketball in this free series of basketball lessons videos from an experienced coach. Part 1 of 15 - How to Run man-to-man defense in youth basketball. Run man-to-man de ...more

How To : Do basic stances in youth wrestling moves

Matthew Moyles demonstrates the basic stances in youth wrestling. Part 1 of 15 - How to Do basic stances in youth wrestling moves. Do basic stances in youth wrestling moves - Part 2 of 15. Click through to watch this video on Do basic stances in youth wrestli ...more

How To : Develop youth soccer drills and skills

Tim Boucher is head soccer coach at LaSalle Academy in South Bend, Indiana and in this youth soccer video series, learn some fundamental soccer skills and moves. Our coach will lead you through some of the basic soccer drills you need to practice to get good at the game. Learn ...more

How To : Practice basketball drills for youth basketball

Become a better player. Learn conditioning drills which improve basketball skills in youth basketball in this free basketball lesson video from an experienced coach. Part 1 of 14 - How to Practice basketball drills for youth basketball. Practice basketball drills for youth bas ...more

How To : Run a zone defense in youth basketball

Shut down the opponent's star player! Learn how to run a zone defense in youth league basketball in this free series of basketball lessons videos from an experienced coach. Part 1 of 15 - How to Run a zone defense in youth basketball. Run a zone defense in youth basketball - P ...more

How To : Play point guard in youth basketball

You are responsible for running your basketball team. Learn how to play point guard in this free basketball lesson video from an experienced coach. Part 1 of 15 - How to Play point guard in youth basketball. Play point guard in youth basketball - Part 2 of 15. Click through to ...more

How To : Get youth basketball shooting tips

Perfect your shooting form! Learn how to shoot a basketball in youth basketball in this free basketball coaching video. Part 1 of 15 - How to Get youth basketball shooting tips. Get youth basketball shooting tips - Part 2 of 15. Click through to watch this video on expertvilla ...more

How To : Play center in youth basketball

The big man under the basket. Learn how to play center and low post in this free basketball lesson video from an experienced coach. Part 1 of 15 - How to Play center in youth basketball. Play center in youth basketball - Part 2 of 15. Click through to watch this video on exper ...more

How To : Do agility drills in youth sports

In this athletic training video series, learn youth agility drills for sports from collegiate athlete Windell Yancy and NFL football player Curtis Jackson. Coach Yancy and Coach Curtis will teach and demonstrate agility drills using the agility ladder and mini hurdles. Part 1 ...more

How To : Coach a Youth Football Practice More Effectively

Organizing young children to do anything in groups is a behemoth task. A youth sports practice in particular can be hard to organize for an inexperienced coach. This video features tips from a real football coach on how to organize a productive youth football practice. These i ...more

How To : Fit a Helmet for a Youth Football Player

The helmet is the most important part of football padding and safety equipment, especially in light of recent research into the prevalence and lasting effects of concussions on football players. This video features an explanation of how to properly select and fit a helmet for ...more

How To : Make a Pre-Game Meal Plan for Youth Sports Players

Pre-game eating… what's best for young sports players? For early morning games, the goal is to provide enough food for the child to prevent him/her from getting hungry and distracted, and to something that will give the child enough energy to make it through the game. It could ...more

How To : Rebound in youth basketball

Hit the boards! Learn how to improve rebounding skills in youth basketball in this free basketball lesson video from an experienced coach. Part 1 of 15 - How to Rebound in youth basketball. Rebound in youth basketball - Part 2 of 15. Click through to watch this video on expert ...more

How To : Manage a Youth Football Game Properly as a Coach

For many youth football coaches, especially those who lack experience, managing a game can be a massive challenge. This video features tips from a real high school football coach on how to manage a game effectively. These include making sure that every player knows where they ...more

How To : Play quarterback in youth football

Our expert coach, Sean Hobson, is here to show you everything you will need to know to be a good quarterback. The series starts, of course, with the fundamentals of the game such as how to throw and hand off the football and many useful drills that will help bring out the foot ...more

How To : Coach Youth Football with Buddy Curry

Coaching youth football is a mammoth challenge for the inexperienced. In this video, NFL Rookie-of-the-Year award recipient Buddy Curry offers some tips on how to coach youth football players. These include mastering a small group of plays instead of being okay at a wide varie ...more

How To : Play forward in youth basketball

Versatile players with power moves under the basket as well as outside shots. Learn how to play forward and low post in this free basketball lesson video from an experienced coach. Part 1 of 15 - How to Play forward in youth basketball. Play forward in youth basketball - Part ...more

News : Youth in Revolt

Always loved the original book cover, like that they kept those classic colors. Youth in Revolt meets Twilight Poster, classic. Here is the movie trailer for "Youth in Revolt" Here is a really funny clip of Michael Cera flipping out on the set of Youth in Revolt.

News :

There is a wonderful site that just launched with the youth sports community in mind. The site is , a collaboration of youth sports coaches and a major online travel brand. They offer arguably the best prices on hotel and motel rooms anywhere. For p ...more

News : Former Pats players bring free youth football clinic

FOXBORO, Mass. - The New England Patriots Alumni Club (NEPAC), announced that more than a dozen former Patriots players are gearing up to host a "Football for You" youth clinic in Worcester on Saturday, May 29 from 12:30-5:00 p.m. The "Football for You" clinic is being offere ...more

News : Youth Vs. Wisdom

Hi there Dolls, I just got done putting the children to bed for the night. Fed the husband, made a little love, and took a bubble bath! I lathered up my body with a Gardenia lotion and have thrown on my amazing silk robe. I smell and feel wonderful as I sip on my Cantaloupe ...more

News : Los Angeles Theater Center Youth Summer Conservatory

The LATC Youth Sumer Conservatory is an a amazing one month program for High School students. It varies from voice training to, improvisation, and movement. It is a great experience for students that have had training before but also for those who want to start exploring the a ...more

Advice from a Real Hacker : The Top 10 Best Hacker Movies

In recent years, Hollywood has taken a shine to hackers, with hackers appearing in almost every heist or mystery movie now. This can be both good and bad for our profession. As we know, whichever way Hollywood decides to depict our profession is how most people will perceive i ...more

How To : Turn Your Nexus 4 or Nexus 5 into an LG G2 Clone

The advent of a new Nexus phone begins with the bigwigs at Google partnering with a manufacturer, then selecting that manufacturer's flagship as the model for the new Nexus hardware. Samsung's Galaxy S and Galaxy SII were the base for the Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus, respectivel ...more

News : SCRABBLE Now Allows Proper Nouns

If you've read my blog "How Controversy Changed SCRABBLE", then you know that the word JEW is not allowed in regular play, because it was deemed an offensive and obscene word. JEW v JEWED, JEWING, JEWS to bargain with—an offensive term But this coming July, it will no longer ...more

News : Get Inspired! 50 Breathtaking Bokeh Photographs

The clock is ticking! Pick up some bokeh tips or buy an app—whichever method you choose, you have until Monday, November 7th, 11:59pm PST to participate in this week's Giveaway Tuesdays Photo Challenge. Below, 50 beautiful bokeh photographs to inspire your entry. Something He ...more

How To : Coach Pee Wee Football (Children Ages 7 and 8)

Believe it or not, coaching peewee football can actually be harder than coaching major league ball. Adults, with their overblown egos, are usually hard to work with, but children can be even tougher to deal with. Adults are focused. Kids are not. So, if you want to learn how t ...more

How To : Tea-tox

Feeling like you need to rid your body of a few toxins? A nice, hot cup of tea isn't just soothing; some varieties have health and diet benefits. See which brew might be right for you. Learn how to tea-tox with help from this video. What you will need: • Roselle tea • Rose ...more

How To : Master 'Coach Pitch' for Baseball & Softball

Coach pitch is an important part of any child's progression up the baseball and softball ladder. After tee ball, the next step for most young players is participating in a league where the coach pitches to them. This video teaches youth baseball and softball coaches how to pit ...more

News : Scrabble Dumbs Down Its Game with 3,000 New Words

Remember the firestorm SCRABBLE Trickster caused nine months ago? SCRABBLE enthusiasts across the world were outraged when Mattel created a game that would allow proper nouns to be acceptable words of play. Essentially, it was a dumbed down, youth-friendly version of the class ...more

How To : Survive and Thrive in the Victorian Era

I don't know how many of you had this experience in your youth, but when I was a kid, I used to actively think about what would happen if I suddenly woke up in a fantasy land, or were to pass through a portal into another space and time. I knew it wouldn't really happen, but w ...more

How To : Make stereoscopic 3D pictures with Photoshop

3D glasses are enjoying a renaissance right now, but the new ones are a far-cry from the red-and-blue affairs of your youth. Old-fashioned 2-color 3D pictures are called anaglyphs, and still have a very nostalgic appeal to many people. This video will show you how to make ster ...more

Inspiring DIY of the Day : Building a Floating Soccer Field

This may feel like a Nike ad (and I suppose technically it is an ad), but it's also a based-on-a-true-story-hollywood-motion-picture waiting to happen... This inspiring short film is part of an ad campaign series called Make THE Difference for the TMB Bank, but it's also a tru ...more

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