Ghost Prank a Friend

How To : Pull a compilation of computer pranks on a friend

In this video, we learn how to pull a compilation of computer pranks on a friend. The first trip is a mouse prank where you will open up the control panel and find the mouse settings. From here, you can switch the buttons from left to right and change the speeds of the mouse. ...more

How To : Write a prank ghost message inside of an egg

Want to prank someone over breakfast? Well here is the ultimate practical joke. Follow along with this practical joke how-to video to learn how to write a secret ghost message on an egg that will appear on the inside of the egg after it has been boiled. All you need to write t ...more

News : Pull the classic Psycho shower ghost prank

The essential ingredient for this magical prank is RainX anti-fog car windshield spray. It's designed to repel the raindrops from a car's windshield. How? Silicone. Silicone is extremely hydrophobic. It scatters the water that gathers on the mirror, revealing the hidden messa ...more

How To : Prank a friend who is working on a car

This prank is not for the faint of heart. It will hurt your victim a great deal, and likely make them want to visit the same fate upon you. But if you're really trying to find a prank that will make the day of your victim worse, and they like to work on cars, this prank is for ...more

How To : Lock your friend's backpack prank

Check out this instructional prank video and learn how to perform this practical joke that will leave your friend puzzled! Learn how to lock your friend's backpack with this simple tutorial video. All you need is a zip-tie, and a good time to grab your friend's backpack at sch ...more

How To : Prank a showering friend with a school girl outfit

One way to really mock your friends on their behalf is to pull this awesome shower prank! This practical joke video tutorial will show you how to prank a showering friend with a school girl outfit. It's pretty simple: Get one wet man in the shower and one Catholic school girl ...more

How To : Prank a dorm friend with door knock drench

Door bell drench from Prank University. One of many pranks you can torture your college roommates with! This is a simple trick from the Cubicle Warfare book that shows you how to soak the floor of a friend by filling a small garbage can with water and leaning it on their door. ...more

How To : Set up a fake prank desktop on a friend's PC

Looking for a fun trick this April Fools Day? Well, if you are in the mood to shake up your coworker or classmate, check out this tutorial. In this quick video, you will learn how to copy your friend's desktop so that it appears to be the same. In reality, however, all of the ...more

How To : 5 Halloween Prank Ideas You Must Try

If you're looking for Halloween ideas to scare your little trick or treaters or family and friends, here are a few! You'll only need simple household items and for a couple of these pranks you'll have to purchase some fake blood which is not expensive. Pranks Included: Light ...more

News : Naughty Prank Ideas

If one of your is really messy then you can try this prank on them. It actually happened with me and believe me it works!! If the person concerned just doesn’t clean up his or her mess and from table or bed and you really find it irritating since that is the situation with mos ...more

How To : Pull the April Fool's Day Shower Head Prank

For the dedicated prankster, April Fool's Day is no joke. Nothing will stop them from coming up with the cleverest, most elaborate prank the world has ever seen. Or at least—their victim. The hardcore mischief-makers start planning out their ingenious prank the day after Apri ...more

How To : Pull a computer orgasm prank

Prank a friend's Windows PC computer so that it plays embarrassing female orgasm noises every time the computer is turned on. The audio file that you need can be downloaded from

How To : Pull three fun computer pranks on n00bs, PC or Mac

The personal computer is a strange and powerful entity, capable of bringing great joy. Just as often, you probably want to chuck the damn thing at the wall because it doesn't work right. If you want to pull a prank on a friend that will really upset them, messing with their co ...more

How To : Reseal an opened soda can

A cool prank to play on a friend lies in your fridge... a soda can. Get out your Coke or Pepsi can, or any other soda can, and open it up. Now, wouldn't it be cool if you could close it again, without raising suspicion? This con video will teach you how you can reseal an open ...more

How To : Prank hack a computer mouse

This video tutorial demonstrates a mouse-hacking simple prank sure to annoy any friend or colleague. To replicate this hack, you'll need a mouse and a musical key chain. The steps are roughly as follows: First, open up the mouse. Looking inside, find and remove the scroll whee ...more

How To : Fake a virus on Windows by creating a shortcut

Okay, what's the greatest prank you can play on a friend in this day of technology? Mess with his computer! This computer prank video tutorial will show you how to fake a virus on Windows by creating a shortcut. It's that simple. Just by creating a shortcut, you could totally ...more

How To : Transform a camera into a taser

This is a long form tutorial on exactly how to disassemble the disposable camera to make a shocking taser. Make a tazer or taser using simple things at like a disposable camera and some simple hack sense. This prank is great to pull on an unassuming friend. Transform a camera ...more

How To : Pull the styrofoam ice-bottom cup prank

Imagine… your friend is drinking an ice-cold soda out of his/her styrofaom cup, and everything's fine, until… it's starts leaking everywhere! It could be utterly hilarious, or disastrously evil, depending on who your target is. The idea of this cup prank revolves around the o ...more

How To : Use non-transitive dice to cheat your friends

Need a new prank or trick to play on your friends? Well this video is your solution. All you need a non-transitive dice and to follow this video and you will be cheating your friend in no time. The idea behind this video is to use dice that are non standard, which means instea ...more

News : 3-D Banana Split

Find that 3-D chalk drawing guy and a well paved sidewalk.Have him draw banana peels all over, about 5 meters down the walk.Then place the real ones down just like he draws them.Try it out first. This one might be deadly if it works.Challenge your friend to a race that crosses ...more

How To : Perform the exploding soda can prank

If you want to prank a friend or family member, this next tutorial is one that is really easy to perform. This is called the exploding soda can prank. For this prank you'll need a can of soda, some boiling water, and an unsuspecting victim. All you need to do is shake the can ...more

How To : Give your cigarette lighter a huge boost

This is a video tutorial about how to boost your cigarette lighter and get a much bigger flame. This is great for playing a joke or prank on a friend, or maybe you just need a bigger flame. You know what they say, "the bigger your flame, the bigger your..." Watch this how-to v ...more

How To : Perform the fake car crash prank

If you want to scare the living daylights out of your friend, check out this next prank tutorial. In the video, you'll find out how to perform the fake car crash prank. It involved using some big speakers and a soundtrack of a car screeching to a halt. Basically, have someone ...more

How To : Program a prank virus

Program a fake virus in Windows that will shutdown your friend's computer. Makes a great prank. Program a prank virus. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Derank someone in Call of Duty Black Ops

Okay, this is SO mean. But if you've got a friend (perhaps a frenemy) who annoys the hell out of you then you can pull this super awesome XBox 360 Call of Duty Black Ops prank. Your friend needs to be level 50 (doing combat training) in order for this to work. Now what does t ...more

How To : Pull off the exploding cigarette prank

Trying to get a friend to quit smoking? Try this prank and they might never pick up a pack again! In this quick tutorial, learn how to rig someone's smokes so that they explode when they use them! This is very funny and the cigarette looks real so it is easy to hide in plain s ...more

How To : Prank a buddy with a magically pre-sliced banana

Prank someone by making a pre-sliced banana that will fall to pieces when someone unpeels it. They'll have no idea you've already tampered with the fruit for this prank. You'll need a needle and some time to covertly slice the banana while it's still unpeeled. This is a great ...more

News : Skateboard Face Crash Prank

Choose a skater friend Steal his skateboard Remove the front truck Cut the bolts in half Put them back without the nuts Fix the truck deck with a bit of glue Put the skateboard back in its place Await for your friend's return. Ask him to show you a skateboard trick Wa ...more

How To : Fake break in to someone's car for a prank

If you have a friend who always leaves their valuable possession out in their car, where anyone can see them and only need break into the car to take them, you owe this prank to them to teach them a lesson. Get some broken glass and a key to their car, wait until they're out o ...more

News : Invisible Rope

This classic prank is called invisible rope. Get you and one friend and stand on one side of the road and the other person on the other side. Act like you are pulling a rope. When a car comes by you you act like your pulling it. p.s. do u heave to do it in CA.? or you can sh ...more

News : The Hotel Room Hangover

Warnings This prank was thought out to be performed by people such as the Jackass crew and on another Jackass member. Rent a couple of hotel rooms for a weekend You and some other friends plot who you will make a prank on. Designate people that will bring that friend to a ...more

News : Top 10 Pranks for the College Freshman Dorm

We've gathered some of our favorite pranks with the seasonally appropriate for all you college kids out there. You're more than likely cohabitating with a complete stranger, and what better way to make a good first impression and develop a strong personal relationship than sub ...more

How To : Put a chopped bloody finger in a box

Want to scare the socks off your friend? Give them a bloody finger in a box for a gift... your bloody finger! To complete this prank you will need a small jewelry box, a cotton base, scissors, and ketchup! This trick is great to add to a spooky Halloween party... or: your litt ...more

How To : Make A Fake Computer Error Message

This article will show how to make a simple, fake computer error message. These message boxes are 100% harmless, and make for funny pranks. They will display any text you want them to. Required: - Windows XP/Vista/7 - Notepad Typing in the Code First, open Notepad, and ty ...more

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