Give Elderly Bath Care

How To : Give a massage to the elderly and ill

In this video series, Steve Romey, a massage therapist for the elderly and ill, teaches how to give a massage to senior citizens. Learn the difference between ambulatory and non-ambulatory care, how to communicate well with the elderly, the universal precautions of massage, ho ...more

How To : Protect children from high bath water temperatures

Giving your kid a bath is an integral part of child care. What's that saying? Cleanliness is next to Godliness? Okay, maybe not, but a clean baby is a great sight, but there are things to worry about when filling up the bathtub. Could the water temperature be too hot? NFPA's A ...more

How To : Fast on Yom Kippur

Giving up food and drink is an important part of this Jewish holiday, the Day of Atonement, because it helps focus the mind on repentance. Stay strong mentally and physically with these tips. You Will Need * Preparation * A filling pre-fast meal * Self-discipline Step 1: Know ...more

How To : Care For a hookbill bird

Hook-billed birds are the ones in the parrot family—from petite parakeets to massive macaws. Here’s some stuff you should know if there’s going to be a hookbill in the house. You Will Need * A hook-billed bird * A birdcage * Bowls or dishes * Toys * Perches * At least one bir ...more

News : R*E*S*P*E*C*T

RESPECT - What It Means (in the picture above are my parents, both of whom I respect and cherish dearly) defines RESPECT in 19 different ways. However, for the purpose of this article, we are going to focus on just 3 - 3. esteem for or a s ...more

How To : Our 5 Favorite Olive Oil Food Hacks

Other than salt, there's no ingredient that's as big a kitchen staple as olive oil. And just like salt, there are a million little known uses for it. Don't Miss: 20 Non-Cooking Uses for Olive Oil None of these uses will quite compare with searing a delicious ribeye or constr ...more

News : This Is Why All Augmented Reality Startups Suck

People fundamentally distrust magicians. And they should. The illusions they proffer are just that, illusions meant to astound rather than tangible interactions and results that have weight and meaning in our real world. Our lizard brains know this, and, no matter what the out ...more

How To : Tell if You Have a Cold or the Flu

Have the sniffles? Yes. Does your head hurt? Yes. Coughing? Yes. Could you have influenza? Yes. How do you know the difference? With these symptoms, you could also have a cold. In the US right now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that flu season is ...more

News : What to Do if You Think Your Child Has Lyme Disease

Primarily caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, Lyme disease is the most common tickborne disease in the US. By all predictions, 2017 is expected to be a banner tick year in several regions. If you have children, it is important to know what to expect. Ticks can bite a ...more

Knives 101 : How to Care for Your Knives Like a Pro

Ask 100 chefs what the most important tool in their kitchen is, and you'll get 100 chefs saying the exact same thing: their set of knives. For home cooks and professional chefs alike, nothing is more important (or exciting) than a good knife. A good knife allows you to work mo ...more

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