Give Someone Diarrhea

How To : 3 Apps to Help You Learn Chinese from Your Phone

Learning Chinese is hard, but it can be a lot easier with the help of a few great apps. As a native English speaker who's currently living in China, this is a process I've recently gone through. After playing the field, here are the three apps I personally think will help you ...more

How To : All the Apps You Need to Make That Perfect Story

Stories are everywhere in social media today, but that wasn't always the case. In 2013, Snapchat introduced the world to these temporary windows into our daily lives. Since then, stories have infiltrated other popular apps. However, to stand out, you can't solely rely on the a ...more

News : The 5 Best Reddit Apps for iPhone

These days, using Reddit on your iPhone is just as good, if not better, than Redditing on a desktop browser. While there's an official Reddit app for iOS, there are plenty of third-party clients that have similar features as well as custom perks to enhance the experience. But ...more

How To : Delete Your Bumble Account (Or Snooze It)

You've had your fun swiping, but now it's time to walk away from all of your online dating apps. Whether it's because you found someone you're interested in or just need some time away, it's important to know how to permanently erase your online dating footprint — and that inc ...more

Instagram 101 : How to Follow Hashtags & Curate Your Feed

Hashtags are the backbone of Instagram. They connect photos from users all around the world and give visibility to users who don't have many followers. Now, Instagram has added more functionality to this indispensable tool, and this new feature lets you follow hashtags in your ...more

Instagram 101 : How to Add Guests to Live Video Streams

Going live on Instagram is a fun way to interact with your followers. It lets you forgo the usual meticulous editing and framing in exchange for giving your friends and fans a glimpse into your real, unfiltered life. Now, your followers don't need to be separate from that expe ...more

Snapseed 101 : How to Save Photos in Full Quality

If you want to take your iPhone or Android photos to the next level, Snapseed is one of the best options. When it comes time to share pictures with friends and family, you want them to look as good as possible, so a little post-processing is in order. The problem is that Snaps ...more

News : HoloLens Challenge #16 Winner Brings the Cowbell

James Ashley, Atlanta-based Microsoft MVP and author of Beginning Kinect Programming with Microsoft Kinect, has been running monthly challenges since around the release of the HoloLens Developers Kits. Each month, those of us who follow what happens in the community can look f ...more

How To : Remove Yourself from a Tagged Photo on Instagram

Every morning I head on over to my gym to start storying away classes full of people dripping in sweat. This always makes me feel super awkward because it's not exactly the most photogenic time to take a picture, and if it was me, I would probably give that person a dirty look ...more

Tested : The Best Way to Keep Strawberries Fresh

During the summer, fresh strawberries are everywhere: at your neighborhood farmers market and in many desserts like strawberry shortcake and strawberry rhubarb pie, to name just a couple. Bringing home a few baskets of the ruby red fruit always seems like a good idea... until ...more

Siri 101 : How to Disable Siri on Your iPhone's Lock Screen

If you like having Siri available to answer a quick question every now and again but don't want everyone who picks up your iPhone to also have access to your personal assistant, there's an easy way to disable her from working on your iPhone's lock screen. This is also somethin ...more

News : MIT Tech Protects Your WiFi Without Passwords

Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have created Wi-Fi technology that identifies where you are, which may eliminate the need for passwords. Video: . The system, called Chronos, can determine where a user is with an accuracy of "tens of ...more

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