Graffiti Techniques

How To : Make graffiti lace with Threadbanger

This video tutorial from Threadbanger will teach you how to use a cool technique and create graffiti lace. From this technique, you can make a tablecloth, dress, scarf and more. This is so great for creating unique patterns that nobody else will have, and use that old lace at ...more

How To : Draw a name in graffiti tag with Wizard

Want a street smart and urban chic piece of art that absolutely no one else will have? Then either attempt the graffiti name tag in this tutorial or send it over to an artistic friend. While Wizard demonstrates how to complete the name "Richa" in graffiti, the techniques for ...more

News : Magical Orbs of Graffiti Light

We've seen several examples of light graffiti on WonderHowTo (1, 2, 3), but this one is truly eerily beautiful. Australian photographer Denis Smith pushes the envelope with his project Ball of Light. "The Ball of Light is a mysterious portal into my world. It, and its friends ...more

News : Grafitti Dog Goes For a Stroll

Nowhere Near Here, by Pahnl, is made with the graffiti light writing technique (stop motion animation that uses a combination of light with stencils and long exposure photography). Over 300 hours in the making and more than 200 stencils later, the tale of a "dog running around ...more

How To : Tag like a real graffiti artist

Graffiti— do you have the guts to get out there and tag some property? There's a whole lot more than just spray paint involved. To be great, you'll need things like a sketchbook, pencils, pens, markers, spray can tips, latex gloves, legal (or illegal) wall, and most importantl ...more

How To : Draw the word Uzi in graffiti script

Graffiti maestro Wizard performs one of his trademark user-requested graffiti demonstrations. In this video creates an even more compact design than usual, creating the word UZI in fairly standard graffiti-script and elaborating it with some splatter patterns and a hatted figu ...more

How To : Draw a graffiti-style clown

Wizard is back, and manages to outdo himself in this virutouso display of graffiti skills. In this video he turns his tremendous skills to drawing a clown head, but ups the ante by eschewing his usual technique of pre-drawing in pencil and going straight to permanent inks (sha ...more

How To : Draw a gangsta character

Graffiti master Wizard spit some more knowledge at us with only his hands, drawing a gangsta figure for a viewer named HQ in his signature style, working quickly in sharpie on graph paper to create something that the more clumsy-handed among us couldn't produce with a lifetime ...more

How To : Draw graffiti style people

This video drawing tutorial shows a technique for sketching out people in a style reminiscent of graffiti. This video lesson will provide inspiration from street art into your own artwork. Follow along with the demonstrator, experiment with the new ideas, and learn how to draw ...more

How To : Draw wild style graffiti

Street artist wackojacko54321 teaches you how to draw "wild style" graffiti. There is no definite technique or way of drawing wild style. Wackojacko54321's interpretation involves starting with a simple piece with connecting letters (of which he provides an example) and possib ...more

News : LED Graffiti In a Can

Remember the magical LED graffiti video "paint"? Here's another cool LED graffiti design by Aissa Logerot. "Halo is a handy light-writing tool, preserving the techniques and gestures that graffiti artists use with spray cans. It is possible to change the color and the brightn ...more

News : Write With Light

LIGHTFAKTOR is a Cologne artists collective experimenting with the "possibilities yielded by bulb (long-term) exposure and painting." The technique employed has been coined "light writing" - Wikipedia's definition: "Light writing is an emerging form of stop motion animation ...more

News : Magical LED Graffiti "Paints" With Video

Just like magic - incredible new project from Sweatshoppe in which video is "painted" onto a wall. Video demonstration below, (don't miss it! absolutely visually amazing). Process works as follows (Design Boom): "Sweatshoppe...uses video mapping techniques as a means of vide ...more

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