Gui Hacking Tools

How To : Use SQL Injection to Run OS Commands & Get a Shell

One of the ultimate goals in hacking is the ability to obtain shells in order to run system commands and own a target or network. SQL injection is typically only associated with databases and their data, but it can actually be used as a vector to gain a command shell. As a les ...more

How To : Hide Your IP Address with a Proxy Server

Proxies can be quicker to use than a VPN for specific applications, like web browsers or torrent clients. Both services will hide your true IP address, but a VPN is slowed down because it encrypts all data through a VPN network, while a proxy just acts as a middleman for fetch ...more

How To : Manage Stored Passwords So You Don't Get Hacked

Chrome, Firefox, and Safari all provide built-in features that allow you to save your username and password for your favorite sites, making the process for entering your credentials a breeze when you revisit them. While this automation does make your life a little easier, it ...more

Hacking Gear : 10 Essential Gadgets Every Hacker Should Try

If you've grown bored of day-to-day hacking and need a new toy to experiment with, we've compiled a list of gadgets to help you take password cracking and wireless hacking to the next level. If you're not a white hat or pentester yourself but have one to shop for, whether for ...more

How to Hack Wi-Fi : Hunting Down & Cracking WEP Networks

While the security behind WEP networks was broken in 2005, modern tools have made cracking them incredibly simple. In densely populated areas, WEP networks can be found in surprising and important places to this day, and they can be cracked in a matter of minutes. We'll show y ...more

How To : Become a Hacker

Many of our members here at Null Byte are aspiring hackers looking to gain skills and credentials to enter the most-valued profession of the 21st century. Hackers are being hired by IT security firms, antivirus developers, national military and espionage organizations, private ...more

How To : Tactical Nmap for Beginner Network Reconnaissance

When it comes to attacking devices on a network, you can't hit what you can't see. Nmap gives you the ability to explore any devices connected to a network, finding information like the operating system a device is running and which applications are listening on open ports. Th ...more

How To : Exploit PHP File Inclusion in Web Apps

File inclusion can allow an attacker to view files on a remote host they shouldn't be able to see, and it can even allow the attacker to run code on a target. To demonstrate these vulnerabilities, we'll be practicing PHP file inclusion using the Damn Vulnerable Web App. We'll ...more

How To : Understand & Use IPv4 to Navigate a Network

You may not know it, but the IPv4 address of your computer contains tons of useful information about whatever Wi-Fi network you're on. By knowing what your IPv4 address and subnet mask are telling you, you can easily scan the whole network range, locate the router, and discove ...more

Buyer's Guide : Top 20 Hacker Holiday Gifts of 2018

For the uninitiated, it can be difficult to buy that special hacker in your life a perfect holiday gift. That's why we've taken out the guesswork and curated a list of the top 20 most popular items our readers are buying. Whether you're buying a gift for a friend or have been ...more

How To : Get Started with Kali Linux in 2020

Kali Linux has come a long way since its BackTrack days, and it's still widely considered the ultimate Linux distribution for penetration testing. The system has undergone quite the transformation since its old days and includes an updated look, improved performance, and some ...more

Linux : Where Do I Start?

Greetings, my friend. Welcome to Null Byte. I am Dr. Crashdump. Linux will be talked about a lot in Null Byte. It's used in most tutorials on this site, actually. You should learn how to use Linux as soon as possible, but where do you start? No worries. Let's figure that out. ...more

My OS : Bugtraq II Black Widow

Welcome back my precious hackerians. Today i would like to promote an OS which i have been using for the past couple months. I'm not talking about Backtrack 5 or Kali Linux. Something even more promising: Bugtraq 2 Black Widow I'm not going to show you how to install it beca ...more

Hack Like a Pro : Abusing DNS for Reconnaissance

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! As you know, DNS, or Domain Name System, is critical to the operation of the Internet. It provides us with the ability to type in domain names such as rather than the IP address. This simple service saves us from having ...more

How To : Post to Null Byte [4.10.15 Revision]

Hello readers, and welcome to Null Byte. Before we start, for those of you who may not know me, my name is ghost_; I'm a relatively active member of our community and have been around for a while. During my time here, I've seen our community cultivate into the brilliant one ...more

How To : Use SecGen to Generate a Random Vulnerable Machine

Recently, I ran across SecGen, a project which allows a user to create random vulnerable machines. I absolutely love vulnerable machines, since a vulnerable VM is a safe and legal way to practice hacking tactics, test out new tools, and exercise your puzzle-solving skills. Wh ...more

Tutorial : Create Wordlists with Crunch

Greetings all. Before I get into the tutorial, I would like to mention that I am fairly new to Null Byte (been lurking for some time though), and what really appeals to me about this place is its tight, family-like community where everyone is always willing to help each other ...more

How To : Crack WPA & WPA2 Wi-Fi Passwords with Pyrit

Pyrit is one of the most powerful WPA/WPA2 cracking tools in a hacker's arsenal, with the ability to benchmark a computer's CPU speeds, analyze capture files for crackable handshakes, and even tap into GPU password-cracking power. To demonstrate how quickly it can hack a WPA/W ...more

How To : Find Target Location with an iPhone Picture

Welcome back, my hacking friends. We use our smartphones every day, for business, socialization, and leisure. The number of iPhone users is increasing in dozens of millions every year, with a whopping 63.2 million users in 2014 alone. That's a lot of users. Here's the scary p ...more

How To : Build a Portable Pen-Testing Pi Box

Hello, Null Byte! Mkilic here. I doubt anyone knows I even exist on Null Byte, so hopefully this post will allow me to become more involved in the community and also help me learn even more. This project is somewhat similar to OTW's article here, and pry0cc's here, in which b ...more

How To : Run Kali Linux as a Windows Subsystem

Kali Linux is known as being the de facto penetration-testing Linux distribution but can be a pain to use as an everyday OS — even more of a pain if that means carrying around a second laptop or the constant frustration of using the finicky Wi-Fi on virtual machines. But there ...more

How To : Break into Router Gateways with Patator

Router gateways are responsible for protecting every aspect of a network's configuration. With unfettered access to these privileged configurations, an attacker on a compromised Wi-Fi network can perform a wide variety of advanced attacks. Brute-Forcing Router Logins with Pat ...more

How To : Conduct Recon on a Web Target with Python Tools

Reconnaissance is one of the most important and often the most time consuming, part of planning an attack against a target. Thanks to a pair of recon tools coded in Python, it takes just seconds to research how a website or server might be vulnerable. No matter what platform ...more

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