Hack Credit Cards Number

How To : Hack a Skype Password

Skype is a great way to stay in contact with friends and family over the internet, and people tend to share a lot in their chats, so why not try and find a way to hack it! Once a Skype account is hacked, you can view all conversations within the last three months, see how long ...more

News : A Brief History of Hacking

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! Hacking has a long and storied history in the U.S. and around the world. It did not begin yesterday, or even at the advent of the 21st century, but rather dates back at least 40 years. Of course, once the internet migrated to commercial use ...more

How To : No Smartphone Stand? Just Use Your Wallet

My wallet is useful for pretty much two things. The first, holding my credit cards, lottery tickets, and money (or lack thereof). Second, making my ass number whenever I'm driving. However, I recently discovered that my trusty leather billfold can be used for a third thing—wa ...more

How To : Introduction to Modern Cryptography

Cryptography is the science of keeping secrets, or more specifically, the science of disguising them. As a point of fact, cryptography has progressed quite a bit farther and now encompasses file and message integrity, sender authentication, and pseudo-random number generators. ...more

News : Hack a monitor to make DIY dynamic holograms

Remember the future? It was supposed to be flying cars, 3D virtual worlds and pill-form meals. And the hologram. That Star Wars relic. Now look what happened! Holograms are commonly slapped on our drivers' licenses and credit cards. That's it. No magic. No Obi-Wan Kenobi! T ...more

How To : The 4 Best Password Managers for iPhone

Using a strong password is critical to the security of your online accounts. However, according to Dashlane, US users hold an average of 130 different accounts. Memorizing strong passwords for that many accounts is impractical. Fortunately, password managers solve the problem. ...more

News : 8 Tips for Creating Strong, Unbreakable Passwords

This weekend, hackers broke into the servers of the popular shoe shopping site Zappos, giving them access to the personal information of 24 million Zappos customers. The user data taken included names, email addresses, billing and shipping addresses, phone numbers, the last fo ...more

How To : Unlock Android Pay on Your Phone Right Now

In response to the success of Apple Pay and an attempt to stave off the appealing Samsung Pay service, Google is completely revamping Android's mobile payments system. Instead of just using Google Wallet as an app to make payments with your phone, a new service called Android ...more

How To : Get Cheaper Uber Rides with Promo Codes & Coupons

Uber is one of the best ways to get around, but nobody said it was cheap. What's even more infuriating is when you have a bad experience with a ride. Sure, you can get a refund, but then you need to figure out where to enter in the promo code for the coupon that Uber sends you ...more

How to Hack Wi-Fi : Hunting Down & Cracking WEP Networks

While the security behind WEP networks was broken in 2005, modern tools have made cracking them incredibly simple. In densely populated areas, WEP networks can be found in surprising and important places to this day, and they can be cracked in a matter of minutes. We'll show y ...more

How To : Create Strong, Safe Passwords

Movies like to show hackers breaking passwords with fancy software and ludicrous gadgets. The reality of busting passwords open is much more mundane. Simple as it may sound, most passwords are broken purely by guesswork. Check out this infographic from ZoneAlarm, as well as th ...more

How To : Disable Apple Pay After Your iPhone Is Stolen

When your iPhone goes missing, it's serious business. Depending on your usage, your whole life might be connected to your iPhone, not the least of which includes debit cards, credit cards, and Apple Pay Cash stored in Apple Pay. While it's nearly impossible for someone to use ...more

How to Hack Windows 7 : Sending Vulnerable Shortcut Files

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! After the disaster that was Windows Vista and the limited and reluctant adoption of Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 7 has become the de facto standard operating system on the desktop/client. Although the most valuable information to the hacker ...more

Apple Pay Cash 101 : How to Add Money to Your Card Balance

Now that Apple Pay Cash has arrived, you (hopefully) might end up getting sent some money right from inside an iMessage. If so, that money gets added to your Apple Pay Cash card in iOS 11.2, which you can use just like any other card in your digital wallet. If you're not so lu ...more

News : Apple Releases iOS 12.4 Public Beta 4 for iPhone

While iOS 13 is not ready for public beta testers just yet, Apple is still testing iOS 12.4 out, and you can install that right now on your iPhone. The latest version, iOS 12.4 public beta 4, was released June 12, a day after its developer version. Since iOS 12.4 developer be ...more

News : Finally! These 5 MLB Stadiums Now Accept Apple Pay

Baseball fans can now leave their wallets behind at specific stadiums throughout the country. A new upgrade by Appetize to the foodservice and retail technology used at ballparks means you can now use Apple Pay to make purchases at 5 Major League Baseball stadiums. Don't Miss ...more

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