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How To : Post to Null Byte [4.10.15 Revision]

Hello readers, and welcome to Null Byte. Before we start, for those of you who may not know me, my name is ghost_; I'm a relatively active member of our community and have been around for a while. During my time here, I've seen our community cultivate into the brilliant one ...more

How To : Download Reddit Videos on Android

Reddit has been pushing for more first-party content over the last couple years. So instead of just being a place to submit links, you can now upload photos and videos directly to Reddit's servers. But unlike Imgur, Gfycat, and other popular file hosts, Reddit doesn't give you ...more

How To : Change or Replace Your Android's Home Screen App

One of the easiest ways to change up your Android experience is by swapping out the stock launcher with a new one. The word "launcher" is Android lingo for "home screen app," and it's a common term because of how easy it is to switch to a new one. So if you're looking to revam ...more

How To : Install Apps on Chromecast with Google TV

The new Chromecast represents an evolution of Google's smart TV dongle as well as the Android TV platform. In addition to a remote control and the ability to install apps, Chromecast with Google TV hosts the debut of Google's innovative Google TV interface, which will eventual ...more

How To : Add Custom Toggles to Android 11's New Power Menu

Android 11 made a pretty significant UI change to the menu that appears when you press and hold your power button. Google created an entirely new system that apps can use to populate quick toggles in this menu, but the trouble is, not many apps are using this system yet. Real ...more

How To : Get the iPhone's System Font on Android

For the first time in twenty years, Apple created its own custom font in late 2014. Dubbed "San Francisco," it combined elements from Helvetica and FF DIN to create a crisp, elegant, and highly legible font that is now used in iOS, macOS, and tvOS. With an open source Magisk ...more

How To : Adjust the Perspective of Pictures in Google Photos

Imagine tilting the top of your phone away from you — it becomes a bit of a trapezoid, right? The top will appear smaller since it's further away, and the bottom will appear larger since it's closer to you — in other words, the perspective is all off. The same can be said of t ...more

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