Hack Internet Cafe

News : The Pitfalls of Kickstarter Projects

"It just ticked me off," he said. In March 2011, Neil Singh paid $50 to back the Hanfree iPad stand on Kickstarter. The project was funded at $35,000, but production stalled, and the delivery estimates kept getting pushed back. Eventually, the project's creator, Seth Quest, s ...more

News : MIT Tech Protects Your WiFi Without Passwords

Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have created Wi-Fi technology that identifies where you are, which may eliminate the need for passwords. Video: . The system, called Chronos, can determine where a user is with an accuracy of "tens of ...more

News : The Consequences of Hacking

Mostly all hackers like to have a laugh. We like to have fun! We like to troll. And maybe, even cause some havoc once in a while. But, while we do this, we must always stay in the line of the law. In the United States (Where I live), the government will get involved in almost ...more

Cyberwar : Hacker vs. Hacker

From time immemorial, human beings seem to be at odds with one another. When these differences become so heated and unresolvable, it eventually erodes into physical violence. This violence has manifested into some of the most horrific exercises in human history, things which e ...more

Privacy 101 : Using Android Without Compromising Security

In this day and age, maintaining your privacy is a perpetual battle, and doing so with an internet-connected device like your smartphone is even more of a struggle. Every website you visit, every app you install, every message you send, and every call you make is a potential v ...more

How To : Modify the USB Rubber Ducky with Custom Firmware

The USB Rubber Ducky comes with two software components, the payload script to be deployed and the firmware which controls how the Ducky behaves and what kind of device it pretends to be. This firmware can be reflashed to allow for custom Ducky behaviors, such as mounting USB ...more

How To : Get Easy Updates on Sideloaded Android Apps

Some of the best Android apps are not hosted on the Google Play Store, and that means you have to sideload them if you want to get their awesome functionality. But without the Play Store, these APKs are never automatically updated, so your only choice has been to scour the int ...more

How To : The Difference Between Http and Https

With more people joining the internet scene each day it's important that it's security is.. well it has to be good. Of course everything can be hacked and that's the way hackers work. They know there IS a vulnerability but they don't don't know the rest. in this article i'll t ...more

How To : What Happens to Your Passwords When You Die?

Most of us have never put much thought into this, but the question needs to be asked — what exactly happens to all of our online accounts when we die? No, the internet won't just know and delete accounts for you, so you need to plan for life's one guarantee. Because without a ...more

News : 8 Best Local & Streaming Music Players for Android

Remember portable MP3 players like the classic iPod? Seems like forever ago that they were all the rage, and I don't think I've seen a real one in the wild for a good 5 years now. These devices died out so quickly as a direct result of the onset of smartphones, which allow us ...more

How To : Access Deep Web

This is my first tutorial and it is about accessing deep web for total beginner,sorry in advance if I make any mistake plz forgive me. Introduction:Internet has commonly three parts as per my knowledge 1st:surface web,2nd :Darknet and 3rd :Deep web Surface web:We use surface ...more

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