Hack Poker

How To : Do a 3 in 1 Restaurant City hack (05/12/09)

This is a Restaurant City 3 in 1 Hack (Working From 12th May 2009). Tools Needed: Cheat Engine 5.5 RC Tools V3 Flash Player 9 1st: Wait For One Customer To Eat The Food And Thumbs Up! 2nd: Open Cheatengine 5.5 3rd: Press The Process List (The Computer Logo) 4th: Click on ...more

Drinking Games : Android Edition

If you ever need to spice up a party, drinking games can really get things started quickly. The objectives are generally to complete tasks or challenges, but it's really all a thinly-veiled excuse for increasing everyone's alcohol intake in a hurry while testing levels of ineb ...more

Tested : Make Bad Beer Taste Better with a Bit of Bitters

When your day sucks, all you want is a tall, ice-cold glass of beer at the end of it all. Nothing complicated about having some booze to temporarily drown your sorrows. But sometimes you get stuck with crappy beer (hey-o, Keystone Ice!), and it feels like the world is out to ...more

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