Hack Website Data Base

How To : Stop Ads from Spying on Your iPhone Activity

Stumbling upon a specifically tailored advertisement on your iPhone can be a bit disconcerting. But that's what happens when you let advertisers track your data. Some of you may appreciate more relevant ads in apps, but the rest of you might consider it a straight-up privacy i ...more

Compared : The 5 Best Reddit Apps for Android

Whether you've celebrated multiple cake days or you're just now getting your feet wet with Reddit, it's a rite of passage to choose your preferred smartphone client. Quick spoiler: Your best option most certainly is not the official Reddit app. Reddit's mobile site is pretty ...more

How To : Conduct Recon on a Web Target with Python Tools

Reconnaissance is one of the most important and often the most time consuming, part of planning an attack against a target. Thanks to a pair of recon tools coded in Python, it takes just seconds to research how a website or server might be vulnerable. No matter what platform ...more

News : Top 9 New Safari Features in iOS 12 for iPhone

If there's one strength of Apple's that iOS and Android fans can agree on, it's the company's dedication to user privacy. With each new iteration of iOS, Apple builds upon these foundations, enhancing and increasing each iPhone's ability to protect its user's data. In iOS 12, ...more

How To : The 4 Best Password Managers for iPhone

Using a strong password is critical to the security of your online accounts. However, according to Dashlane, US users hold an average of 130 different accounts. Memorizing strong passwords for that many accounts is impractical. Fortunately, password managers solve the problem. ...more

News : Google Wants to Take Over Your iPhone's Keyboard

Google is reportedly working on an iOS keyboard that brings key features to the iPhone, including Google's image and text search functions. (GIFs, yay!) According to The Verge, the keyboard has been in development and testing for months, and will act much like the Android vers ...more

How To : Successfully Hack a Website in 2016!

Hello partners, first of all I would like to thank all those who have sent me positive feedback about my posts, to say that I'm always willing to learn and teach. I'm also open to answer the appropriate questions. Second i want to say sorry for the series i left in stand by m ...more

News : A Brief History of Hacking

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! Hacking has a long and storied history in the U.S. and around the world. It did not begin yesterday, or even at the advent of the 21st century, but rather dates back at least 40 years. Of course, once the internet migrated to commercial use ...more

Altruistic Hacking : The Rise of the DIY Radiation Detector

Understandably, the tragedy in Japan has substantially risen the level of worldwide radiation-related hysteria. So much so, as an alternative to stampeding health food stores for iodine tablets, crafty individuals and organizations are hacking together personal radiation detec ...more

How To : The 4 Best Password Managers for Android

Over the years, the internet has become a dangerous place. As its popularity has increased, it has attracted more hackers looking to make a quick buck. However, as our dependency on the web grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to sever all ties. This means we have to prote ...more

How To : The 4 Best Phones for Privacy & Security in 2020

Smartphones are inherently bad for privacy. You've basically got a tracking device in your pocket, pinging off cell towers and locking onto GPS satellites. All the while, tracking cookies, advertising IDs, and usage stats follow you around the internet. So no, there's no such ...more

How To : Some Terms a Hacker Must Know...

Welcome back Hackers\Newbies! Hey guys first of all I would like to explain my absence here in NullByte. I got a little "occupied" with "other things". When I got back, I saw all these HowTo's, articles, Help Questions, I decided, I need to share more of what I have, to you g ...more

How To : 100+ Secret Dialer Codes for OnePlus Phones

There's actually more to the dialer screen on your OnePlus than meets the eye. Besides its obvious purpose of calling people, there's a vast array of secret codes that you can input to troubleshoot your device, in addition to revealing important information, making anonymous p ...more

How To : Exploit Development-Everything You Need to Know

Step 1: What Exploit Development Is and Why Should I Be Interested on About This Topic An exploit is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur ...more

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