Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers. When Wi-Fi was first developed in the late 1990s, Wired Equivalent Privacy was created to give wireless communications confidentiality. WEP, as it became known, proved terribly flawed and easily cracked. You can read more about that in my b ...more
A vending machine is an invaluable yet totally frustrating piece of equipment. It's a godsend whenever your tummy's growling or you need an ice-cold drink on a hot summer day. But when something gets stuck inside or the machine flat-out malfunctions, it quickly becomes your ar ...more
While password cracking and WPS setup PIN attacks get a lot of attention, social engineering attacks are by far the fastest way of obtaining a Wi-Fi password. One of the most potent Wi-Fi social engineering attacks is Wifiphisher, a tool that blocks the internet until desperat ...more
Do you ever wonder how all these celebrities continue to have their private photos spread all over the internet? While celebrities' phones and computers are forever vulnerable to attacks, the common folk must also be wary. No matter how careful you think you were went you sent ...more
Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! Like in my last article on remotely installing a keylogger onto somebody's computer, this guide will continue to display the abilities of Metasploit's powerful Meterpreter by hacking into the victim's webcam. This will allow us to control t ...more
Hello Hackers! Welcome to my 2nd Post: This is a tutorial explaining how to hack android phones with Kali. I can't see any tutorials explaining this Hack/Exploit, so, I made one. (Still ,you may already know about this) Step 1: Fire-Up Kali: Open a terminal, and make a Troja ...more
A flaw in WPS, or WiFi Protected Setup, known about for over a year by TNS, was finally exploited with proof of concept code. Both TNS, the discoverers of the exploit and Stefan at .braindump have created their respective "reaver" and "wpscrack" programs to exploit the WPS vul ...more
Welcome back, my novice hackers! As we saw in my first tutorial on Facebook hacking, it is not a simple task. However, with the right skills and tools, as well as persistence and ingenuity, nothing is beyond our capabilities. One of the cardinal rules of hacking is: "If I ca ...more
Want to control a friend's cell phone remotely and make "free" calls from it? In this hack how-to video, you'll learn how to hack Bluetooth-enabled cell phones with your Sony Ericsson or Nokia phone and the Super Bluetooth Hack—or "BT Info"—, a free program easily found throug ...more
To hack a Wi-Fi network using Kali Linux, you need your wireless card to support monitor mode and packet injection. Not all wireless cards can do this, so I've rounded up this list of 2019's best wireless network adapters for hacking on Kali Linux to get you started hacking bo ...more
Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! Several of you have you have emailed me asking whether it's possible to install a keylogger on a victim’s computer using Metasploit. The answer is a resounding "YES"! So, by popular request, in this guide I'll show you how to install a key ...more
If you've ever wondered how software pirates can take software and crack it time and time again, even with security in place, this small series is for you. Even with today's most advanced methods of defeating piracy in place, it is still relatively easy to crack almost any pro ...more
Welcome, my hacker novitiates! As part of my series on hacking Wi-Fi, I want to demonstrate another excellent piece of hacking software for cracking WPA2-PSK passwords. In my last post, we cracked WPA2 using aircrack-ng. In this tutorial, we'll use a piece of software develop ...more
If browsing speed is important to you—and it should be—you'll probably be interested to know that there are ten simple flag modifications you can make in Google Chrome in order to achieve the fastest browsing speed possible. A few months ago, Dallas covered six ways to speed ...more
Welcome back, my rookie hackers! Now that nearly everyone and everyplace has a computer, you can use those remote computers for some good old "cloak and dagger" spying. No longer is spying something that only the CIA, NSA, KGB, and other intelligence agencies can do—you can l ...more
Step 1: Introduction: Hello! Hackers In this tutorial I will tell you how to hack windows 7 administrator password. However you already know (I think) Specifically, it is used in school, computer labs or other workplaces, where, administrator is locked with a password, while ...more
Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! In the first part of my series on Wi-Fi hacking, we discussed the basic terms and technologies associated with Wi-Fi. Now that you have a firm grip on what Wi-Fi is exactly and how it works, we can start diving into more advance topics on h ...more
Welcome back, my nascent hackers! Like anything in life, there are multiple ways of getting a hack done. In fact, good hackers usually have many tricks up their sleeve to hack into a system. If they didn't, they would not usually be successful. No hack works on every system a ...more
Many of my aspiring hackers have written to me asking the same thing. "What skills do I need to be a good hacker?" As the hacker is among the most skilled information technology disciplines, it requires a wide knowledge of IT technologies and techniques. To truly be a great h ...more
If your facebook account was hacked by someone and you really want it back this tutorial would help you get it back. Step 1: First goto this link. https://www.facebook.com/hacked Click the button "Your account has been Compromised". Then type in your email address, Login nam ...more
With just a few taps, an Android phone can be weaponized into a covert hacking device capable of running tools such as Nmap, Nikto, and Netcat — all without rooting the device. UserLAnd, created by UserLAnd Technologies, is a completely free Android app that makes installing ...more
Welcome back, my neophyte hackers! I have already done a few tutorials on password cracking, including ones for Linux and Windows, WEP and WPA2, and even online passwords using THC Hydra. Now, I thought it might be worthwhile to begin a series on password cracking in general. ...more
There are many ways to recycle a satellite dish and this is one of them. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to hack an old satellite dish into a biquad WiFi antenna. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on building your own audio signal booster, take a look!
Cracking the password for WPA2 networks has been roughly the same for many years, but a newer attack requires less interaction and info than previous techniques and has the added advantage of being able to target access points with no one connected. The latest attack against t ...more
Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! In an earlier tutorial, I had introduced you to two essential tools for cracking online passwords—Tamper Data and THC-Hydra. In that guide, I promised to follow up with another tutorial on how to use THC-Hydra against web forms, so here we ...more
Your IP (Internet Protocol) address is your unique ID on the internet. It's synonymous with your home address. Anyone in the world can contact your computer through its IP address, and send a retrieve information with it. I'm sure at one time or another you've heard that hack ...more
Learn how to hack Google with this amazing video. This video will teach you how to hack Google by using advanced search operators and esoteric search terms to find “hidden” files and mp3s quickly and easily; you'll also learn how to use Google to hack unprotected Internet-cont ...more
Hello partners, first of all I would like to thank all those who have sent me positive feedback about my posts, to say that I'm always willing to learn and teach. I'm also open to answer the appropriate questions. Second i want to say sorry for the series i left in stand by m ...more
Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! Not too long ago, I showed how to find various online devices using Shodan. As you remember, Shodan is a different type of search engine. Instead of indexing the content of websites, it pulls the banner of web servers on all types of onlin ...more
This video will show you what you'll need to know to hack a digital electric meter. You'll need 2 magnets, one much bigger than the other, an AC adaptor that you'll cut into pieces, or some speaker wire, distilled water, electrical tape, a knife, some plastic wrap, and a plast ...more
Smartphones are almost always connected to the internet, so it stands to reason that they can be hacked remotely. Or perhaps a jealous boyfriend or girlfriend got hold of your device physically, in which case they could've potentially installed a keystroke logger, a virus, or ...more
Greetings. This how-to on hacking Windows 7/8/10 etc. admin account passwords using Windows Magnifier is focused on adding, changing, or deleting an admin level account on a Windows 7/8/10 etc. Maybe you forgot or lost the password to your Windows Admin account, this guide wi ...more
You'd like to treat your friend to a drink from the vending machine, but you only have enough cash for one soda. What do you do? Learn this new Coke vending machine hack! It only works on the newer style vending machines, which use a conveyer belt to deliver your drink to yo ...more
Have you ever wanted to be famous? Of course you have! Now you can make your Twitter profile look like it's verified, just like professional skater Lil' Wayne. With Twitter's new header, you can now upload a cover photo onto your profile to be seen online and on mobile devices ...more
Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! As all you know by now, I'm loving this new show, Mr. Robot. Among the many things going for this innovative and captivating program is the realism of the hacking. I am using this series titled "The Hacks of Mr. Robot" to demonstrate the ha ...more
Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! Now that we're familiar with the technologies, terminology, and the aircrack-ng suite, we can finally start hacking Wi-Fi. Our first task will be to creating an evil twin access point. Many new hackers are anxious to crack Wi-Fi passwords t ...more
The Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer that can crack Wi-Fi, clone key cards, break into laptops, and even clone an existing Wi-Fi network to trick users into connecting to the Pi instead. It can jam Wi-Fi for blocks, track cell phones, listen in on police scanners, ...more
With this video tutorial, you'll learn how to hack demo versions of applications such that they'll run indefinitely. You'll just need to modify the date and time on your computer. Learn how to use trials of programs without them ever expiring instead of buying the real thing w ...more
Leaving your wireless router at its default settings is a bad idea. The sad thing is, most people still do it. Once they've penetrated your network, hackers will change your router settings so they'll have an easy way back in. This allows them to change your network into a she ...more
Welcome back, my apprentice hackers! In this series on password cracking, I have been attempting to develop your skills in the age-old art of password cracking. Although it might seem like a simple and straightforward exercise, those of you who have attempted password crackin ...more
Most people have had the unfortunate experience of not having a washer and dryer at some point. Apartments in my area tend to charge at least one hundred dollars extra for the units with washer and dryer hookups, and even more if you want a unit with an actual washer and dryer ...more
In my first installment in this series on professional hacking tools, we downloaded and installed Metasploit, the exploitation framework. Now, we will begin to explore the Metasploit Framework and initiate a tried and true hack. Before we start hacking, let's familiarize ours ...more
If you're trying to hack someone's wifi, a useful bit of software you may want to try is called Wireshark. Wireshark is a wifi packet sniffer, which is an essential step in actually breaking into someone's wireless system. Of course, this is illegal, so make sure you're only d ...more
This is my first contribution in an ongoing series on detailing the best free, open source hacking and penetration tools available. My goal is to show you some of the quality tools that IT security experts are using every day in their jobs as network security and pen-testing p ...more
Whether you're a celebrity or someone with something to hide, Facebook allows you to keep your "friends list" private so you can protect the identities of your Facebook friends. But it only kind of protects them. There's a simple Facebook hack that lets you unravel entire net ...more
While Wi-Fi networks can be set up by smart IT people, that doesn't mean the users of the system are similarly tech-savvy. We'll demonstrate how an evil twin attack can steal Wi-Fi passwords by kicking a user off their trusted network while creating a nearly identical fake one ...more
Learn how to con a vending Pepsi machine and access a secret (but benign) debug menu with this hack how-to video. While this hack won't get you any free soda, you might, at the very least, impress your friends with it. For complete instructions for this simple, pushbutton hack ...more
Welcome back, my novice hackers! Before we try to attack a website, it's worthwhile understanding the structure, directories, and files that the website uses. In this way, we can begin to map an attack strategy that will be most effective. In addition, by knowing what files ...more
Long time reader, first time 'How To' poster. This tutorial has been highly requested. Here are the steps to perform a Pixie Dust attack to crack a WiFi password that has WPS enabled. Please note, this attack is very specific in nature. I've had a lot of success running this ...more
Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! Recently, I demonstrated a hack where you could redirect traffic intended for one site, such as bankofamerica.com, to your fake website. Of course, to really make this work, you would need to make a replica of the site you were spoofing, or ...more
Design flaws in many routers can allow hackers to steal Wi-Fi credentials, even if WPA or WPA2 encryption is used with a strong password. While this tactic used to take up to 8 hours, the newer WPS Pixie-Dust attack can crack networks in seconds. To do this, a modern wireless ...more
Welcome back, my neophyte hackers! Have you ever had a neighbor that you're certain is up to no good? Maybe you've seen him moving packages in and out at all hours of the night? Maybe you've seen people go into his home and never come out? He seems like a creep and sometimes ...more
Want to know someone's private website password? It's the biggest wanted hack: passwords, but how do you do it? Well, this tutorial shows you how to hack any password on any site with JavaScript. But this works best on public computers because multiple people log on to them, w ...more
With tools such as Reaver becoming less viable options for pen-testers as ISPs replace vulnerable routers, there become fewer certainties about which tools will work against a particular target. If you don't have time to crack the WPA password or it's unusually strong, it can ...more
Notorious hacker Chris Tarnovsky opens his underground laboratory to WIRED, providing a peek into the world of satellite television smart-card hacking. This complicated process involves nail polish, a pin head and various acids -- so don't try this at home (unless you're Chris ...more
How to get a vending machine to pay you for its goodies, instead of you paying for them. First off, find a older vending machine, and insert your dollar bill as you normally would. Once you have entered it, you can select which ever item you want. Then quickly, before the item ...more
JamesKesn teaches you how to hack a vending machine. You must use a very specific machine and an exact combination of button presses. For this it is: far left Pepsi, near right Mountain Dew, near left Pepsi, far right Mountain Dew. Then far left Pepsi, near right Mountain Dew. ...more
People are always looking for ways to save money, and for the most part, saving money and cheating the system are synonymous when it comes to things like free internet access. Practically every new gadget is capable of connecting to the web, which means more and more people ar ...more
Going up? This video will teach you how to hack an elevator, making it go directly to the desired floor without stopping. If you're ever in a hurry or, heaven forbid, a genuine emergency and need to get to the bottom or top floor quickly, you'll be very happy you watched this ...more
This video tutorial demonstrates a simple hack for improving the WiFi reception of a USB adapter. To replicate this hack yourself, you'll need the following materials: (1) a WiFi USB adapter, (2) a USB extension cable, (3) a metal strainer, and (4) a pair of scissors. For deta ...more