Hacking Traffic Cameras

News : Make your face paparazzi-invisible with infrared

Need to be undercover? Well, make yourself impossible to photograph. Get some infrared LEDs. They're undetectable to the human eye, but that's not the case with cameras. Wire them to the brim of your hat and you've got instant invisibility to any camera -- paparazzi, Big Brot ...more

How To : Spy on Network Relationships with Airgraph-Ng

What if you could easily visualize which access point every Wi-Fi device nearby is connected to in a matter of seconds? While programs like Airodump-ng can intercept this wireless information, making it easy for hackers to use and understand is another challenge. Fortunately, ...more

How To : Hack Google

Learn how to hack Google with this amazing video. This video will teach you how to hack Google by using advanced search operators and esoteric search terms to find “hidden” files and mp3s quickly and easily; you'll also learn how to use Google to hack unprotected Internet-cont ...more

How To : How Red-light Cameras Work

As you may have seen in your city or town, red light cameras are on the rise in the United States. In many instances in my area, these cameras have sprung up seemingly out of no-where, and mostly without any reason. Over use of these systems can make privacy (even on the road) ...more

HowTo : Trigger Green Traffic Lights

Scenario: it's late at night, the roads are completely empty and you are stuck at the longest light ever. Solution: don't run a red- change it to green yourself. Avoid a ticket, save yourself some time (and perhaps a little gas). Many of you may have already seen Kipkay's ins ...more

How To : Use Wireshark to Steal Your Own Local Passwords

Here at Null Byte, we've spoken a lot about securing and anonymizing traffic. This is a big deal. With all of today's business taking place electronically via computers, we need to be secure when on-the-go. A lot of businesses don't even train their employees to secure their c ...more

How To : Trigger traffic lights to change from red to green

This instructional video shows how change traffic lights from red to green, using science, and without actually having to know anything about magnetic fields or properties! Save gas, time, and frustration in your car and during your commute! Works great! See the test results! ...more

How To : Seize Control of a Router with RouterSploit

A router is the core of anyone's internet experience, but most people don't spend much time setting up this critical piece of hardware. Old firmware, default passwords, and other configuration issues continue to haunt many organizations. Exploiting the poor, neglected computer ...more

How to Hack Wi-Fi : Hunting Down & Cracking WEP Networks

While the security behind WEP networks was broken in 2005, modern tools have made cracking them incredibly simple. In densely populated areas, WEP networks can be found in surprising and important places to this day, and they can be cracked in a matter of minutes. We'll show y ...more

News : Tesla Says New Autopilot Is Now as Good as Old One

Tesla says the new version of Autopilot is now as good as the previous one, after having completed over-the-air updates of the driverless software during the past few days. Model S and Model X Tesla models the electric car firm began to make October 16 last year lacked certai ...more

News : Hacking SCADA

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! Now, and more so in the future, wars will be fought hacker v. hacker. The number of soldiers, guns, tanks, and ships will be less important in your success in warfare than the number of well-trained hackers you have. Every nation and every ...more

How to Hack Wi-Fi : Cracking WEP Passwords with Aircrack-Ng

Welcome back, my rookie hackers! When Wi-Fi was first developed and popularized in the late '90s, security was not a major concern. Unlike wired connections, anyone could simply connect to a Wi-Fi access point (AP) and steal bandwidth, or worse—sniff the traffic. The first a ...more

How To : Fully Anonymize Kali with Tor, Whonix & PIA VPN

Hacking from a host machine without any form of proxying is reckless for a hacker, and in a penetration test, could lead to an important IP address becoming quickly blacklisted by the target. By routing all traffic over Tor and reducing the threat of malicious entrance and exi ...more

Advice from a Real Hacker : The Top 10 Best Hacker Movies

In recent years, Hollywood has taken a shine to hackers, with hackers appearing in almost every heist or mystery movie now. This can be both good and bad for our profession. As we know, whichever way Hollywood decides to depict our profession is how most people will perceive i ...more

How To : Install the Canon Hack Development Kit in a camera

Did you know that you can unlock many hidden features and tweak several hidden options by installing a CHDK or Canon Hack Development Kit onto your Canon camera? This walkthrough will give you some insight into the different benefits of the CHDK and how to unlock your camera b ...more

How To : Hack your Canon camera's firmware with CHDK

Got a Canon Powershot whose resolution or functions are not cutting it for you? Then amp up its abilities - without flat out buying a new camera - by checking out this digital camera hack video. By modifying the camera's firmware you'll be able to add games as well as a manual ...more

How To : Hack security cameras using Google Search

There's nothing more tedious, yet exciting, than watching surveillance cameras at work. They prey on the innocent and the unknowing. They protect businesses, workplaces, and homes. They catch criminals in the act, find hilarious anomalies, and are just darn cool when you're no ...more

How To : Hack a camera

If you are a photographer and are handy with a screwdriver and electrical tape, this is a really cool project to do. Basically, you "Frankenstein" a camera, taking a camera apart and rebuilding it with different lenses and the like, which makes for really cool photo effects.

How To : Hack someone's web cam or online security camera

This tutorial will let you hack into a wide selection of web cams and online security cameras. The hack is actually quite easy, and is best done with a browser like Mozilla Firefox. Navigate to Google in your browser, and then type in "inurl:viewerframe?mode+refresh". This pie ...more

News : Extreme Footage Captured with Simple Camera Hack

"Skimboarding in a Storm" displays some ultra cool camerawork, employing the relatively cheap and user friendly GoPro camera (also used in the clever Kitchen Timer Panning Time Lapse Hack). Says Gizmodo, "The idea is pretty simple: attach the rugged, waterproof Go Pro camera ...more

How To : Hack security cameras using search engines

Notice: This is probably not new to many people. This *IS* new for some people however, and meant for them! Post interesting cameras you find. Website at http://householdhacker.com Today we'll show you how to look through various security cameras using search engines. For t ...more

Hack Ikea : $15 Camera Dolly

Ikea Hacker features a nice Ikea mod: Romain turns the Ivar side unit into a camera dolly. "A few days ago, I found out that the Ivar 'wooden ladder' was perfect to use it as rails for my cinema dolly! I can now make some nice sequence shots with this 18€ accessory from Ikea. ...more

News : Taser dear friends with hacked camera

We almost forgot about the disposable camera. With every cell phone outfitted with a camera, who needs the emergency 7-Eleven point-n-shoot? Well, until it transformed from photographic instrument to weapon. Be careful. Seriously. Consider the how-to lineage. The disposable ...more

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