Half Shaft Replacement

How To : Make vegan buckwheat millet coconut waffles

This video shows us an unusual method for making Buckwheat Millet Coconut Waffles. The batter for these waffles is made without flour, but with actual grains - millet and buckwheat. In the blender put a cup of each of the grains and two and half cups of milk and let this sit ...more

How To : Build a Water Elevator in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Getting up and down in Minecraft can be extremely time consuming without the assistance of fly mods or speed hacks. If you're a pure player looking for a safe and effective way to t ...more

How To : Correctly use the 8-step golf swing

Jim McLean shows us how to do an eight step swing in this video. You start the swing in the "address" or universal position. The first step is to move the club three feet back from the ball in a uniform motion. Position two is moving the club half way back where the club is po ...more

How To : Change Drive Axle Boots on a Porsche 944

This is a video tutorial how to change the drive axle boots at a Porsche 944. The boots are different for the different versions, i.e., the Turbo and S2 version have stronger drive axles, but the work is the same for all models. Note The video has a German soundtrack but Eng ...more

How To : Make a spear for hunting in the wild

This is a method for making a native American free point spear using a bamboo stick, bamboo strips and some commonly found items. First take a sea shell and make a hole in it. Make the hole using a pointed stone and pierce an opening in the shell. Make the hole such that the s ...more

How To : Reconnect the ribbon cable on 4th generation iPod

Check out this instructional electronics video that illustrates the simple procss of reconnecting the ribbon cable on a 4th generation iPod. Sometimes the ribbon cable that tethers both halves of the fourth generation iPod during the battery replacement process needs to be rea ...more

How To : Build an Automatic Melon Farm in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. One of the most efficient crops to grow in Minecraft is the melon. While not the best at boosting your health meter, melons require little work and they take about as long as wheat ...more

How To : 10 Stuffed Avocado Recipes to Die For

A perfectly ripe avocado half is a lovely snack, and a creamy bowl of homemade guacamole can make a meal. But the following ten ideas take green-eating up a notch by stuffing avocado halves with your favorite salads and ingredients, turning them into a snack or side dish fit f ...more

How To : Shuck an Oyster Without an Oyster Knife

There are few kitchen tools as elusive as the oyster knife. Many people—even seafood lovers—don't own one. If you do own one, it probably gets used so infrequently that it gets sent to the very back of the shelf where it proceeds to get lost. Then you accidentally find the kni ...more

How To : Easily Replace a Damaged Laminate Floor Plank

Laminate floor planks look beautiful and add elegance to a home. However, if a plank gets damaged, it detracts from the beauty of the flooring. Do you call in a professional and pay tons of money to replace the plank? Thankfully, no. There actually is an easy way to replace a ...more

How To : Make a DIY Roasting Rack for Your Turkey

One of the golden rules to cooking a Thanksgiving turkey is to place it on a roasting rack before it goes into the oven. Missing this step and cooking it directly on the pan will burn the bottom of the bird, resulting in overcooked, dry meat. Don't Miss: Unlock Your Oven's Se ...more

How To : Set Up the Meta 2 Head-Mounted Display

So after being teased last Christmas with an email promising that the Meta 2 was shipping, nearly a year later, we finally have one of the units that we ordered. Without a moment's hesitation, I tore the package open, set the device up, and started working with it. To me, the ...more

News : How Calcium Sets Off a C Diff Infection

Unfortunately, the very places we go to receive health care put us at risk for becoming infected with superbugs, bacteria exposed to so many antibiotics that they have become immune to their effects. Clostridium difficile (C. diff) is one such bacteria. It causes inflammation ...more

How To : How We Feasted Like Kings on… Instant Ramen?

I held the orange packet in my hands and presented it to my friend, Seth, as though it were a plastic-wrapped jewel—rather than three ounces of dehydrated noodles. "From this," I said, "We shall create a feast fit for kings." He looked softly into my eyes. The sadness was un ...more

How To : 10 Clever Ways to Cook Out Without a Grill

Whether it's the start, middle, or end of summer, it's prime-time grilling season. If you find yourself without a grill, however, it may seem as if half your summer plans of swimming by the pool while stuffing hot dogs in your face could be ruined. But have no fear as all is ...more

Ranked : The 4 Best Phones for Music Lovers — Under $400

One of the most popular usages of modern-day smartphones is listening to music. It doesn't matter if you download or stream your tunes, you are part of a massive group of users who do exactly the same. While statistics are a bit foggy on how many smartphones users download mus ...more

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