Hand to Hand

News : So there's this new Predators movie.....

We don't often get super excited about upcoming flicks over at thesubstream.com, especially during the long, hot & more-often-than-not disappointing stretch of cinematic cruelty that summer has become. We've been hurt before. We've been buoyed up on cresting glorious waves of ...more

News : Why is the ACL Injury More Common in Females?

The sudden deceleration, shifting in the knee, popping sound and screaming from the intense pain that immediately follows is becoming increasingly common among our young athletes. Those who have witnessed or suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are familiar with ...more

News : The Da Vinci Kata

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." -Leonardo da VinciLearning a kata requires that you go through several stages. First you have to learn the basic pattern and the techniques. Then you have to perfect what you've learned. Then you have to deconstruct what you've lear ...more

News : Why is ACL Injury More Common in Female Athletes?

The sudden deceleration, shifting in the knee, popping sound and screaming from the intense pain that immediately follows is becoming increasingly common among our young athletes. Those who have witnessed or suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are familiar with th ...more

The Brooklyn Grange : A Farm up on the Roof

Up On the Roof: Urban Rooftop Farming and The Brooklyn Grange So sometimes something inspires me so much that it makes me want to run to the rooftop of my eastside L.A. apartment and shout out at the top of my lungs "LOOK AT THIS, THIS IS AMAZING!". The Brooklyn Grange is one ...more

Kick Ass at Farmville : Tips and Tricks of Farming Masters

Take some tips from the masters themselves. Kotaku interviews game developer Zynga, "who has generously offered to help, by sharing FarmVille strategy tips on how to make the most of your land, your crops, and your livestock". 13 Steps to Mastering FarmVille: Make The Most O ...more

News : OMG. Surf then touch a Bigass Whale at Westwards

This one smells like a fish story.  It is not.  Tuesday April 13, Dave and I got up to surf westward at 7 in the morning.  First rate waves.  Headache cold water....sun blocked by the cliffs.  Fast, clean, beach break.  3-4 foot sets, mostly lefts.  About 15 dolphins swam by.  ...more

News : Alpine Racer Swaps Surfboard for Skis

Chuck Patterson has spent much of his life riding majestic mountains in boots and bindings, ski poles in hand. In recent years, the extreme athelete decided the massive Hawaiian swells needed conquering as well. Below, Patterson ditches the traditional surfboard for his trusty ...more

News : Cocktail Blueprints

Below, two different sets of schematics for mixing cocktails: the first is the "Engineer's Guide to Drinks" designed some time in the '80s; the second is a set of sleek infographics for mixing the perfect drink, from Brazilian illustrator Fabio Rex. It's interesting to consid ...more

News : Paper Planes Launched from the Edge of Space

What's the difference between a paper plane and a paper space plane? Altitude! About 125,000 feet to be precise: The balloon, filled with helium gas and carrying a load of paper planes, took 2.6 hours to rise to 37,339 metres (that's at the edge of space!), where it burst and ...more

News : Make Liquid Smoke In a Glass (Best Bar Trick EVER)

As filthy as this looks, I can't help but be utterly awed and amazed. Pull this bar trick at the club and you'll at least woo the Jersey Shore set. You will need: an unfiltered hand-rolled cigarette and a cold glass. From YouTuber noncents: "Don’t inhale the smoke just pull ...more

News : Homemade beauty recipes

This is a great website to browse if you're not into slathering unpronounceable ingredients onto your skin. The beauty industry is very much self-regulated, which means it is not required by the FDA or by any law to disclose all of the ingredients in a product. And there is al ...more

News : Gorcelain, the Bloody Side of Porcelain

One normally thinks of porcelain as decor or dishware for ladies who lunch, but artist Jessica Harrison has injected a horror show twist into the traditional ceramic delicacy. Via Don't Panic, the artist says: "The pieces are mass produced ceramics that I select and modify. ...more

HowTo : Build a Poor Man's Chevy Volt

Wish you could make the shift to electric or hybrid, but you can't afford it? If you've got more than a few free weekends on your hands, you may want to consider undertaking Benjamin Nelson's ambitious (to say the very least) car conversion project. First, Nelson outlines in ...more

News : Minority Report, Kinect-style

Here's another cool hack using the Kinect, albeit one beyond the reach of most of us. Some students, staff, and professors at MIT have developed "hand detection" software using the Kinect's motion sensor. Below is a demonstration of this software. It recalls Tom Cruise's icon ...more

News : Collecting animals

Hey everyone, I'm a huge fan of farmville, but the main reason I'm hooked on the game is because of all the adorable animals in the game, can you all help me to find more and more? I'm a huge collector & I'm willing to return the favor! I'm searching at least 1 of every type t ...more

News : Dark Side of the Lens - DP Allan Wilson

"If I only scrape a living, at least it's a living worth scraping. I feel genuinely lucky to - hand on heart - say I love doing what I do and I may never be a rich man. If I live long enough, I'll certainly have a tale or two for the nephews, and I dig the thought of that." T ...more

A Restaurant on Two Wheels : The DIY Taco Bike

Serious Eats' latest Meet and Eat features Todd Barricklow, creator of the Taco Bike, an eco-friendly alternative to the fast growing food truck industry. The 200+ pound bike is equipped with a propane tank, three sectioned griddle, water tank, heat exchanger, wash sink, waste ...more



News : Gore at its best...

11/13 @ 10:00pm Cinefamily's 100 Most Outrageous Kills From the golden age of goremastery to the innovative new technologies of modern effects wizards, cinema is littered with the bodies of the awesomely dispatched -- and cold-blooded murder, in the hands of innovative filmm ...more

How To : Play The Card Game Declare

Definition Declare is a card game played by 3 or more people. If 4 people are playing the game, then one pack of 52 cards (without the jokers) is sufficient. For 4 to 8 people, two packs of cards are required, without jokers. Aim & Objective To have the minimum number of po ...more

News : The Lazy Man's Parkour

The Lying Down Game doesn't require the skill parkour does. In fact, it doesn't require any skill at all, which means anyone and their grandma can do it. Founded in the UK, The Lying Down Game is described as "Parkour...for those who cant be arsed". The rules are simple: 1) T ...more

How To : Become A Better Guitar Player

How to be a better guitarist Have you ever just wanted to pick up that old guitar that is just laying around? Or found yourself bursting with creative ideas but don't know how to express them with a guitar? I want to show you my way on becoming the best guitarist you can be, ...more

How To : How Deep Is Your Love ? :-/

HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE ? I can almost hear the tune ! ... This little PALMISTRY 'How to Video' is dedicated to all you lovers out there. Lets hope you still are after this video, ha ha ! sorry just a little joke.. Well watch and hope you enjoy my JOURNEY THROUGH LOVE ! Dedicate ...more

News : Robo-Plants Respond to Human Touch

Japanese artist and visual designer Akira Nakayasu creates robotic plants that not only respond to human touch, but anticipate human touch. The first video in the gallery below, entitled "Plant", was inspired by grass blowing in the wind. The robotic plant has 169 artificial ...more

HowTo : DIY Lady Gaga Hair Bow

The best thing about going Gaga for Halloween is the variety of possibilities. Lady Gaga's wardrobe is vast and colorful: the Meat Dress, her trippy Anime Eyes, the scantily clad Caution Tape look, the Soda Can Hair Rollers, the light up Gothic Crown, the Cigarette Smoking Gla ...more

News : The MERCURY Line - Palmistry - JIM WINTER

DO YOUR EMOTIONS EFFECT YOUR COMMUNICATION ? CAN YOU HOLD YOUR BOOZE ? !! DO YOU HAVE HEALING ABILITIES ? ARE YOU THE NERVY SENSITIVE SORT ?, Come Check Out Your Mercury Line and discover this and other intensely usefull secrets.? ok>>> PALMS AT THE READY ..... AND GO !! Disco ...more

Halloween HowTo : Evil Eye Deviled Eggs

Forkable has posted an easy Halloween recipe for evil eye deviled eggs, inspired by the Great Eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. They'll go perfect with your meat skull or mutilated meat loaf hands. Oh, and don't forget to make a dark and twisted dessert. You Will Need 2 ...more

News : Reverse Submarine

Simple concept, hillarious results.One of the members of the Jackass crew (or several) are all outfitted with scuba gear and climb into a large SUV which is modified to be completely filled with water.Then, after everyone is settled & the car is full, they drive to a 5 star re ...more

News : Once Again, China Operates as if It's Another Planet

I thought American bicycle couriers were tough. Until I saw these poor Chinese workers carrying literally truckloads of cargo on the back of their bikes. Photographs of Shanghai bicycle carriers by Alain Delorme: Previously, Aha! So That's Why Everything is Made in China... C ...more

How To : view PDF files on your PSP

PDF's are handy ways to send and receive documents so that you never lose formatting. But, did you know that you can view these files in places other than your computer or smartphone? In this tutorial, learn how to check out PDF documents using your PlayStation Portable! Your ...more

News : Terrible Smell

Johnny (as I think he loves making jokes) keeps in a hand one dirty absorbent (I think a girl may be helpfull for this one ;) pretty heavy menstruations are needed ). It doesn't have to be "fresh", it should be a little bit old (probably the smell will get worse with the time) ...more

News : What a Dirty Old Man!

Johnny is Irvin Zisman for this one, so let's call him Irvin ;) there will be Spike Jonze too, but he will be dressed as "Gloria", the old lady. They are husband and wife in this one.Irvin goes inside a toilet, in a restaurant or something like that, with Gloria. Irvin, after ...more

How To : Create Custom Facebook Fan Pages

Facebook Fan Pages have become extremely popular and are being used by everyone from large companies like Coca Cola and Ford Motors all the way down to people's pets. So how do we make the most of these fan pages and get our brand out the best that we can? Custom Landing Page ...more

How To : Litter Box Train Your New Kitten

I love cats (dogs too - but that's a subject for a different article...;o)). There are few things more enjoyable than welcoming an adorable little kitten into one's house; watching them inspect their mysterious new surroundings - timidly at first - and then quickly make it the ...more

News : The Idiot Box

This prank starts with a small plexiglass box (about 12in X 12in X 12in) with a round hole in the top big enough for someones hand/arm. Next, Knoxville goes around collecting the other cast member's valuables (car keys, wallets, phones, etc.) and places it in the box. The kick ...more

HowTo : Make Soap With Bacon

"Fruity hand soaps, moisturizers, emulsifying lotions, pumice stones, and Loofahs don't cut it. We want to cleanse ourselves with the fat of the sweet, dead pig." Um... okay. If you're not concerned with producing gift basket quality soaps, check out Black Table's instruction ...more

News : Maxine Waters Charged With Ethics Violations

From The Huffington Post: California Democrat Maxine Waters faces a House trial this fall on three charges of ethical wrongdoing. The charges focus on whether Waters broke the rules in requesting federal help for a bank where her husband owned stock and had served on the boar ...more

Water Music : Conducting with Conductivity

What do you get when you mix water-filled bowls with electrical wiring and human hands? The answer may shock you. Artists Ion Furjanic & Isaac Souweine write, "Electric Tea 1.0 is the first in a series of works that put sound where it doesn't belong. [It] uses porcelain bowls, ...more

Mathematical Beading : Accessories to Thought

Math is unreasonably effective in describing the natural universe. Anyone who's seen Walt Disney's Donald in Mathmagic Land knows this to be so. Well, the axiom works in reverse, too: The physical stuff of the universe can model math right back. And to great effect. For proof ...more

News : The Invisible-Steering Bicycle

This is one stylin' bicycle. Ok, I admit. I stared at the handle bars and marveled. Wow, the designer and driver of this masterpiece must have impeccable balance. You know, the "look ma no-hands type of balance". But I was wrong. The design is even more clever. Finnish designe ...more

News : Apartheid in New York City

Pranking is good. Pranking in New York City is even better. These jesters with too much time on their hands decided to force segregation on the mean streets of Manhattan. You may recall "Frozen in Grand Central" and "No Pants", two events which helped create a name for these o ...more

News : Red Frog Bungalows Surfing Bocas Del Toro

Red Frog Bungalows Eco-Ocean Resort guided Team RVCA to this right handed. The heaviest in Central America. Of course we were the only ones out! Surf guide and Owner of Red Frog Bungalows (Scott Balogh) is seen taking a massive drop. Come to Bocas and let us get you into the b ...more

NYT : Maradona deserves an apology. Hell yeah he does!

I personally don't owe him an apology because as soon as the plane left Argentina for South Africa, I was done criticizing and started rooting for the team, regardless of who was in it. Nyeeeh! ;p Still a tough game ahead of Argentina tomorrow. I think this article should be ...more

Story Fix : TV Shows

Here is a list from story fix of television shows that can help writers. "Novelists are loath to admit they watch television. It’s like a chef admitting they enjoy a dripping hot Whopper every now and then. With extra cheese. And while there’s an abundance of unabashed crap ...more

News : Flipper Bridge

These Dutch architects fear that those Chinese drivers might get confused! You may think I'm making a cheap joke about Chinese drivers. But I'm not. The Hong Kong-Zhuai-Macau bridge is a 31-mile, $10.7 billion project and this unique design is meant to address a clash of two d ...more

News : Armless Woman Becomes Embroidery Guru

If you are born without any arms, you will figure it out. Somehow, I doubt Ren Jiemei needed sewing tutorials on how to thread a needle with her feet. But here it is. Her feat (err, umm) is not so unique that fits into the Guinness Book of World Records. On the other hand, cl ...more

News : Knots are everywhere!

Every one needs to know their knots. Wether your a sailor or a hiker or just the random person, you are going to come across knots EVERYWHERE. Now knowing that is one thing but knowing Them is another! Learn your knots, they can save you allot a hassle. Think about it, if yo ...more

News : Take it on

Take It On Many critics of Traditional Martial Arts (TMA) base their criticisms on the training methodology of the “old school.” Kata and pre-arranged partnered sets, they say, don’t prepare the trainee for anything “real.” The approach of TMA, they continue, is based on assu ...more

News : High Design Gets Trashy

What do these egg-carton lamps by American designer Victor Vetterlein have in common with Frankenstein's monster? More than you'd think! Both are green. Both have bolted necks. And both are assembled from materials most would be happy to let decompose. Vetterlein writes, "The ...more

News : Gassho and Kokoro

At the beginning of every class, or almost every class, we do a series of exercises. The Japanese word for this sort of calisthenic exercise isundo. These exercises derive from the Goju style of karate created by Miyagi Sensei in Okinawa in the early part of the 20th Century. ...more

E3 2010 : 3DS and Booth Babes

Ever play a 3D hand held game tied to a gorgeous blond model? Yeah, it happens all the time, so boring. But the video does give a nice look at the 3D aspect of the system. In the video you can see how it adapts to the players movement of the device. Here is another 3DS Video ...more

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