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News : Hidden Web Browser Found in New Nook Touch Reader

It's not listed as one of the features on the updated Nook e-reader, but there is a web browser hidden inside Barnes & Noble's newest device, you just need to know how to access it. The eBook Reader shows the clandestine web browser on the Simple Touch Reader in the video belo ...more

How To : Resize text in your web browser

If you are finding it difficult to read certain text when viewing a web site you can scale it up and down to suit your needs. However, by default, many web browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer and Firefox) do not make it obvious that you can do this; effectively, they hide these ...more

Atomic Web : The BEST Web Browser for iOS Devices

Over the past few years, I have downloaded several third-party web browsers for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, and the one I have found most advanced and feature rich is Atomic Web. While many mobile browsers have their unique features, Atomic Web could well be considered th ...more

How To : Test Web Browser Compatibility Xara Web Designer

Xara Website Designer Tutorial learn how to test website compatibility. This website design tutorial emphasizes the importance of compatibility for end users. If your website design does not work in certain web browsers its important to address the issues before your website b ...more

How To : Create a basic web browser in Visual Basic

Learn Visual Basic programming by creating a working program in 10 minutes—your own Web browser. This video shows you how to create a Visual Basic project, put the user interface together, add a line of Visual Basic code that gets the Web pages, and then test your program. Cre ...more

How To : Use the web browser on Android cell phones (2.0)

The browser on your Android-powered cell phone offers numerous features that enhance your overall web experience. Some of the great features include double-tapping to zoom in, searching for text on webpages, sharing websites with friends, and copying and pasting. There's a lot ...more

How To : Use the Safari web browser on the Apple iPad

Let's go surfing now, everybody's learning how, come on & Safari with ... this consumer electronics how-to from Apple. By watching it, you'll learn how to use the Safari web browser to get around the Internet on your iPad as well as how to add and manage bookmarks.

How To : Open a link a different web browser in Safari

Want to know how to launch a hyperlink in an entirely different web browser like Firefox, Chrome, Camino or Opera? This clip will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this handy home-computing how-to from the folks at Tekzilla can present a complete overvi ...more

How To : Program a web browser using Visual Basic

How to create a web browser like Firefox using Visual Basic . part 1. Make your own web browser using vis basic =] simple coding and its all yours ! Program a web browser using Visual Basic - Part 1 of 3. Click through to watch this video on tricklife.com Program a web browser ...more

How To : Use the address bar of your web browser

Watch this video to learn how to use the address bar of your web browser. The browser in the video is Internet Explorer 7, but the process is the same for pretty much any browser, including Firefox. Use the address bar of your web browser. Click through to watch this video on ...more

How To : Make a web browser in Xcode

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a web browser in Xcode. First, open up Xcode on your Apply computer, then create a new project. Now go under actions and click 'add', then 'existing frameworks'. Next, click add twice, then scroll down to where you see "menu.xib". Double ...more

How To : Make web browser bookmarks with Visual Basic 2008

This video is about making a bookmark for your web browser in Visual Basic 2008.The videos begins with a simple web browser which consists of simple web components, a textbox and a go button. Pull the sides of the browser to stretch it and put in a listbox. Enlarge the listbox ...more

How To : Use the Opera web browser

Have you grown tired of your web browser? The Opera browser is similar to many of the most popular browsers used today, but a few unique features make it worth trying. See how to download and use the Opera browser in this how-to video.

How To : Download a DSI web browser

In this video, learn how to download a web browser for your Nintendo DSI. This application was developed by Opera Software + Surprise Ending.... And for those of you who might ask: "Why can't I watch YouTube videos?" There is no Adobe flash player in this version of the browse ...more

How To : Use the web browser on a Motorola Droid phone

Interested in using the built-in web browser on a Droid phone? This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're the proud owner of a Motorola Droid Google Android smartphone or are considering picking one up, you're sure to benefit from this hands-on guide. For more infor ...more

How To : Use the web browser on the Samsung Galaxy I7500

In this video, we learn how to use the web browser on the Samsung Galaxy I7500. Start on the main menu of the phone, then use the Google search option to type in the website you wish to find. When you do this a keyboard will come up on the screen, so you can type. Then, press ...more

How To : Clear a Web Browser Cache

In this video, we learn how to clear your browser cache. Cleaning out your cache and internet history can help keep your personal information safe and your computer running more quickly. In Internet Explorer, first go to tools, then to delete browsing history. Make sure all bo ...more

How To : Make Firefox your default web browser

In this tutorial, we learn how to make Firefox the default web browser. First, go to tools on your Firefox page and then click on options. Then, click on advanced and check that Firefox will be the start up browser. Click "ok" and then that window will disappear. You can now o ...more

How To : Download and install Firefox web browser

In this tutorial, we learn how to download and install Firefox web browser. First, go to Google and search for "Firefox". Once you find this, click on the official Firefox website and click on the free download button. A new window will pop up, click "run", then the program wi ...more

How To : Zoom in and out of a web browser on a BlackBerry

Zooming in on your BlackBerry phone could be kind of tricky, especially if you're new to your BlackBerry device. Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how to zoom in and out on a Blackberry device when browsing the web. Daniel: "Good afternoon. My name is Da ...more

News : Kinect as a web browser controller

Here is a more concrete - and amazing - application of the Minority Report fantasy that the Kinect enables. A group at MIT has rigged up the Kinect to act as a controller for a web browser. Sort of like a touch screen, minus the touching. This video had me gasping and utterin ...more

How To : Use the web browser on the Nokia N97

If you want to know how to use the web browser on your Nokia N97, you should watch this video. On the home screen, tap the Web icon. Bookmarks screen appears. On the right side of the screen there are icons present namely: Exit, Add Bookmark, Go to Web Address, Delete, and Opt ...more

How To : Use multiple start-up pages in your web browser

If you visit the same pages over and over, you may want to consider setting multiple start pages. While you may not have even known such a thing was possible, the set-up procedure is simple in both Mozilla Firefox and Windows Internet Explorer 7. Learn how to use browser tabs ...more

How To : Install Moodle on your server with a web browser

Interested in teaching an online course using your own server but can't quite figure out how to install everything you'll need? This video demonstrates how to install Moodle, the free, open source course management utility, to your server via the Webmin interface. For step-by- ...more

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