Ho to Make Pizza

News : Creating Content For Videos

Okay, so what are we going to make our videos about? I’ve written before about creating articles, and what kind of content we are going to put in our articles. So what are we going to put into our videos? Let me give you a few ideas that I have. These are some things that I wo ...more

How To : Install and Use MyShoppingGenie

MyShoppingGenie is an online shopping application that can help you find the best deals on products you search for. It works with major search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo! and AOL. It's totally free and simple to setup and use. Once installed, MyShoppingGenie will po ...more

How To : Make a seafood stew with Bobby Flay

Celebrity chef Bobby Flay teaches us to make an elaborate seafood stew. If you really want to impress some open-minded guests and have some experience making your way around the grill, than this recipe is for you. It involves several kind of shellfish, anodouille sausage, and ...more

How To : Ace multiple choice tests

Tests can be anxiety provoking even when you are confident on the material. Try to relax and further put your mind at ease by having a good strategy for dealing with a multiple choice test . With a little bit of practice you’ll by acing tests in no time. Taking practice tests ...more

News : Stalking Pizza Delivery Boy Part 2

Ok, this part 2 of stalking a pizza delivery boy or girl. The first one was a true story, but this one was just thought of. So, you can go to a pizza place and order a pizza and they usually ask if you're gonna wait or just have them deliver it. Well go to a pizza place and or ...more

How To : Grill Pizza Like a Pro

When I was a kid, there was just pizza. You ordered from whatever nationwide chain was near you and they made your pizza in an oven. There certainly weren't these highfalutin pizza subsets that have more choices than a cheese shop. Wood-fired, brick oven, artisanal, make-your- ...more

How To : 10 Ways to Take Grilled Cheese to the Extreme

I know I'm in the majority when I say that grilled cheese sandwiches are one of life's simplest and best pleasures: gooey, rich, melted cheese, sandwiched between two perfectly-buttered pieces of toast... perfection. Don't Miss: How to Make Amazing Grilled Cheese Sandwiches ...more

Monkey Bread : Savory or Sweet, Always a Treat

Regardless of your culture or your age, eating with your hands is fun. Flouting social convention and just digging in with your fingers provides a whole other level of epicurean enjoyment. And one of the most entertaining hands-on foods is monkey bread. Food historian Tori Ave ...more

News : The 15 Most Viral Costumes for Halloween 2015

If you don't want to dress up as a vampire, witch, werewolf, or zombie again this Halloween, step things up a notch and go viral. There have been a ton of funny memes and absurd news since last October, so the only hard part is settling on the right one for inspiration for you ...more

How To : 5 Savory Appetizers You Can Make in a Muffin Tin

To me, the term muffin tin is a lot like Voldemort—it should never be uttered. Not for being evil, however... instead, it's because it's inaccurate. First of all, muffin tins are hardly ever made out of tin anymore. (The materials on trend are stainless steel, cast iron, and ...more

How To : 10 Insanely Delicious Pizza Dough Hacks

If I could survive on one food for the rest of my life, it would be pizza. The irresistible smell of baking pizza instantly makes me feel both comforted... and hungry! While frozen pizza can satisfy your cravings, using fresh dough to make your own pizza is definitely much mo ...more

How To : 7 Sweet & Savory Ways to Use Pancake Batter

In my household, we are frugal and somewhat picky eaters, so we have to be a little creative with the things we buy. We like to purchase items that can be used in multiple dishes to reduce cost—and because it's just more practical. Pancake mix is a favorite because it can be u ...more

How To : 9 Pizza Hacks You Need to Try Before You Die

When it comes to pizza, everyone has strong opinions about how they like their pie, whether they prefer deep dish, thin crust, Chicago-style, or gluten-free. However, most people agree that a pizza is composed of some basic parts: a single layer of crust (usually wheat-based), ...more

How To : 5 Reasons You Need a Pizza Stone in Your Kitchen

It goes without saying that a pizza stone is one of the keys to making a perfect pizza. The science behind pizza stones is relatively simple: the stone conducts and holds heat, which keeps the oven temperature steady even when a cold ingredient (such as an uncooked pizza) is i ...more

How To : 15 Mind-Blowing Ways to Use Leftover Pickle Juice

Pickles come in all shapes, sizes, and names (gherkins in the UK, cornichons in France). There are even crazy flavors such as koolickles—dill pickles soaked in a mixture of Kool-Aid and brine, an American South favorite. Whatever sort of pickle tickles your fancy, you can coun ...more

How To : 6 Wonderfully Weird Sorbet Flavors You Have to Try

Ah, the sensation of that first bite of sorbet in the heat of summertime: icy, refreshing, decadent in flavor and texture. We love sorbet almost as much as we love ice cream, and making it at home is actually pretty simple. Most recipes call for just water, sugar, and a base f ...more

How To : 10 Delicious Ways to Eat More Cauliflower

It's no secret that cauliflower is good for you—but not nearly enough people know that the best part about cauliflower is its insane versatility. Because its cooked flavor is so mild, it can be incorporated into a crazy amount of dishes and preparations. So whether you're try ...more

How To : Our 5 Favorite Olive Oil Food Hacks

Other than salt, there's no ingredient that's as big a kitchen staple as olive oil. And just like salt, there are a million little known uses for it. Don't Miss: 20 Non-Cooking Uses for Olive Oil None of these uses will quite compare with searing a delicious ribeye or constr ...more

How To : Make Tater Tots Even More Delicious

Tater tots have a bad rap as a soggy cafeteria staple, but bake them at home and they crisp up nicely in the oven. Drain any unwanted oil from them on paper towels and they become perfectly crunchy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. They're also highly underrated as an ...more

How To : 5-Minute Super Bowl Snacks for the Win

Planning a Super Bowl party, or any football-themed party for that matter, can be fun for even the most craft-adverse host, as almost anything brown can turn into a football with just a little decoration. With a little planning, you won't be serving up any Pinterest fails this ...more

News : No, You May Not Pumpkin All the Things [DEBATE]

Guys, this has got to stop. It's not funny anymore. I'll defer to one of my all-time favorite people when it comes to my feelings on this unsavory subject: I would like to see the pumpkin spice craze drowned in its own blood. Quickly. — Anthony Bourdain (Reddit AMA) Somehow ...more

How To : You Don't Need a Stone Oven to Make Kickass Pizzas

Making pizza at home is fun and easy—until you get your creation into the oven. Then all of a sudden, your crust gets soggy and your toppings ooze off into one big mess. A home oven just can't cook a pizza the same way as a professional one built specifically for pizzas. But ...more

Beer : Our New Favorite Cocktail Ingredient

One of my favorite things about cocktails is that they're so diverse. They can be sweet or savory, filling or refreshing. And they can take advantage of nearly any ingredient imaginable, including egg whites, smoked ice, flavor cubes, and even beer. As a card-carrying member ...more

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