
How To : Cook Fish Without Actually 'Cooking' It

Preparing and serving seafood can be a daunting task. Fish is so delicate that one extra minute of heat can turn a juicy, flaky filet into a dried-out disaster. But that same fragility also allows us to use unconventional methods to chemically transform the fish into its cooke ...more

News : DIY Vertical Garden Lives and Breathes

Amazing vertical wall gardens with succulents and tillandsias by couple Flora Grubb and Kevin Smith. Inspired? Pick up some HowTo tips to get you started, or learn about the supplies you'll need here. Or try this vertical trellis moss project from Lowe's.  Tillandsia garden a ...more

How To : 7 Extraordinary Uses for Aluminum Foil

It turns out that the silver crinkly material traditionally used for wrapping leftovers and making funny hats to block out messages from extraterrestrial beings is pretty darn useful for a number of other random but handy tasks, such as sharpening your scissors and keeping bug ...more

Android Basics : How to Set Up Google Now

Android's personal assistant is more than just a sassy backtalker—it's a full-on suite of all the information you could need at a given time. Google Now, as it's called, uses data from various sources to predict what you'll want to know before you even search for it, and it's ...more

How To : Lock and Unlock a Safe

This is an easy step by step tutorial how to lock your jewels in a hotel room or in a public safe. Be aware that in a public safe it is more secure to use the second method of locking by a magnetic card, not by a PIN code that can be easily seen by someone nearby. Video: . Ste ...more

News : Wild West Theme

Update 9-9 1 day free gift: Farmhands! You can now find slop while visiting your neighbors farms and post it on their wall. New mini horse, new crop, and a train set! Crop Animals Buildings Train Station - its smaller than the train! Wild West Ranch Tipi Decorations ...more

Understanding Electricity : Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla In my opinion, one of the most neglected inventors of all time. The names Edison and Marconi come to mind as familiar, but Tesla? Most think of a car. Few know that Tesla is responsible for alternating current, florescent lights, radar, remote control, generators ...more

News : How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Using Less Pesticide

Bed bugs are parasites not yet known to spread disease — but they cause plenty of irritation. As scientists and landlords search for new ways to deal with the pests, a new study examines how we can deter bed bugs without so many chemicals. While they don't infect us with anyt ...more

How To : Work your abdominals with leg swings

Learn how to do leg swings. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits This classic floor exercise gives a tough workout to your abdominal muscles, with a particular focus on your lower abs. It's also a great "no excuses" exercise, meaning you can do it just a ...more

How To : Fill a 7 Hour Layover in Guangzhou

One of the down-sides of international long-haul travel is layovers between flights in unfamiliar places. We have a flight to Europe this year via Guangzhou, China, and I've been putting together my notes on how to make the best use of 7 hours between flights, which I'd like t ...more

News : Blackwater Lends Its Name to Video Game Franchise

Xe Systems, the Private-Defense-Contractor-Formerly-Known-As-Blackwater, has been busy attempting to re-brand themselves. They have a new name, several new sub-names, and have at least titularly shifted their focus to training rather than mercenary work. Controversial founder ...more

Fantasy Food : The $1,000 Popsicle & More

From Fox News, the Marquis Los Cabos resort in Baja California Sur, Mexico is now offering a $1,000 Popsicle made from 24 ct. gold flakes and Tequilas Premium Clase Azul Ultra—a premium liquor that goes for $1,500 a bottle. You can enjoy the gold-laced ice pop as you're loungi ...more

News : Vibrant Color Photography Challenge: Bali

As WonderHowTo staff, I'm disqualified from winning... so I'm pulling a Cory ;) and posting a few images. These were taken over the summer during my trip to Bali. The culture and landscape were so beautiful, almost every shot I got had beautiful color. Mossy lily pads (?) out ...more

How To : Ease travel with iPhone travel apps

Super Fly Life brings this iPhone, three-part, traveling video tutorial to teach you how to ease travel with iPhone travel apps. You could even double your dating experience with these time saving applications on the Apple iPhone. Some of them are free from the Apple Store and ...more

How To : Melt Chocolate in Under 1 Minute Without a Stove

When I first moved to Los Angeles, I rented a bed in a tiny studio. I was too broke to afford my own place, so all I had was a mattress in someone else's apartment. Unfortunately, this person had no interest in cooking, and therefore no kitchen equipment whatsoever. To make ma ...more

How To : Play Craps the Vegas way

Learn how to play Craps from the Sahara Vegas Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. This excellent video covers all the basics to prepare you for your gambling skills.

How To : Make red velvet cake

Bake a red velvet cake whenever you want to serve a dessert that’s as beautiful as it is delicious. You Will Need: * 2 1/4 c. all-purpose flour, sifted * 1 tsp. salt * 2 tbsp. cocoa powder * 2 1-ounce bottles of red food coloring * 2 sticks of softened unsalted butter, divid ...more

Minecraft : Metropolitan City

I've often marvelled at the complex worlds people come up with on Minecraft. I particularly enjoy looking at maps with skyscrapers and modern structures in modern cities. If you're one of those people too, check out this sneak peek for a tour of a world-class city containing r ...more

How To : Cook a Stoveless Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Everyone loves grilled cheese sandwiches! They're delicious, portable, and evoke images of your childhood. They really are the ultimate comfort food. What happens though if you're traveling and get the sudden urge for a grilled cheese, but your hotel has no stove? What if you ...more

How to Walkthrough Darksiders : Crossroads

This lengthy walkthrough covers a lot of ground in the Xbox 360 game Darksiders. Learn all you need to know about the Crossroads, including the Seraphim Hotel, the Crossroads, and the Library. War and the Watcher land in the parking garage of a hotel. Smashing cars and other o ...more

News : Upgrade to iOS 15 & Play with These 10 New Features

If you're not planning to upgrade to a new iPhone 13, the new version of the iPhone operating system will breathe some new life into your iOS device. Last year, the migration of widgets to the home screen stole the show for iOS 14. This time around, Apple has made some big ch ...more

How To : Play Robert Johnson's "Come On In My Kitchen"

Are you a fan of Robert Johnson? If you are, you probably have a guitar, so grab it and learn this Robert Johnson tune. See how to play "Come On In My Kitchen" on your electric blues guitar. "Come On In My Kitchen" is a 10-bar blues progression in the key of G. The original s ...more

How To : Do the disappearing dollar math trick

A math story problem in which you seem to come up a dollar short in the solution...but not really. Here's the trick with an explanation. The Disappearing Dollar Three people check into a hotel. They pay $30 to the manager and go to their room. The manager finds out that the r ...more

News : The Flaming Fart Jump

The whole prank i couldnt figure out how to get all of the steps into one.Get A matchGet to the top of a hotel building. (minimum of 5 storys not over 10 storys.) Get somone to fart on the lit match.There will be a Cast member in a fire repelent suit.Once he is on fire he will ...more

How To : Play Blackjack in Vegas

From the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas comes this helpful tutorial video teaching you how to play blackjack. This video covers everything you need to know before ante up.

News : The Invisible Treehouse

Nearly every kid wants a treehouse (as well as many grown-ups). Personally, it's one of my greatest unfulfilled desires. Let's take the fantasy even further. How about an invisible treehouse? Treehotel is a beautiful series of structures set against the backdrop of Harads, S ...more

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