How Do You "say" the Word " Word" in Sign Language

How To : Pronounce the word "jacuzzi"

Today's word is "jacuzzi". This is a noun which means a bath tub with underwater jets. For example, you can say, "The house we recently bought came with a jacuzzi. Now we spend a lot of time in the hot tub, relaxing and having fun."

How To : Pronounce the English word "empathy"

Today's word is "empathy". This is a noun which means the capacity or ability to understand the feelings of people. For example, you can say, "Violent criminals often lack a sense of empathy towards others."

How To : Pronounce the English word "obesity"

Today's word is "obesity". This is a noun which means excessive fatness. For example, you can say, "During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States; about two-thirds of American adults were considered overweight in 2006."

How To : Pronounce the English word "nuance"

Today's word is "nuance". This is a noun which means a subtle degree of difference in meaning and expression. For example, you can say, "To truly understand the nuances between synonyms, you often have to see how those similar words are used in various situations."

How To : Pronounce the English word "misogynistic"

Today's word is "misogynistic". This is an adjective which means prejudiced against women. For example, you can say, "In the U.S., misogynistic comments in work environments are not tolerated; such comments can be viewed as sexual harassment."

How To : Pronounce the word "ordeal"

Today's word is "ordeal". This is a noun which means a very hard or painful experience. For example, you can say, "My grandmother climbed Mt. Everest last month. Not many 80-year-olds can go through such an ordeal. "

How To : Pronounce the English word "reticent"

Today's word is "reticent". This is an adjective which means not revealing one's thoughts, or being reserved. For example, you can say, "My coworker Michelle is a very private person; she is extremely reticent about her social life outside the company."

How To : Pronounce the English word "hierarchy"

Today's word is "hierarchy". This is a noun which means a system of people, organizations, or things that have ranks. For example, you can say, "The famous psychologist, Abraham Maslow demonstrated people have a hierarchy of needs."

How To : Pronounce the English word "facade"

Today's word is "facade". This is a noun which means a face of a building or a superficial appearance. For example, you can say, "Under the tough facade of a streetwise teenager, Ricky is still a 13-year-old kid who loves Disneyland."

How To : Pronounce the English word "scenario"

Today's word is "scenario". This is a noun which means an imagined sequence of events. For example, you can say, "Jill and I discussed the scenario of what would happen if Jim asked her out on a date."

How To : Pronounce the English word "propaganda"

Today's word is "propaganda". This is a noun which means misleading information or ideas to promote a certain cause. For example, you can say, "Fear-based propaganda has been used throughout history by the governments of many nations to justify wars."

How To : Pronounce the English word "diligent"

Today's word is "diligent". This is an adjective which means always being attentive and persistent. Can you guess what the word is? For example, you can say, "Jane is diligent with her assignments. She always does a great job and never misses her due dates."

How To : Pronounce the English word "hyperbole"

Today's word is "hyperbole". This is a noun which means an exaggerated statement. For example, you can say, "Jane said to her sister, 'Your butt is as big as the State of Wisconsin.' She used hyperbole to emphasize her point that her sister is overweight."

How To : Pronounce the English word "paucity"

Today's word is "paucity". This is a noun which means scarcity or a lack of something. For example, you can say, "There is a paucity of computer savvy teachers in our school. We should offer computer training for the teachers."

How To : Pronounce the English word "tacit"

Today's word is "tacit". This is an adjective which means implied or conveyed without words. For example, you can say, "Many years ago, there was a tacit understanding between the media and politicians that news reporters were supposed to be discreet about the private lives of ...more

How To : Pronounce the English word "facetious"

Today's word is "facetious". This is an adjective which means kidding or being playful. For example, you can say, "Some people, like my boss, are not good at telling jokes; it's sometimes hard to tell whether he is serious or being facetious."

How To : Pronounce the English word "chicanery"

Today's word is "chicanery". This is a noun which means trickery or the act of deceiving someone. For example, you can say, "The new governor was accused of chicanery after raising sales tax despite his campaign promise of tax cuts."

How To : Pronounce the English word "scrutinize"

Today's word is "scrutinize". This is a verb which means to check and examine very closely. For example, you can say, "Tax authorities often scrutinize tax filings of people who have large foreign-source income."

How To : Pronounce the English word "capricious"

Today's word is "capricious". This is an adjective which means variable or erratic. For example, you can say, "Making plans with Tom is tough; he's so capricious that he often doesn't show up when he's supposed to be somewhere."

How To : Pronounce the English word "benevolent"

Today's word is "benevolent". This is an adjective which means wanting to help others, or an expression of goodwill. For example, you can say, "Marcia's $100 donation to the children's charity was very benevolent of her."

How To : Pronounce the English word "voracious"

Today's word is "voracious". This is an adjective which means wanting to eat or consume large amounts of food or things. For example, you can say, "My sister is a voracious reader of trashy novels."

How To : Pronounce the English word "replenish"

Today's word is "replenish". This is a verb which means to nourish or fill up again. For example, you can say, "Many cosmetologists say good moisturizers can help replenish the proteins in your skin and make you look younger."

How To : Pronounce the English word "pertinent"

Today's word is "pertinent". This is an adjective which means relevant or appropriate. For example, you can say, "As a sales representative, you must know all the pertinent information about your products such as price, inventory, available colors, and lead time."

How To : Pronounce the English word "juxtapose"

Today's word is "juxtapose". This is a verb which means to put things side by side, often for comparison or contrast. For example, you can say, "The news article on globalization featured pictures of the rich and famous, juxtaposed with sad images of poor people in Africa."

How To : Pronounce the English word "zealous"

This video is about the word "zealous". This is an adjective which means being enthusiastic or passionate. For example, you can say, "Mrs. Jones has been a zealous supporter of our charity. She donates a significant amount of her income and time to this charitable organization."

How To : Pronounce the word "virtuoso"

Today's word is "virtuoso". This is a noun which means an expert, often in music. For example, you can say, "Few people would dispute that Itzhak Perlman is the reigning virtuoso of the violin today."

How To : Pronounce the English word "reminisce"

Today's word is "reminisce". This is a verb which means to go over past experiences in one's mind, or to remember. For example, you can say, "I was just reminiscing about my high school years. I wish I could go back to that carefree period of my life."

How To : Pronounce the English word "nonentity"

Today's word is "nonentity". This is a noun which means a person who is thought as being unimportant or insignificant. For example, you can say, "As a new immigrant to America, Mario felt he was a nonentity because he had no money or connection."

How To : Pronounce the English word "jeopardize"

Today's word is "jeopardize". This is a verb which means to expose to danger. For example, you can say, "I wouldn't jeopardize my career by dating my co-worker when my boss thinks it's highly unprofessional."

How To : Pronounce the English word "honorable"

Today's word is "honorable". This is an adjective which means being morally correct, distinguished, or respectable. For example, you can say, "My father was an honorable man. He would never tell a lie or treat others unfairly."

How To : Pronounce the English word "despot"

Today's word is "despot". This is a noun which means a tyrant or someone who abuses his power. For example, you can say, "Hitler was perhaps one of the most notorious despots in the 20th century."

How To : Pronounce the English word "visceral"

Today's word is "visceral". This is an adjective which means being from base emotions or instinctive. For example, you can say, "The opera made me cry although I don't understand a word of Italian. I felt that the opera appealed to my senses on a visceral level."

How To : Pronounce the word "miniscule" in English

Today's word is "minuscule". This is an adjective which means very small and tiny. For example, you can say, "I just quit my job yesterday. I got tired of working 12 hours a day for such a minuscule salary."

How To : Pronounce the word "lyrics" in English

Today's word is "lyrics". This is a noun in its plural form which means words to a song. For example, you can say, "My dad is a huge fan of the Beatles. He knows the lyrics to all of their songs."

How To : Pronounce the word "achieve" in English

Today's word is "achieve". This is a verb which means to attain, accomplish, or obtain something successfully by effort. For example, you can say, "Michael finally achieved his goal of becoming a doctor."

How To : Pronounce the word "fathomable" in English

Today's word is "fathomable". This is an adjective which means knowable or comprehensible. For example, you can say, "Thirty years ago, not many people would have thought that they could buy a personal computer. Such an idea was not fathomable by ordinary people back then."

How To : Pronounce the word "extraordinary" in English

Today's word is "extraordinary". This is an adjective which means exceptional and beyond what is ordinary or mediocre. For example, you can say, "Gandhi was an extraordinary individual who led India's independence movement."

How To : Pronounce the word "quirky" in English

Today's word is "quirky". Can you guess what the word is? This is an adjective which means peculiar or unconventional. For example, you can say, "My sister has a quirky habit of eating ice cream with chopsticks ."

NR50 : The People to Watch in Mobile Augmented Reality

While the world is only recently becoming aware of its existence, augmented reality has been around in some form or another since the '90s. In the last decade, with the advancement and miniaturization of computer technology — specifically smartphones and tablets — AR has becom ...more

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