How to Change Percent to Fraction

How To : Change fractions to decimals

In this tutorial, we learn how to change fractions to decimals. Once you learn how to do this, it can help you learn more levels of math. Start out with easy problems and work your way up to more difficult ones. First, try rewriting the equation. Take your top numerator and di ...more

How To : Change fractions to decimals

In this tutorial, we learn how to change fractions to decimals. First, you will need to divide the numerator by the denominator. The numerator is the top number and the denominator is the bottom number. Once you get this number, you will end up with a decimal instead of a frac ...more

How To : Change decimals to fractions

For certain equations, you will need to convert decimal numbers into fractions. If this is the case, there are a few quick steps you will need to take to do so. So, if you can't remember how to do this conversion or are just learning, this tutorial is here to help you. In this ...more

How To : Master SCRABBLE & Win Every Game

SCRABBLE. To some it's just a game, but to me it's life or death. Well, not really, but it feels that way anyway. On a normal weekend, a game becomes much like Jon Thomas' "friendly game of death Scrabble." Video: . When I'm playing a game of SCRABBLE, my friends are not frien ...more

How To : Master sixth grade mathematics

Math class got you down? We all know sixth grade mathematics is where we all start to lose it. We get frustrated with all of those numbers, try to figure it out, but ultimately flunk out or barely pass the class. Maybe the teacher just wasn't good enough to educate us, who kno ...more

How To : Play a Halloween computer prank

Play a spooky prank that preys on the most basic fear that one day haunted computers will rise up and destroy us all. Step 1: Learn about AutoCorrect Familiarize yourself with Word’s AutoCorrect feature. The program automatically fixes frequently misspelled words. You can eas ...more

How To : Solve an equation using the point slope form

In this video the instructor shows how to derive a general equation for a line in Point-Slope form. The slope of an equation is the ratio of difference of y coordinates to the difference of x coordinates. In other words, slope is the change of y up on change of x. So you have ...more

How To : Convert percents into fractions

Percents are handy for displaying statistics or labeling objects such as sale items in a store, or ingredient labels. However, in a math equation, a percent is a bit difficult to use. Therefore, you will need to convert your percents into an easier type of number form. In this ...more

How To : Convert between fractions, decimals, and percents

In this tutorial the author explains of how to find out percentages of a given number. He explains that x percent of some number y is x multiplied by y and divided by 100. He goes on and explains this concept with numerous examples. He suggests a short cut to move the decimal ...more

How To : Solve inequalities with fractions in algebra

Solving math inequalities with fractions is easy when applying the rules presented in this video. • When you add or subtract the same number from each side of an inequality, the relationship between the two sides does not change. • When you multiply or divide each side of an ...more

How To : Make glow effects using Photoshop

This photoshop tutorial demonstrated by Howard from, teaches you how to do amazing glow effects for your work and projects. Everything you need to know from the background you choose to use to editing out the leftovers. You can use any image that you choose to. Sta ...more

How To : Create futuristic wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS3

This how to video shows you how to create wallpaper for your computer desktop. Open Photoshop and create a new file. Change the dimensions to the size of your desktop. Click okay and go to edit and fill. Choose color and select black. Click okay to fill the screen with black. ...more

How To : Write a check properly

Learning to write a check properly is something that everybody needs to learn. In this video, learn how to fill out checks correctly so that the bank and payee can clearly read them. You Will Need: • A personal check • A pen Step 1: Fill in the date Write the date on the l ...more

How To : Properly Transcribe for ClariTrans

ClariTrans is a requester on MTurk ( they pay very well for transcribing short snippets of audio. Here is how you can transcribe their audio snippets properly to ensure your text will be approved and you will be paid: ClariTrans Transcription Formatting Guide S ...more

News : Parent "Agents"

I’m seeing a flood of posts on youth football forums and even getting a few e-mails from youth football coaches complaining about “player agents” also known as parents. Most of these unhappy coaches are dealing with parents that have non-issues, have an agenda, are misinformed ...more

How To : Keep a baby calm on a flight

Reduce your chances of becoming the seatmate everyone hates by learning how to head off a screaming jag. You Will Need * A seat over the wing * A baby bottle, breast milk, or a pacifier * Frequent diaper checks * A midweek, midday flight * A baby stroller Step 1: Go midday Tr ...more

How To : Evaluate successive percentage changes

The concept of percentages may be a bit difficult to grasp for some beginner level learners. This video attempts to explain the concept of percentages in an easy to understand way. The concept of percentages is explained by using 10 percentage as a base - which of course has ...more

How To : Divide mixed numbers

In order to divide mixed numbers, you should change the mixed numbers into improper fractions. With the problem 5 ¼ divided by 2 3/8, you should convert both mixed fractions to improper fractions. 5 ¼ becomes 21/4, when you multiply 4 times 5 and add one. 2 3/8 becomes 19/8, ...more

How To : Convert mixed numbers into top heavy fractions

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to convert mixed numbers to top heavy fractions. This task is very easy, fast and simple. Begin by multiplying the whole number with the denominator and then add the numerator. In the final answer, the numerator will be greater than th ...more

How To : Divide fractions with examples

In this Education video tutorial you will learn how to divide fractions with examples. For example let us divide 1/5 with 3/4. This we can do by changing the division sign in to multiplication sign provided we swap the numerator and the denominator of the divisor to get its re ...more

How To : Seal your air ducts and save energy and money

If you take a quick look around your home, there are many areas that can be changed to help ensure that it's energy efficient. From the fridge in your kitchen to the lights outside, there are numerous possibilities. One area that is filled with possibilities is your basement, ...more

How To : Create a realistic rock texture using Photoshop

In this how to video, you will learn how to create a rock texture in Photoshop. First, open the program. Select your foreground as a gray color and the background as a darker gray. Go to filter and render clouds. Go to filter and noise to add noise. Add about 3 percent and cli ...more

How To : Get decimal forms of rational numbers

This video series demonstrates how to convert a rational number to a decimal. A rational number is a ratio of two numbers. In other words, these fractions can be changed into decimal form. Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 1 of 5. Click through to watch this video o ...more

How To : Simplify expressions with different exponents

This video shows the method to simplify expressions with different exponents. The video starts with the explanation of 16 raised to the power 1/4. This can be solved by taking the nth or the 4th root of 16 where n stands for the denominator of the fraction. Then the video expl ...more

How To : Solve percent equations

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to solve percent equations. The general form of a percent equations is that a is b% of c. As there can be three kinds of variables a, b, c, the questions involving percent equations can be of three types having one of the three variabl ...more

How To : Add rational expressions

This is the video about how to add a rational expression. So to add a rational expression first of all find the common denominator. To find the common denominator, just find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators. There are at least a couple ways of doing this. To ...more

How To : Deal with brackets in polynomial fractions

When dealing with brackets in polynomial problems the first thing you need to notice is if there is a negative sign before the bracket. If there is not then all you need to do is get rid of the bracket and combine similar terms. If there is a negative sign then you need to mul ...more

How To : Calculate percentages with monetary examples

Do you need to brush up on your fraction and percentage skills or get ahead of the class in math? This video shows several different examples of how to calculate percentages by using fractions. Money is used as a frequent example because quarters and change are easier to figur ...more

How To : Divide and reduce fractions

This is a tutorial on the basics of dividing fractions. The process the video teaches are linear equations where one fraction is divided next to another with a division sign in between. The top numbers are divided and then the bottom and thereby you get the answer. However not ...more

How To : Install Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) on Your PC

This tutorial will walk you through the steps required to install the Ubuntu 9.10 operating system (Karmic Koala) on your computer. I have a Suzuki Kuiper 1411 HKS notebook computer with 2.1 GHz Intel Dual Core processor, 4GB RAM and 320GB hard drive. It has a dedicated 256MB ...more

HowTo : Trigger Green Traffic Lights

Scenario: it's late at night, the roads are completely empty and you are stuck at the longest light ever. Solution: don't run a red- change it to green yourself. Avoid a ticket, save yourself some time (and perhaps a little gas). Many of you may have already seen Kipkay's ins ...more

How To : Manage high blood pressure through diet

Sometimes pills aren't the best answer. Doctors do not need to prescribe medications for common health problems, such as high blood pressure. They can be helped by simple adjusting your lifestyle. If you have high blood pressure, you are more than twice as likely to develop he ...more

How To : Be immune to getting fired from your job

The economy is rough at the moment, and we all need our jobs more than ever. Check out this tutorial, and learn how to make yourself so valuable at your job that no one would ever want to fire you. You Will Need • Loyalty • Reliability • Problem-solving abilities • Revenue ...more

How To : Dress for a business casual interview

In a recent poll taken by an online recruiting company revealed that 37 percent of all hiring managers do not hire someone based just on the way they dress, more than half said they'd hold it against a candidate if they hadn't worn a jacket and seventy percent said that they w ...more

How To : Translate a word problem into algebra

This video shows the method to change a word problem into algebra and to identify rational numbers among a group of numbers. In the first part of the video we take a word problem namely - The product of 9 and seven, less than a number. 9 multiplied by something can be expresse ...more

How To : Cross process your photos in Photoshop

Cross processing is a Photoshop version of slide processing. The result would be you get all these weird color shifts. For reasons best known to people who run the fashion magazines, this look became very popular in the 1990s. Start by adding in a curves layer. Add a new adjus ...more

How To : Divide fractions with a simple method

This video describes how to divide fraction values using simple method. Example we will take as in video "12" should be divided with "1/2" that is "12%(1/2)=?". This is the example we should solve. In first step we has to flip the "Denominator" to easily find the output. So no ...more

How To : Detect the symptoms of postpartum depression

It's not unusual to feel a little down after giving birth. You've been through a major life event, and your mind and body are recovering. Postpartum depression is more serious than the typical “baby blues” that can occur after childbirth. Learn how to identify this condition s ...more

How To : Protect your online reputation

With social networking systems, YouTube comments chains, chat rooms, bulletins boards, Twitter updates... It seems as if almost everyone has at one time publicly stated an opinion on the Internet. Nearly half of all prospective employers research job applicants online. Make su ...more

Shortcut : The Secret to Reviving a Smelly Kitchen Sponge

Penny pincher? A true believer in "waste not want not"? Then listen up—here's a quick tip that will save you some spare change. Scenario 1: We're all guilty of negligently abandoning a freshly bought sponge in a pot full of dirty dishes and food-littered water. Let that bad b ...more

How To : Get Natural, Sparkling White Teeth on the Cheap

You Want White Teeth Without Expensive Over-The-Counter Products? Here's An Inexpensive, Effective Solution. Everywhere you look there are products for whitening teeth. You could spend a fortune on products you have to use everyday. This tutorial will show you a natural, inex ...more

How To : Defrost food safely

Thawing frozen food on the countertop or in warm water may put your family at risk from food-borne bacteria. Keep them safe by following these methods. Step 1: Know the dangers Keep food out of “the danger zone” – between 40 and 140 degrees. Freezing stops bacteria from growi ...more

News Alert : Scrabble Makes You Smarter

Listen up Scrabblers... you finally have something to brag about besides knowing what MUZJIK is, and if you think it's elevator music, put those tiles back in the bag and pack up your Scrabble board because this doesn't apply to you. You see those brains below? Well, guess wh ...more

News : Of Coyotes and Chickens

In my earlier post about long-term strategies I promised I’d ask some of my neighbors who do what I call factory chicken farming (Let 1000 Chickens Bloom) if the coyotes that have shown up will change the way they play the game. The one guy who replied in any detail said that ...more

WC 2010 grim view : low scores, low attendance.

I still have hope that this will be a good World Cup... This article aggregates a lot of things that have been said about the World Cup experience this year (South Africa's infrastructure, low scoring games, uninteresting first round match-ups, etc). I've noticed in a few bro ...more

News : So You Just Bought Your First DSLR. Now What?

Moving up from a point and shoot to a digital single lens reflex camera is a big step. And actually, a DSLR can be a better buy than a new point and shoot, many of which rival the prices of entry level or used DSLRs. Keep in mind when you buy a new body, the lenses are the mos ...more

News : Scrabble Dumbs Down Its Game with 3,000 New Words

Remember the firestorm SCRABBLE Trickster caused nine months ago? SCRABBLE enthusiasts across the world were outraged when Mattel created a game that would allow proper nouns to be acceptable words of play. Essentially, it was a dumbed down, youth-friendly version of the class ...more

News : Basic Math Operations

It was brought up a while back in a Community Call to Arms that *math* is handy for encryption (and let's face it, everything) so let us go over things you just have to know. "In its simplest meaning in mathematics and logic, an operation is an action or procedure which produc ...more

News : Youth Vs. Wisdom

Hi there Dolls, I just got done putting the children to bed for the night. Fed the husband, made a little love, and took a bubble bath! I lathered up my body with a Gardenia lotion and have thrown on my amazing silk robe. I smell and feel wonderful as I sip on my Cantaloupe ...more

How To : Measure your bra size at home

Wearing the correct size bra is the fasts way to improve your look. The correct size bra will make you look longer, leaner and younger, plus, it will help your clothes to hang better. If you can’t remember the last time you had a bra fitting then it’s time to bust out the meas ...more

How To : Ace multiple choice tests

Tests can be anxiety provoking even when you are confident on the material. Try to relax and further put your mind at ease by having a good strategy for dealing with a multiple choice test . With a little bit of practice you’ll by acing tests in no time. Taking practice tests ...more

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