How to Do Vertical Leg Crunches

How To : Do deadweight standing crunches

Increase muscle strength with dead lift exercises. Learn tips and techniques for proper weightlifting in this fitness video. Take action: keep bar close to legs, don't round the back and use proper form. Michelle is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal tra ...more

How To : Jump higher through proper exercise

If you would like to jump higher for sports or just for pure athleticism these plyometric exercises will challenge your muscles to optimize their ability to perform. This will involve a series of jumping exercises with weights and props. Deep Knee Bends --- Be standing. Slowl ...more

How To : Lose stomach fat without crunches or sit-ups

In order to lose stomach fat, you will need a timer or a stopwatch. First, you should set it for 5 minutes. Then, you will need to get into pushup position. You should be up on your toes. Your arms should be shoulder length apart. Your hands should be flat on the floor, and yo ...more

How To : Hold an acoustic guitar correctly

True Fire TV and Guitar Lessons for Beginners demonstrate how to correctly hold an electric guitar. Good posture and hand positions will affect the sounds that you are making. Cross your legs to prop up your guitar which gives you more flexibility and freedom. Prop out the nec ...more

How To : Identify the common crow when bird watching

If you live in the US then you've probably already seen a crow if you recognized it or not. The common crow has a distinctive if not dramatic appearance and a less than melodic sound. With this information you'll be sure to spot one. The common American crow can be found livi ...more

How To : Properly tape an ankle

In this how-to video, you will learn how to properly tape an ankle. This is important if you have trouble with your ankle turning. First, spray some pre-tape on the foot. Put on some Pro Wrap so that the tape does not tear the hair on your legs. Put some heel and lace pads on ...more

How To : Make a spider sushi roll

This video explains how to make a spider roll. First, spread the rice for the spider roll. Make sure that the top and bottom edges have a thickness of 1/8 inches without rice, so that it won't squash it out when rolling. Then add some toasted sesame seeds. Place the rice patty ...more

How To : Do a double crunch ab exercise

The double crunch exercise involves two movements: a traditional abdominal crunch and a reverse crunch or knee-in. The reverse crunch portion of this exercise is supposed to target the lower portion of the abdomen. However, it is important to note that whenever the knees move ...more

How To : Dress if you're a short woman

Get a leg up on the competition with these wardrobe tips. You Will Need * Petite and vintage clothes * Visually interesting tops * Small prints * Wide-leg pants * Empire or V-neck wrap dresses * Backless shoes and high heels Step 1: Head to the petite department Head to the p ...more

How To : Do Push-Ups and Crunches to Get Ripped at Home

This how-to video is for anybody looking to gain lean muscle right in the convenience of your own home with little to no equipment. The intensity and variety of these exercises makes for an effective muscle-building workout. Standard Pushup With hands extended slightly outsid ...more

How To : Make Crab Salad with Savory Basil Sherbet

This is a refreshing and light crab salad with a savory basil lemon sherbet on top. I know it sounds weird, but it's perfect for summer and helps you cool off from the heat. For the salad: 1 corn on the cob, sliced off the cob after it's been grilled 1/2 of an avocado juice ...more

How To : Draw a girl

Drawing a woman is a lot like drawing a man, only curvier. You can use triangles to sketch the basic form of a woman, giving you a guideline to sketch in more and more detail until you’ve given her the look you want. Sharpen your pencil, grab some sketch paper, and learn how ...more

How To : Use exercise machines for strength training

In this series of videos, you can get first hand instruction on strength training machines. For example, you can see clips of our expert using different press machines like the chest press and leg press machines. Learn how to work out your glutious maximus using a glute isolat ...more

How To : Do a front handspring

Gymnastics are impressive and exciting to watch. You’ll need strength, agility, flexibility and some definite practice to get to the point where you’re ready to try a front handspring but all the work will be worth it when you stick your landing. If you want to learn how to t ...more

How To : Draw a man

If you can’t find the man of your dreams or maybe you’re looking for a new buddy, you can always stop looking and just draw him. After completing the basics your can style him and create whatever mood and features you like. Drawing the male body is a challenge for anyone just ...more

Weird Ingredient Wednesday : The Magic of Pork Dust

A no-carb, gluten-free substitute for breadcrumbs. Sounds and probably tastes like cardboard, right? Unless you're talking about Pork Dust. Yes, you read that right. Pork. DUST. Don't Miss: Caul Fat—Is It Better than Bacon? These savory and rich ground-up pork rinds have abs ...more

Gaming : The 11 Best Free Word Games for iPhone & Android

Word games fit perfectly with the on-the-go nature of mobile gaming. They're easy to pick up whenever you feel like exercising your brain, but they're also fairly easy to put down when you need to get back to the real world. The main draw of word games is that they're great f ...more

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