How to Feed

How To : Make hearty corn chowder with Angie Ketterman

Watch as Angie makes an inexpensive chicken corn chowder that feeds a crowd. This cooking how-to video is part of Easy Meals, Good Deals show hosted by Angie Ketterman. Follow along as she takes on the challenge to create dishes that save you time and money. You'll love the re ...more

How To : Stop a baby from crying

Dr. Felicia Ferrara shows you her technique to stop a baby from crying. If your baby won't stop crying and you don't know what to do, try the following: Make sure that the baby is well fed and changed. Interact with the child by talking softly, or perhaps by singing a lullaby. ...more

How To : Differentiate Angus prime beef from Chianina

The Chianina—thought to be one of the oldest breeds of cattle in existence—is extremely rare in the United States. But Gourmet Magazine chef, Cesare Casella, occasionally offers grass-fed Chianina beef at his New York City restaurant Maremma. Here he discusses the differences ...more

How To : Change the strings on a bass guitar

Is it getting to that time? When the strings on your bass need changing & you're not sure how to replace them? Don't take it in to a guitar shop and pay a string changing fee... Learn how to change bass strings yourself! In this two-part video tutorial, learn step-by-step how ...more

How To : Make homemade sloppy joes

Sloppy Joes, an American classic. Fed to more kids in more cafeteria's around the nation than anything else, besides those cardboard pizzas (ick). If you want to make one, don't run out to the store and buy the pre-made stuff, make your own! It'll taste a lot better and you wi ...more

How To : Make noodle kugel aka noodle pudding

Louisa Kasdon has another great Jewish side dish recipe for us. Noodle kugel is a favorite comfort food, especially in cold winters. It's got a little of everything thrown in, and can easily be adapted to individual tastes. In this video, she shows us how to make a version of ...more

How To : Pasta with Cottage Cheese

In this clip, learn how to make pasta with cottage cheese. This healthier, interesting approach to lasagna is easy to prepare and feeds many so it is perfect for your next holiday or family gathering. Whip up this dish and enjoy it today! You Will Need: *8 ounces wide egg nood ...more

How To : Organize a family reunion

Create lasting memories by organizing a well-planned family reunion. This video will show you how to organize a family reunion. Step 1. Form a committee Form a family-reunion committee to select and invite guests, coordinate planning, and form subcommittees for various tasks ...more

News : Foreign Countries

International Pet Travel: Taking Your Pet Animal to a Foreign Country If you are taking a pet to another country (permanently or for a visit), contact that country's consulate or embassy for information about any requirements that you must meet. A list of consulates can be fo ...more

News : Checking Out Mozza2Go

A few weeks ago, I discovered something awesome on the way home from work. Mozza, that LA pizza mecca, is on my route. And I could pick up a pizza or two from their takeout place - Mozza2Go. I was so excited. The pizzas are a bit on the pricy side, but it's not like you're pa ...more

How To : Attracting birds to your garden

Bird feeding is something everyone can do. But keeping the birds in your garden can be just as easy. This how to video gives you a few tips that will help you attract the most popular wild species of birds and entice them to stay for more than a quick lunch.

How To : Make baked eggs for a weekend brunch

For brunch, Aida bakes eggs with spinach, Canadian bacon and aged cheddar. Baked eggs make a great meal for a weekend brunch. This cooking how-to video is part of Ask Aida show hosted by Aida Mollenkamp. Cooking expert Aida Mollenkamp will prepare delicious dishes while solvin ...more

How To : What Is Wordpress ? [Beginner]

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and s ...more

How To : Fix a jammed garbage disposal without a plumber

If your garbage disposal is backed up and starting to smell, you will need to unclog it. In this tutorial, learn how to do this all on your own and avoid the hefty fee that comes with calling a plumber. Although this seems like a difficult task, it is really much easier than y ...more

How To : Fine tune a piano

In this tutorial, we learn how to fine tune a piano. When you move the pin, the speaking length of the string should move as well. When you're done it should stay stable. You should have a meter hooked up to your piano so you can see which notes are flat and which are pitching ...more

How To : Properly Submit Tools for the Null Byte Suite

Hello everyone. I've recently made the annoucement of the Null Byte suite of tools, and we've covered how to download and install it. Now it's time we cover how to submit a tool for inclusion into the suite. It's relatively simple, but we need to get a few ground rules out of ...more

How To : Keep a dog safe in cars

Contrary to what most people do, letting your dog stick it's head out the window is not a safe way of transporting your animal! Check out this video for some tips on how to safely travel with your dog. You don't need to leave your four-legged friend behind when you take a roa ...more

How To : Treat bugs with bugs

Tony Antonucci shows Dave how to use "beneficial bugs" to consume harmful bugs that may be feeding on your houseplants. This is a great alternative to pesticides!

How To : Legally change your name

Archie Leach. It just doesn't have the same ring as Cary Grant, does it? Marriage, divorce, or just dislike of the name your parents gave you – all are reasons to follow these steps toward a new name. You Will Need *Your birth certificate *Your social security card *A petiti ...more

How To : Fish for bass using a square-billed crankbait

If you're bass fisherman, then you know that the lipless crankbait is the bait you want in your fishing box. It's great for catching roaming fish chasing bait fish. However, there is an alternative you could use— a square-billed shallow running crankbait. They both are used in ...more

News : Would you rather farm or pay rent?

Via craigslist: Do you like organic living? Willing to learn what you don't know? Are you a writer, student or someone who makes your own hours? If so read on.. In exchange for 10-20 hours a week (more from March-July, less from July-March) of work that includes tending and h ...more

How To : Become a dentist

Does dentistry sound of interest to you? If you don’t mind spending the day in other peoples’ mouths, dentistry might just be the career for you. In this video, learn what steps need to be taken to break into the field of dentistry. • An undergraduate degree • Application f ...more

How To : Get a copy of a house deed

Looking to move the right way? Owning a piece of property is an important goal for many people. Here’s how to obtain a copy of proof of ownership. You Will Need: • A property location • The year you purchased the property • Payment • A computer and internet access (option ...more

How To : Lose weight with a healthy after workout meal

Darin Steen of Major League Health explains how to lose weight with a healthy meal after a workout. What you put in your mouth composes 70% to 80% of fitness fat loss gain. Meals that you eat after intense workout sessions are very important. Eat a meal that is predigested and ...more

How To : Get ready to sell on eBay for beginners

New to eBay? Don't worry, setting up an account and buying and selling doesn't take that much effort at all. Everyone who has an Internet connection has at one point come across eBay, to find the perfect gift for their loved ones, to find the cheapest deals on plasma televisio ...more

News : Terror Bird - Sociopaths Are Glam Cassette

I don't know what they are feeding the kids in Canada but there are so many great bands coming out of there. Vancouver's Terror Bird are no exception. Made up of Nikki Never (Modern Creatures) and  Jeremiah Haywood (Twin Crystals), these two have released a few cassettes and a ...more

How To : Renew Your Passport

If you are traveling to a different country, whether on a business trip or vacation, you must have an up-to-date passport. Luckily, passport renewal is relatively easy for people living in the United States. All you need to do is mail in some paperwork and photos. Step 1: Mak ...more

News : Windows 8 Tablet Revealed

At a windows partner conference in Taipei, Microsoft unveiled their Windows 8 tablet. First impressions: WOW! Looks like they are actually innovating for once. Full screen app view is great multiple apps while viewing video is nice thumb keyboard option Ability to run a stan ...more

How To : Make Russian blinis

Blinis are traditional Russian pancakes made with caviar - a great substitute for those canapés you may be fed up of seeing. Make Russian blinis. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Build confidence in your children

Jerry Lavender demonstrate how to build confidence in your children. Use secure attachments to provide a stable base for your child. Your child will fee safe to explore the world. Provide structure and predictable environment for your child. This will enable your child to rela ...more

How To : Give a baby a bottle

Whether you're feeding your baby formula or freshly pumped breast milk, holding his body and angling the bottle just so will make for a happy meal.

How To : Copyright a book

You've written the great American novel, and you want to make sure that your story stays yours. Register your copyright and preserve your intellectual rights. In this video, learn how to copyright produced material. You Will Need: • A copyright registration form • Internet ...more

News : HoloDecon

HoloDecon Tecnology directly afects our perceptive capacity, influencing the construction of the oniric sourronding , built in the alternate hyperrealist narratives The objects and the surroundings are experimented trough their properties and our perception of their substanc ...more

How To : Get started with a college savings plan

It's never too early to put away money for your child's education. Consider these options before choosing a plan. Watch this video to learn how to get started with a college savings plan. Step 1. Start now Start saving right now – even if your child is an infant. The more ti ...more

How To : Pick up after your dog

Learn how to pick up after your dog. It’s easy to be a responsible pet owner by cleaning up after your dog – just be prepared to roll-up your sleeves! You Will Need * A plastic bag * High-quality dog food * Disposable latex gloves Step 1. Be prepared When taking your dog f ...more

News : Youth Vs. Wisdom

Hi there Dolls, I just got done putting the children to bed for the night. Fed the husband, made a little love, and took a bubble bath! I lathered up my body with a Gardenia lotion and have thrown on my amazing silk robe. I smell and feel wonderful as I sip on my Cantaloupe ...more



News : Paid to Promote Yourself

Make money promoting yourself, build links and drive traffic. Yes thats is right you can get paid to promote yourself by using free to join sites that let you share revenue, I have included a list of sites that will allow you to build links to your online content or sites. thi ...more

News : Paleolithic Nutrition

Kurt Harris, MD, writes about paleolithic nutrition at his highly recommended blog, "Eating like a caveman" has become a bit of a fad, with all the down sides that comes with fads. But behind the fad lies a large amount of research that can be and is used as ...more

How To : Sell to consignment shops

If your old clothes are of high quality and in good shape, selling them on consignment is an easy way to make cash quickly. closet Step 1: Find shops Look in the yellow pages or search online under “consignment,” “resale,” or “secondhand” to see what’s in your area. Step 2: ...more

Today's Tidbit : Ethicists Have No Ethics

There are these people called "ethicists" or "moral philosophers". They make their livings by thinking about what is right and wrong and how to live a moral life. Does all this thinking get them anywhere? Eric Schwitzgebel has studied the behavior of ethicists. As reported b ...more

News : My favorite superfoods

I remember once listening to a Christian comedian making fun of the way some Christians pride themselves on all the "evil" things they don't do. "We don't drink, we don't smoke, we don't dance, we don't party, we don't work on Sunday, we don't wear long hair (men), we don't w ...more

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