How to Fix Code 1

Dev Report : Unity 2017.2 Is Out

Being on the bleeding edge is a place that you will get cut from time to time, as has been the case for many developers in the HoloLens space. Between major changes in Unity to help support newer versions of .NET, changes in the MixedRealityToolkit-Unity, the requirement of b ...more

How To : 26 Big iPhone Features and Improvements on iOS 16.1

It hasn't been long since Apple released iOS 16.0 with over 350 new features, but iOS 16.1 just came out with even more cool updates for your iPhone. While some of the recent upgrades were expected, others are somewhat surprising — and there's even one that you may not even th ...more

News : 91 Cool New iOS 11 Features You Didn't Know About

Apple's iOS 11 is finally here, and while they showed off several of the new features it brings to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch back at WWDC 2017, they've only just touched the surface of what iOS 11 has to offer. There are a lot of cool new (and sometimes secret) feature ...more

How To : Fix Scrolling Lag in Apps on Your OnePlus One

The hardware running your One is nothing short of powerful, but the people at OnePlus can't control how developers choose to utilize that power—or rather, not utilize it. Most popular developers have removed all signs of lag from their apps, but others still have archaic lines ...more

How To : Add Color to Your Nexus 7's Navigation Bar

When I first used the Google Now Launcher, I appreciated the transparency that came with it, and how it made the real look larger than it did before. But now that I'm used to it, that transparent navigation bar is beginning to look a little stale. To spruce things up, I'll be ...more

How To : Revert the New YouTube Layout Back to How It Was

Last week, Google updated the YouTube layout to be more in tune with other Google properties. One thing that's different is the new, more Google+ look of your YouTube homepage. Though some may like the change, some definitely do not. Also new is the "Guide" on the left side wh ...more

How To : Play Pokémon GO in Fullscreen on Your OnePlus 6T

Phone displays have gotten taller in the past few years, and it seems the OnePlus 6T might not make use of the entire screen by default for a few games. Most games play nicely with the large display on the 6T and its teardrop camera notch, but Pokémon GO is one that doesn't sc ...more

How To : Use Your Smartphone to Check for Dead Batteries

We've all been there. Channel surfing lazily whilst reclining on the sofa—then all of a sudden, the remote stops working. Out of frustration, you hold the remote up higher, press the buttons harder, or maybe a even give it a good smack hoping that will fix it. Right around thi ...more

How To : "Find & Replace" Text Directly in Your Web Browser

I'm sure you've been there—halfway through typing something out, you realize that one word you've been using more than any other has been misspelled. Perhaps it's a single word, acronym, or line of code that you find yourself typing quite often at work, but this one requires c ...more

News : Apple Just Released iOS 13 Public Beta 4 for iPhone

Apple just seeded the fourth public beta for iOS 13 to software testers today, Tuesday, July 30. AppleSeed participants saw this beta one day early, alongside the release of developer beta 5. Now, developer and public testers alike are up-to-speed with the latest in iOS 13. B ...more

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