How to Fix Computer Errors

How To : Unlock the hidden Vista administrator account

You might not be alone in having issues running Windows Vista, but you can be alone in knowing how to fix your problems without expensive repair services. With this tutorial, learn exactly how to unlock the hidden administrator account and gain more access to your own computer ...more

How To : Use the dynamic RAM preview feature in Sony Vegas

One of the most common problems with any video editing software is the preview lag- a result of high quality video slamming your CPU. There is a great fix in Sony's Vegas editing software to allow previews to run full-frame with a slight tweak called the dynamic RAM preview fe ...more

How To : Restore your iPhone or iPod Touch

This video demonstrates how to restore your iPhone or iPod Touch if you are experiencing freezing or errors. You will need to restore your device if you experienced problems after attempting to have a jailbroken device. First, you have to make sure the device is turned on and ...more

How To : Keep Your PC Running Smoothly

Introduction This is one of the things I am asked the most and there are so many different answers. It is hard to just tell you without know your computer's current speed or what type of hardware it has. So here I will talk about how to speed up a slow computer and how to kee ...more

How To : Fix broken AVI files with DivFix++ on Ubuntu Linux

Broken AVI video files are your worst nightmare. Nobody wants to watch a video and find out it's corrupted and not working anymore. But there could be a solution on Linux. This computer operating system could be a bit tricky for beginners, but fret not, help is here. Check out ...more

How To : Boot your computer in safe mode

A computer’s safe mode is useful when fixing problems or saving work after, say, your hard drive malfunctions. Safe mode can easily be accessed as your computer starts up and is a useful tool to have in your belt. Maintaining your computer sometimes requires you to boot up in ...more

How To : Reset your Ipod shuffle to fix freezing

To start resetting the iPod shuffle, disconnect it from the computer if it is connected. Slide the switch on the iPod shuffle to off. If the iPod is off the green coloring near the switch will not be seen. After you turn the iPod off wait six seconds before doing anything else ...more

How To : Fix laptop screen scratches

You paid a lot of money for and now your worried your computer screen is ruined with scratches. Just open up your bathroom cabinet and you will find everything you need to get your trusty computer screen shining like new. Getting rid of scratches on your laptop is easy with a ...more

How To : Hack Any Windows 7 User Password.

This is a how to to change any user password on a windows 7 computer. If you forgot your password you can change any account password even if you are locked out of your account. Warning I am not responsible for any damage done to any computer in the process of this hack or an ...more

How To : Use SELinux Targeted Policy to Secure Your Hosts

Hackers often rely on lazy system admins and unpatched vulnerabilities to get access to a host. Keeping intruders off of our machines requires us to update daily, only run the services we need, and read the code, among other things, but we can still make mistakes. Luckily for ...more

Magisk 101 : How to Install Magisk & Root with TWRP

There are a few different ways to install Magisk. If you're already rooted and you just want access to Magisk modules, you can use Magisk Manager to install the Magisk framework. Or, if you want to pass SafetyNet on a rooted device, you can switch from SuperSU to Magisk SU. Bu ...more

How To : Use Very Basic AppleScript to Create a Fake Virus

AppleScript is quite an easy scripting language to use. In this guide, I will be showing you several commands. Near the end, I will show how these can be used to create a fake virus that actually does no harm. Of course, this is only one way to use these commands—use your ima ...more

How To : Reformat Mac OS X Without a Recovery Disc or Drive

As I've said before, slowing down is not an option for me. At one point, I realized that there were plenty of files on my Mac that I didn't need any more, but too many to delete individually. In other cases, your Mac can be experiencing some major malfunctions: constant crashi ...more

How To : Install TWRP Recovery on the Essential PH-1

For modders, there are few tools more important than TWRP. TeamWin's custom recovery makes flashing mods like Magisk, Xposed, and custom ROMs incredibly easy, and it lets you root your phone at the press of a button. On top of that, it can make complete backups of your phone i ...more

How To : Create Backdoor on OSX

Hello, ladies and gents! Today I will be discussing the fun and excitement of backdoor on an OSX system. Note: A lot of what I am going to say is directly based off of this article by Patrick Mosca. Please give him your gratitude and leave mine at the door! Step 1: Reverse S ...more

How To : Fix Stuck or Dead Pixels on Almost Any Screen

If you've noticed a tiny discolored spot on your computer screen that just doesn't seem to go away, chances are you have a stuck pixel. With modern LCD and OLED screens, there are millions of incredibly small dots (pixels) that make up all of the contents of your display—and w ...more

How To : Root the Samsung Galaxy S6 & S6 Edge

Thanks to leaks and hard working developers, rooting tools for brand new Android devices are usually available right around the time of the smartphone's release, if not earlier. The Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge are no exception. CF Auto Root, by renowned dev Chainfire, has n ...more

How To : Find Your Computer's Vulnerability Using Lynis

This is finding some of your vulnerability using Lynis. This tool Lynis is used on Unix and Linux type operating systems (sorry windows). So lets get started What Is Lynis and How to Install Lynis is a security checking tool which can help you harden your security defenses. ...more

How To : Hide & Reduce Ugly Cable Clutter

While having multiple cable cords in your home is basically unavoidable in this day and age, having to deal with the eyesore of looking at them doesn't have to be. For a quick and easy fix, simply place an eye-pleasing box over your power strip and thread cords through strate ...more

How To : Convert Your HTC One M8 into a Google Play Edition

There really isn't any custom manufacturer skin, like Sense, that can match the clean look and fluidity that comes with stock Android. HTC knows this, and they, just like Samsung, include a Google Play Edition version in their flagship lineup. In effect, these GPE variants pu ...more

IRC Guide : Making a Bot

Hello fellow Nullbytiens, I'm Washu, a long time commenter but first time poster. Today we'll be making an IRC bot, if you haven't seen OTW's post about the new IRC channel I would encourage you to go check it out. He does a good job at explaining what IRC is and how to get se ...more

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