How to Make Animal Masks

News : Super Massive Video Games

Today we pay homage to a phenomenon. One as diffuse and amusing as the internet itself, and as pointless as dog Halloween costumes. I'm speaking, of course, of giant games. Not Supergiant Games, makers of the forthcoming and awesome-looking indie RPG Bastion, but giant games ...more

How To : Make papier-mâché

In elementary school, we all experienced the wonders of papier mâché, that wonderfully malleable mixture of paper and glue (or maybe paper, flour, and water). Once it hardens, it's a homemade work of art. And homemade papier mâché is art on the cheap, allowing your imagination ...more

Nintendo E3 : 3DS, Kid Icarus!

It's been almost a century since we've last seen Kid Icarus start in his own game! The result of Project Sora, Kid Icarus will be released for the Nintendo 3DS! The 3DS was unveiled at the conference: Analog Stick Sensors Graphic update 3D Slider (decide how much 3D you want ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : BURKITE

BURKITE n pl. -S a burker 63 points (13 points without the bingo) There's no better time than Halloween to have the BEJABERS scared out of you, and no better way than with a slasher flick or horror movie about HEXEREI. To some, Halloween is a time for candy, costumes and cel ...more

Photoshop Project : How to Use Layers Creatively

Difficulty Level: Moderate Photoshop Skills Photoshop isn't just for zapping zits and adding freaky colors to sunset pictures! You can use it for fun, altered-reality pictures, too. If you have a tripod and some friends, you can combine many exposures as separate layers and u ...more

How To : Sculpt a wolf mask

Learn how to sculpt a mask using 'slab construction' techniques. I use mixed studio clay from scrap. A small segment about ear placement and animal perception are included in the video.

News : Mini Bike Paintball

Play a game of paintball while riding mini bikes and wearing either animal costumes, or ninja suits, and face masks of course. To make the game more interesting, it could take place in a public place, again, as long as nobody gets hurt, especially bystanders.

News : 2009's Most Amazing Scientific Images

Popsci has posted 2009's most amazing scientific images, and there's quite a few great ones in there. A few of our favorites below, click through for all 62. In short, Cow Farts. "Scientists measure methane at the source: In a lush pasture near Buenos Aires, this cow and its ...more

How To : The Best Video Chat Apps to Use with Your Infant

You know your infant is advanced. Maybe you want to give her or him a head start at learning things like writing code to develop the next big Fortnite game. Or maybe you just want to play Fortnite with your infant. But the American Academy of Pediatrics discourages screen time ...more

How To : All the Apps You Need to Make That Perfect Story

Stories are everywhere in social media today, but that wasn't always the case. In 2013, Snapchat introduced the world to these temporary windows into our daily lives. Since then, stories have infiltrated other popular apps. However, to stand out, you can't solely rely on the a ...more

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