In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates how to utilize a lead-free solder in the installation and soldering of an SOIC20 gull wing leading component using a multi-lead technique.
In this how-to video series, learn how to solder from soldering expert Ken Orlich. Ken has been soldering for over twenty years and will teach you what he knows about soldering, including what tools you need for soldering, how to save money soldering, and soldering safety tips ...more
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier explains how to converting a lead solder tip to a tip that will be utilized for lead-free soldering.
Soldering is a handy skill to have at your disposal. You probably don't want to jump right into it without practice on some scraps, but you can learn how to solder copper pipes together. You will need to make sure that all of the pieces you are working with are clean and dry f ...more
In this tutorial, we learn how to solder jump rings. This will give the rings more strength if you are doing a chain or a bracelet, and it won't break on thread. You will need a flame, wick candle with a number four tip, and something to light the torch. Start out by closing t ...more
Hand soldering a BGA....IMPOSSIBLE!...not with SchmartBoard|ez. This video shows you step-by-step how to do it.
This video demonstrates the process of soldering copper pipes for small home plumbing projects.
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates a point-to-point technique on a QFP 100 using a lead-free solder.
In this two-part soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates the placing of a J-leaded component on a PLCC circuit board using lead-free solder. Part 1 of 2 - How to Place a J-leaded component on a PLCC with solder. Part 2 of 2 - How to Place a J ...more
Learn how to solder wires with this video. Clean the area to be soldered, scraping the wire down to bare metal and then wiping it clean with alcohol or acetone. Use rosin-core solder for electronic applications. This solder normally comes in coils. Tin (coat with solder) the s ...more
If you're a hardcore RC hobbyist, odds are you may have occasion to solder a Deans connector from time to time. This two-part video tutorial will show you how. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to build an adapter to fit two batteries into a single female output using d ...more
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates the installation and soldering of an 0805 chip component using a point-to-point soldering technique.
In a time of ubiquitous electronics, soldering is an essential skill. Fortunately, if you don't already know how it's done, it's an easy skill to pick up and the tools and associated materials can be had for cheap. This video tutorial from MAKE will get you started. For more i ...more
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier explains how to prepare through-hole components for installation using lead-free solder.
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates the lead-free multi-lead soldering technique.
This video is on how to install an electric fan onto a ESC (Electric Speed Control) for cooling of your radio controlled vehicle's motor. With a little soldering know-how, you can do this task easy, and quickly.
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates the installation and soldering of an 0603 chip component using a point-to-point lead-free soldering technique.
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates site preparation for BGA placement.
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates how t insert a lead-free gold cup wire.
Tim Carter, of Ask the Builder, demonstrates how to solder together copper tubing and fittings for your plumbing projects in your home.
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates the installation of an 0402 component.
Soldering copper pipes is a basic plumbing skill that once mastered will enable you to tackle many DIY home repair and home improvement projects - for instance, replacing copper water lines or installing a new spigot. It can be as much an art as it is a science, thus the more ...more
An inadequate soldering job, assuming it passes inspection, can cause leaks, corrosion and call-backs. But a quality soldering job done on copper piping can last a lifetime. For a look at professional soldering techniques for the plumbing craftsman, take a look at this two-par ...more
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates the through-hole preparation pliers method with lead-free solder.
In this tutorial, we learn how to solder copper water lines. First, take a sand cloth and thoroughly clean the outside of the tube. Then, take a cleaning brush and clean the inside cup of each side of the fitting. Apply flux to the inside of the fitting, then insert the tube i ...more
Soldering copper pipes is an important skill for many home improvement projects. Tim Carter of shows you how to solder copper pipes to get a water tight seal.
This informational video from YouTube user curlmarx takes us through the step by step process of how to take on the intimidating process of soldering, or "sweating" copper pipes for the do it yourselfer at home. He illustrates the materials and tools you will need to successfu ...more
In this tutorial, we learn how to solder for cheap. Start out by forming the wire to get it ready to solder. The trick here is to create some tension between the two ends, do this by going back and forth hitting the wires. Now, grab a torch and start to flex the wire while hol ...more
Hand soldering a QFN component is almost impossible unless you have the right tools. Among these tools is the SchmartBoard|ez prototyping board. Here we hand solder a .5mm QFN component.
This video describes how to solder a wire. The first thing you have to remember is that the wires should be cleaned, shiny, and bright. Then trim about 1/2-inch of the insulation of the wires and then make a secure mechanical connection. Next, put some soldering pencil clean a ...more
This video home repair tutorial shows how to solder copper pipes and fittings. This technique is essential for making home repairs, especially in plumbing. Watch this instructional video and learn what it takes to solder copper pipes and fittings.
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates the installation and soldering of 1206 surface manner resistor.
In this soldering tip video brought to you by BEST, Inc. Norman Mier demonstrates how to install and solder properly a through hole component into a circuit board.
In this video, learn how to strip a magnet wire for soldering when making mini-RC cars. This process is incredibly easy to do and you will be surprised how fast it works. So, check this out and assemble your cars faster and easier.
This is a StencilQuik soldering demonstration video. This breakthrough method allows you to simplify placement/replacement saving 50% or more of time required to rework BGAs or CSPs.
This video will show you How To Solder Two Pieces of wire Together Video: .
Most cars made in the last ten or fifteen years can be unlocked with a keyless remote, and once you get used to them, unlocking your car with a traditional key feels like a pain. The most common reason they stop working is just because the battery needs replacing, but when the ...more
In this article, I'll be showing you how to make a simple yet effective static electricity generator. Basically, this device allows you to carry a constant static charge on your body and discharge it on anything grounded or of opposite polarity. The electricity generated is ar ...more
I have owned quite the plethora of electronics in my life. A commonality between most of these devices' screens is frozen or dead pixels. This is probably the most annoying thing about buying new hardware—your LCD, or worse, LED display has one or more pixels that continues to ...more
If you've recently joined the ever-growing ranks of the cable cutters, you're far from alone. More and more people (myself included) are getting fed up with service providers' outdated subscription models and absurd pricing—and canceling their service. And why not? There are ...more
Your smartphone stays with you everywhere you go, so it's only a matter of time before you spill coffee all over it or drop it on the ground. For some of you, it has already happened, perhaps even multiple times. That's why we thought it was important to find out which flagshi ...more
There's a lot that goes into making a nice crystal radio set, so this is going to have to be broken down into two parts. The first part is the actual making of a functional radio, and the second part is making the whole arrangement look nice. In this part, I'm actually going t ...more
At one point in the '90s, about fifty percent of the CDs produced worldwide had an AOL logo. About fifty percent of the CDs in my home still have that AOL promise of 500 free hours on them. Though they never got me to join their internet service, I did get a lifetime supply of ...more
I love making beeps and bloops with the Arduino pitches library, but sometimes archaic 8-bit tunes just don't cut it. Whether you want your robot to terrify your enemies with a demonic synthetic voice, you just need a pocket boom box on the go, or you want to a miniature guita ...more
In this article, I'll show you how to build a coil gun. A coil gun is a device that fires magnetic projectiles at high velocities, using electricity. Coil guns require no explosive propellant, therefor can be fired an infinite amount of time, providing that there is ammunition ...more
In the following video, I demonstrate how to create a device capable of charging the body of anyone who wears it with static electricity, allowing a powerful shock to be discharged into anything that is touched. This grants the wearer the ability to do some pretty amazing thin ...more
In this article, I'll show you how to build a simplistic circuit to generate negative ions. Negative ions have been known to contribute to fresher air, happier mood, and general health benefits. However, they also look amazing in the dark (check out the photos below, purple pl ...more
Dreams are like an internal human holodeck. Inside your mind, anything is possible, from your grandest wishes to your worst nightmares. This is all well and good, but what if you could control your dreams and become the omniscient god of a handpicked reality whenever you go to ...more
Fire. It’s everywhere— always has been. From the Ordovician Period where the first fossil record of fire appears to the present day everyday uses of the Holocene. Today, we abundantly create flames (intentionally or unintentionally) in power plants, extractive metallurgy, i ...more
In this article, I'll show you how to built a Wireless Transfer of Energy Transmitter. Simply put, this device will send electricity to a florescent light bulb and light it up, from up to three feet. The idea originally (at least, prominently) came from Nikola Tesla (read more ...more
Microsoft has had a pretty bad wrap with their Xbox 360 gaming console. Right from the start, the console has suffered a multitude of different hardware failures and design flaws. These problems cause the parts to get too hot and become faulty. I'm sure everyone who's had an X ...more
The Stun-Gun In this article, I'll show you how to make a small, weaponized highlighter. Before I get into how to built this device, let me warn you. This device is harmful! When used, it can cause burns and/or serious muscle spasms. The voltage is potentially deadly! DO NOT ...more
With portable devices being a necessity in modern everyday life, they may be subject to overuse, improper charging, or normal wear and tear. For those people who carry around their smartphone or iPod with them all of the time, how many times have you been out and about just to ...more
Inductive charging is already a reality on popular smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S III and Google Nexus 4, and Apple has recently published a patent that would make inductive chargers a reality for the iPhone. There are also several phones that have the capability for wi ...more
Still have an old tape deck installed in your car? This nifty hack lets you upgrade to the digital age without sacrificing your love for cassettes. There's nothing wrong with some low-fidelity tunes in your car every now and then, but if you want to listen to the tunes on your ...more
Make a lighter with one or two AA batteries and simple tiny wire!!! This is a fantastic homemade electrical lighter for any situation. You'll need two AA batteries, a push switch, a battery holder, wire, solder, soldering iron, electrical tape, crimper, and scissors for this c ...more
Piezoelectric Energy In this article, I'll show you how to make a small, wallet-sized device that generates electricity from kinetic energy. The concept is simple: Piezoelectricity is the charge that is produced when certain solid materials (commonly ceramic and crystal) in r ...more
If you haven't met a person that's broken a pair of headphones, you might need to get out more. No matter how expensive or cheap a pair of headphones are, the sound can get buggy, the wire can get cut, or the headphone jack itself can be broken or ripped off the cord. But inst ...more
As some of you Mad Science readers will remember, we recently covered the separation of water into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis. Passing a current through water can rend it apart, but we can also recombine that oxygen and hydrogen to make electricity! This is the pri ...more
Microcontrollers are great. You can do anything from water your garden to catch wildlife trash diggers in the act—and on the cheap. I prefer to use the Arduino microcontroller because of the large and helpful community built around the website. Though it is my favorite, there ...more