
How To : Make 3D characters in iClone

Paul Louis shows us how to create 3D characters iClone in this series of videos. Part 1 of 15 - How to Make 3D characters in iClone. Make 3D characters in iClone - Part 2 of 15. Click through to watch this video on expertvillage.com Make 3D characters in iClone - Part 3 of 15. ...more

How To : Use iClone Machinima in film making

In this video series, watch as expert 3D animator and developer teaches you how to use iClone Machinima Filmmaking. Learn how to import backgrounds, how to add motion to your characters, how to frame the shot, how to position characters, how to save projects in iClone Machinim ...more

How To : Use iClone

This tutorial demonstrates how to use ICLONE, a 3D Animation Package. Matt Overwine of the NKU Instructional Design Team introduces you to ICLONE, whre to find it and how to start using it.

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