Imovie Green

How To : Use green screen in iMovie

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use a green screen in iMovie. Begin by opening iMovie and click on Preferences. In the General tab, make sure the Show Advanced Tools is checked. Now film your video with your green screen. Then import the video(s) onto your compute ...more

How To : Use green screen footage in iMovie

This video describes the "green screen" process in iMovie. The shirtless presenter has setup a green screen in his home along with several lights to provide realistic lighting. The presenter then places the object, in this case a porcelain troll, in front of the green screen. ...more

How To : Clone yourself using iMovie '09

Do you wish there were more of you? Well, at least two? At least in a video? This sweet video will show you how to do just that with Apple's iMovie. You'll also need a sturdy tripod that you DO NOT move. This is essential to creating the effect. If you move the tripod, this ef ...more

How To : Clone yourself with iMovie

One is the loneliest number there is. Well, unless you clone yourself! This sweet video will show you how to do just that with Apple's iMovie. You'll need iMovie 11, or iMovie 09. This technique is also possible by using other video editing software tools as long as they are c ...more

How To : Use the Ken Burns Effect in iMovie 09

First open up the image by clicking on photo button or just drag the image from finder to the project area. Now click on the crop button or just press the c button, you will see a green and a red area in your picture. Now set the red area to where you want to zoom in and green ...more

How To : All the Apps You Need to Make That Perfect Story

Stories are everywhere in social media today, but that wasn't always the case. In 2013, Snapchat introduced the world to these temporary windows into our daily lives. Since then, stories have infiltrated other popular apps. However, to stand out, you can't solely rely on the a ...more

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