Install Turn Signals on a Honda Rebel

How To : Install & relocate new turn signals on a Honda Ruckus

In this moped parts tutorial you will learn how to install and relocate new turn signals on a Honda Ruckus scooter. You will need to do some electrical wiring work, but the video shows you everything you need to do to install new turn signals on your Ruckus.

How To : Build a blubberbot

This video is a quick overview of the construction of a Blubberbot, an artificial "life form" that uses electronic sensors to seek out lights, sound, or cell phone signals. Blubberbots are typically sold with instructions, which should be used for detailed instructions. But i ...more

How To : Map Wardriving Data with Jupyter Notebook

With the Wigle WiFi app running on an Android phone, a hacker can discover and map any nearby network, including those created by printers and other insecure devices. The default tools to analyze the resulting data can fall short of what a hacker needs, but by importing wardri ...more

How To : Improve Battery Life on Your iPhone in iOS 11

The new iOS 11 was just released by Apple, and you can install it right now. Overall, it's got some great features, but how does it fare battery-wise on your iPhone? And how can you increase daily battery life for more juice and less charging every day? No matter the iOS vers ...more

How To : Turn Your Device into an Android Auto Clone

Auto manufacturers are slowly starting to debut models with Google's new Android Auto software baked into the dashboard console. Starting with the 2016 model year, we should see vehicles from Honda, Ford, Chevrolet, and many others sporting the new software. Now, many manufac ...more

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