Know if a Guy Likes You

How To : Be immune to getting fired from your job

The economy is rough at the moment, and we all need our jobs more than ever. Check out this tutorial, and learn how to make yourself so valuable at your job that no one would ever want to fire you. You Will Need • Loyalty • Reliability • Problem-solving abilities • Revenue ...more

How To : Make a James Bond avatar on the Xbox 360

SomeFamousProduction here has come with a new avatar of James Bond on Xbox. First we start off with his hair. Well, we need to keep it simple, yet spy-like and somewhat blackish in color, not too light, neither too dark. Next we move to the chin or jaw. Keep it sharp but not p ...more

How To : Record audio from the Internet

This video will show you how to record audio from the internet. Once you install this program, the video goes on to give you step by step instructions on all of the bells & whistles within the Free Sound Recorder. It will teach you how to work it according to your computer set ...more

How To : Make yummy scrambled eggs

In this video, the Asian girl is showing us the secret to making great tasting eggs. She first starts with heating the oven at 450 degrees and adds two tablespoons of oil. Then she cracks four eggs into the bowl and whisk them together until they start to blend. Afterward she ...more

How To : Bake chocolate chip cookies

Here is a great idea for gifts for absolutely any holiday, give the gift that everyone likes, delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies! Make these cookies with the whole family and then package in a decorative tin. Preheat your oven before you begin mixing your ingredients f ...more

How To : Ignore a guy

There's nothing worse than stalker, or someone who you just want to avoid. Fortunately, there are ways of dealing with it! This video shows you some of them. There are many reasons someone may want to ignore a guy. Follow these tips on how to succeed at it. Step 1: Do not re ...more

How To : Spot a player

Steer clear from empty flattery and malicious social engineering with these tips on how to avoid a player. Avoid getting ambushed by the ruthless player. Here's how to identify the traits of this predatory species. Step 1: Beware of the stare Beware of a guy who stares at y ...more

How To : Make rabbit toys

There’s nothing a rabbit likes more than toys they can climb inside, shred, and drag around. With a good pair of scissors, you can make a steady supply of bunny-pleasers that won’t cost you a thing. You Will Need: * A rabbit * Heavy-duty scissors * Clean, old towels of any si ...more

How To : Get a free drink from a bartender

Everyone likes free things, and everyone likes drinking. Combine the two and you've got one happy hour. You will need no expectations, a smile on your face, basic common courtesy, and some money. Never ask for a freebie. It doesn’t work, and since most bartenders have good mem ...more

News : The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

Their were many pedestrians in the scene as,they seen firefighters struggling with the horrifying disaster and they couldn't do much only continue to stare as bodies continued to drop.. Firefighters arrived at the Triangle Shirt Waist Company Fire minutes after the alarm was ...more

WTForeign Fridays : 9 Crazy Festivals from Around the Globe

In many ways, we center a large portion of our lives around festivals. They provide us days off from work, allow us time to be content with our families and loved ones, and a give us a chance to eat as much as we want without Aunt Carol saying something about our necks (it's t ...more

News : Killing American Citzens

US can legally kill Americans in terror groups You read it right. The US can now target Americans who are supposedly part of terrorist groups. Here's my analysis of Attorney General Eric Holder points (keep in mind though, these are point's brought up by MSNBC, original artic ...more

News : The Basics Of Website Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) is now one of the most important topics for website owners to understand. Anyone that depends on their website to bring them business needs to know the ins and outs of SEO in order to maximize their website’s potential. And if you want your web ...more

News : SEO - Ugly Vs Popular - Just Like Highschool!

Learning the basics of SEO In this tutorial I will go over the basics of Search Engine Optimisation. The "white-hat-way" ("black-hat" SEO is tricking Google and other search engine providers, this will get you into trouble quick!). To watch the free SEO video tutorial click ...more

News : Scrabble Beats Words with Friends to NOOK Color

Electronic Arts (EA) and Hasbro have always been a little slow at adapting Scrabble for the cyber culture. They failed to beat Scrabulous to the Facebook market by a whole year, but managed to save face by targeting the mobile market, specifically iPhone and iPod touch, making ...more

News : Use Google+ Hangouts for Teaching

Google+ Hangouts are proving to be a proficient platform for teaching and communicating in real time with others. If you're someone who creates instructional content online, you may want to consider using the platform for your next project. Below, how to record your hangouts ...more

News : Top 104 Amazing Photographers to Circle on Google+

We've provided Google insiders, Google's community managers, authors, and celebrities for you to add to your circles. This week, we've discovered over 100 brilliant photographers for you to follow. Google+ is a great showcase for professional photographers. With in-house edit ...more

News : The Soft Fur Rat

The African Soft Fur Rat though new to the pet trade is a unique little rodent with unusual qualities. Not only is this little rat a great step up for people who feed reptiles it is virtually odorless and that is definately a plus for those who would like to have a pet rat or ...more

Fallen Empires : The Worst Ever?

I started playing MTG in 1994, the same year that the Fallen Empires set hit the market. It was, in fact, the first new set released after I started playing, making me one excited nine-year-old. I harangued my father, he took my friends and I to Gameworks again and again, and ...more

News : Sunflower goal and tips!

This post taken from FrontierVille Post - click through to see the original and for better formatting. Another new goal that was added is the sunflower goal. As the sunflower crop is relatively new to the game, you will see this goal pop up at some point soon! It is likely to ...more

How To : College Student's Guide to Shows on a Budget

As a USC student with limited funds, I'm always trying to figure out how to make the most out of my night when I go out. LA is great because there is so much going on for little to no cash if you know where to look. Echo Park/Silver Lake definitely has the most options, see be ...more

How To : Ask a guy out

It's a notoriously preconceived notion that a man has to ask the woman out. But why can it not work both ways? It does, and it's the best way to bag the man of your dreams, especially if he's the shy type. If you're tired of waiting for your prince to appear with a Manolo Blah ...more

How To : Write the Action Adventure Screenplay - Act one

Hey everybody, This feed is about the traditional three act structure when writing an action/adventure story or screenplay. Act I "The Setup" Act 1 is a great time to begin throwing out a lot of foreshadowing. For many films, once you watch a few times the same film over an ...more

News : 4 Touched-by-the-Lord Potato Gun Video Tutorials

All of these four videos are excellent. You will notice that while all the videos and articles have slightly different design dimensions, they are fundamentally very similar. I urge you to view and read everything I am serving up. Then, my final words of advice are simply....c ...more

How To : Make a light & fluffy omelet

Guys, you no longer have the excuse of not knowing how to cook because the chef from shows you how to make a fantastic light and fluffy omlete. Omletes are fast and easy and full of good ingredients and protein rich eggs,. Things You'll Need: Small Frying Pan, Coo ...more

How to Beat Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrows on Nintendo DS

Pull out your Nintendo DS and your Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows video game and get ready to demolish it (as it in beat it). This extensive video walkthrough series on Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows provides all the maps and secrets you need to know about in the DS game. You'll ...more

How To : Dress properly according to the invitation

Did you know there's a difference between "semiformal" and "dressy casual"? Here are the finer points of proper dress. Step 1: Put on your tails If the invitation says “white tie,” men should wear a black tailcoat with a single stripe of satin or braid; a white pique wing-col ...more

How To : Remain Anonymous and Chat Securely with Cryptocat

I'm sure we've all heard about MSN and Yahoo! Messenger, right? They can be useful, but the setup can be quite time consuming for those who need to use it just once or twice—and the privacy statements are a real bother. For example, we must provide our real details. You could ...more

News : 2012 Film Festival Submission Deadlines

It's that time of year again, filmmakers... time to make your new year's resolutions. And no, I don't mean quit smoking or stop drinking - smoke and drink all you want SO LONG AS YOU FINALLY GET THAT FILM FINISHED AND SUBMIT IT TO A FESTIVAL OR TEN. Rajo has signed up for a wi ...more

News : Making Art on Your iOS Device, Part 2: Painting

Whereas yesterday's segment of Making Art on Your iOS Device focused on the technical elements of drawing from life, today we enter the painterly realm of David Hockney and Jorge Colombo. The apps below can be categorized under "painting"—or more accurately, the digital creat ...more

News : Top 13 Google Insiders to Follow on Google+

As Google+ is still in its Limited Field Trial phase, joining can feel quite lonely. You can't exactly get all your friends and family in during the brief periods when the invitation system opens up. You can, however, add several interesting people to your "Following" Circle t ...more

How To : Protect Your Facebook Reputation with Reppler

Do you know how you are perceived by your peers? In real life and online? In the physical world, you could be seen as intelligent, thoughtful and hard-working, but on the Web you could be looked at as irrational, selfish and slothful. There's just something about the Internet ...more

Minecraft : My Uncle, the Serial Killer

Do you ever really know someone? I mean really really? Super really? Sometimes we can talk and be with people normally for years and then bam: five people dead, house on fire, dog missing. All the while people shake their heads and regret that if they had just put the little ...more

News : Of Coyotes and Chickens

In my earlier post about long-term strategies I promised I’d ask some of my neighbors who do what I call factory chicken farming (Let 1000 Chickens Bloom) if the coyotes that have shown up will change the way they play the game. The one guy who replied in any detail said that ...more

News : How-to Design Amazing Web Pages Using Basic HTML

INTRODUCTION In this world of Internet era, almost everyone wants to create theirs own web presence by either hosting their own blog, articles, photos, videos, reviews, etc etc . But some people choose their own way and decide to have something bigger! What is it? Its a websi ...more

News : Top 10 Pranks for the College Freshman Dorm

We've gathered some of our favorite pranks with the seasonally appropriate for all you college kids out there. You're more than likely cohabitating with a complete stranger, and what better way to make a good first impression and develop a strong personal relationship than sub ...more

HowTo : Flash Mob Like a Boss

Watch enough Glee and Buffy's Once More, With Feeling and it will never fail to instill the urge to do something stupid in public. And hey, what better way to do this than to drag others down with you? Welcome to the world of flash mobs, and in just a few simple steps you too ...more

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