
News : Meet the Human-Spined Robot, Kojiro

Kojiro the robot has muscles, tendons and a flexible spine- just like you! Combine Kojiro with the doppelganger bot and you'll have something supremely sci-fi freaky. Via IEEE Spectrum: "Kojiro is an advanced musculoskeletal humanoid robot under development at the University ...more

News : Hot Android Chick is Even Creepier on the Inside

IEEE Spectrum has posted new pictures of Geminoid F, and yes indeed, underneath that smiley, soft, convincing exterior is a stone cold, emotionless robot. Previously, Creepy (Yet Kinda Attractive) Android Chick Laughs and Smiles. Get Yourself a Doppelganger Robot (Just $225K) ...more

News : First Ever Marriage to be Blessed by Robot Priest

The first marriage to be officiated by a robot took place in Japan this past Sunday. A humanoid robot named I-Fairy stood in as witness at the ceremony between Tomohiro Shibata and Satoko Inoue of Tokyo. Reuters reports: "The bride, Inoue, works for the company that makes th ...more

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