Levitate Card

How To : Make a card levitate as a magic trick

Need a new card trick to amaze your friends? Learn to levitate a card from your hand with this simple instructional video. Make the card seem to float effortlessly above your hand as you enjoy the shocked expressions on the faces of your audience.

How To : Make a card levitate

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a card levitate. To start, you will need a regular card with a piece of plastic stuck to the front of it where it cannot be seen. Cut the plastic to the exact length of the card, then use magician's wax to stick it onto the card in the mi ...more

How To : Levitate a card for fun

A very simple and easy trick is involved in levitating a card. The following are the steps to be followed: 1. First take a plain card. Also take tape and a normal string. 2. You need to stick this tape on the fair side of the card such that the tape is not visible. It is good ...more

How To : Levitate a card like David Blaine

This a video tutorial on how to levitate a card. This is basically a card trick. The effect created is that the spectator's selected card is magically revealed by rising out of the pack. The secret to the effect is your little finger. Shuffle the cards and then let the spectat ...more

How To : Levitate a card easily

MYQUICKTRICKS Shuffle the cards and ask the audience to pick a card. Once they pick a card cut the deck and have them place their card in on the top of the bottom stack. Place the top half on top of the bottom half but stick your pinky in the back so to hold the place of the c ...more

How To : Levitate a Playing Card

Ever wonder how to levitate something like a real magician? Well, look no further! In this tutorial, learn how to levitate a playing card from a deck of cards and impress everyone you know. This trick is easy to learn and since cards are so compact, you can perform it anywhere ...more

How To : Make a levitating card

To levitate a playing card you will need an ordinary playing card, scotch or clear tape, a pair of scissors, white paper and some string or yarn. First, measure the yarn by holding it up to your ear and cut the yarn at the desired level. Then, place the yarn to the white paper ...more

News : Make bedroom magic with levitating cards

We're a sucker for the cute ones. This mini-magician might not have much up his sleeve as far as slight of hand, but he's got energy. In his bedroom theatre, ToxicMagic7 gives the lowdown on card levitation. Like many tricks of flight (read: Peter Pan, UFOs, girl at Beijing O ...more

How To : Perform the hummingbird magic trick

Need a new card trick? Learn how to magically make a card levitate above your hand and spin around in circles like a hummingbird. This trick takes a little set up time but the pay off will be well worth it. Float and spin a card in mid air and impress all onlookers. Perform th ...more

How To : Levitate Any Object

In this tutorial, we learn how to levitate any object. You will need four batteries, two empty cans, a playing card, and a ball of tin foil to do this trick. Tape two of the same batteries on the side of each of the cans. Then place the cans on opposite sides of the table fro ...more

How To : Do the elevation card trick

Learn the elevation card trick with this instructive how-to video. Fascinate friends with your ability to magically make cards rise up and out of a deck as if levitating. You Will Need: • A spectator • A deck of elevation cards • A table Step 1: Have a spectator pick a ca ...more

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