
How To : Find All the Reels You Liked & Saved on Instagram

So, you're trying to show a friend or two a hilarious Reel you liked or saved on Instagram, but where is it? Unlike TikTok, Instagram doesn't make it clear where you're supposed to find your liked and saved Reels. Luckily, we can help. Since its inception, Instagram Reels has ...more

How To : Tell if someone likes you through body language

Learn how to tell if you’re turning someone on — or off — by watching the way their body involuntarily reacts to you. Did you know? If a person you're flirting with develops pigeon feet (their toes start pointing inward towards one another), that person is both attracted to yo ...more

How To : Turn Pandora Likes into a Spotify Playlist

Although I am a loyal premium Spotify subscriber, I still regularly use Pandora in hopes of stumbling across new artists and songs. If I'm fortunate enough to come across something I enjoy, it's easy to use the Like feature in Pandora to locate the song later. But I like to h ...more

How To : Tell if a guy secretly likes you

In this video, Chad tells us how to know if a guy really likes a girl. If a guy uses physical contact with you, he most likely likes you and wants to contact you. The hard thing about knowing a guy likes you, is if they guy sends you the right signals. A guy could feel more li ...more

How To : Tell if a guy likes you

Girls are complicated, yes, but guys are sometimes just flat out impossible to read since they don't exactly like discussing stuff like feelings. So if you have a guy friend or acquaintance with whom you'd like to take it to the next level with, check out this dating advice vi ...more

How To : Stop "Liking" and Start Google +1ing

The Google +1 button isn't as ubiquitous as the Facebook Like button, but it's getting there. Google's working hard on improving its functionality, and recently we've seen some innovative features added. The +1 button now appears on over one million sites, and you can do more ...more

How To : Tell if a guy likes you with 10 signs

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to tell if a guy likes them with 10 signs. The guy cuddles you until you cuddle back. He stares deeply into your eyes and doesn't care if you notice. He will talk non-stop just to talk to you. He laughs at your jokes, even if there not ...more

How To : Deal with liking a girl who has a boyfriend

Learn how you can deal with liking a girl, even though she has a boyfriend. That can be a tough situation, but you need to remember that you don't own her, the boyfriend doesn't own her, she doesn't own you, and she doesn't own him. You have to remember that as a human being, ...more

How To : Decipher girl speak to see if a girl likes you

A guy learning to read girl talk is like learning Latin - only a select few (i.e. girls) know the grammar and rules, and everyone else just stares in confusion. Learn how to read between the lines - and playful punches, and verbal jousting - by watching this video by The Wing ...more

How To : Tell if a girl likes you

This video gives tips and signs on what to look out for to tell if a girl/woman likes you. Here are some tips and signs to look for to check if a woman is interested/attracted to you: - asking you a lot of questions - ignores her friends and keeps talking to you - playfully to ...more

How To : Tell if a guy likes you or not

Body language is one way to tell if a guy likes you. He will lean towards you or look at you a lot. If he likes you, both feet will be pointed towards you. If he doesn't like you, one foot will be pointed at the door. Eye contact is another way to tell if he likes you. If he i ...more

How To : Tell if a guy likes you

This video tells you what to look for when wanting to know if a guy likes you. You should look for things like if he stares at you all the time, if you catch him looking at you, if he teases or acts stupid around you, he pretends to look behind you but he's really looking at y ...more

How To : Know if a guy likes by how he acts

In this comedic video two friends, two guys, that is, explain the ins and outs of how a girl can tell if a guy likes her. Does he smile at you? Is he nicer to you than he seems to be to anyone else? These are the immediate barometers, and something you should be able to easily ...more

How To : Know if a guy likes you

Benjemorawr has just the right advice to discover if a guy really likes you or not. He gives several tips, all of them easy to execute and really just common sense when you think about it. He tells us to note his body language, pay attention to his eye contact, and see if he's ...more

How To : Talk about your likes and dislikes in Chinese

Benny teaches you how to say "I don't like this one" and "I like that one" in Mandarin Chinese as well as how to say "I don't like beef, I like chicken." Part 1 of 2 - How to Talk about your likes and dislikes in Chinese. Part 2 of 2 - How to Talk about your likes and dislike ...more

How To : Play hard to get to get a girl to like you

A good thing to do to get a girl to like you is to play hard to get. Don't be over anxious, don't be a stalker, don't swoon all over her, and don't give her your undivided attention. Girls like a little bit of mystery. Be friendly, be nice, but take it very very slowly. This i ...more

News : Anyone Else Likes TDoS?

Here on nullbyte we always hear mention of hacking being used to shut down power grids or attacking SCADA and other such cyber warlord activities, but ive never seen a TDos post come up. Telephony Denial of Service involves saturating call centers or carriers, especially emer ...more

How To : Make Sten like you in Dragon Age: Origins

Once you get Sten's approval level to at least 25 (he likes paintings), he'll tell you more about why he was in the cage where you found him. He'll tell you about losing his family's sword. Now go talk to the scavenger at Lake Calenhad, and you can get it from him.

How To : Unlike pages on Facebook

Liked out? It is possible to "Like" too much. If you've gone too far expressing your enthusiasm for Facebook fan pages, watch this video to learn how to delete, or unlike, Facebook pages. Manage your Facebook profile like a pro.

How To : Tell if a Boy Likes You

It's that time of the month, and no it's not our period! It's the time where the Crazy Red Haired Lady gives you some personal wisdom! Video: .

News : Social Haven Rescue Free Iphone Game-We liked it?

If you go over to the Iphone store and download social haven rescue. You will see a cute little space app and the fish under the sea secret water world is adorable. Its a free good attempt. What games are there out there that also have fish like graphics? We want to know... A ...more

News : SEO - Ugly Vs Popular - Just Like Highschool!

Learning the basics of SEO In this tutorial I will go over the basics of Search Engine Optimisation. The "white-hat-way" ("black-hat" SEO is tricking Google and other search engine providers, this will get you into trouble quick!). To watch the free SEO video tutorial click ...more

News : Steve-O likes coffee? Right

Steve-O always pukes, lets put this talent to our advantage. At starbucks they always have you chek to see if your coffee is the way you want it, Steve-O should take a sip throw up all over the counter, then drop to the floor and start shaking. People WILL have nightmares.

How To : Make Pizza Without Dough

I was getting kind of sick of ordering delivery pizza (this happens at least 2-3 times a month). It was time to put a spin on gourmet pizza, but I just didn't know what it would be. Without pizza dough or an oven that is capable of creating the perfect pizza crust (I don't hav ...more

News : 91 Cool New iOS 11 Features You Didn't Know About

Apple's iOS 11 is finally here, and while they showed off several of the new features it brings to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch back at WWDC 2017, they've only just touched the surface of what iOS 11 has to offer. There are a lot of cool new (and sometimes secret) feature ...more

How To : Change Font Size in Windows 10

Windows 10 runs on laptops, desktops, tablets, and even phones—but even though the operating system should scale accordingly, fonts and icons aren't always perfectly sized for every screen. Luckily, though, there's a handy new menu for adjusting the size of your screen's conte ...more

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