Make a Bottle Explode

How To : Make a Beer Bottle Explode by Tapping It

Here is a cool trick that you can do to amaze your friends: make a beer bottle explode right in front of their eyes! All you need is a little skill and your bare hands, and that sturdy bottle will smash to pieces in your palms. Watch the video for all the secrets behind the m ...more

How To : Explode soda bottles with dry ice & make a spring

In this video Dave Spencer shows you how to make soda bottles explode using dry ice. You will need dry ice pellets plastic soda pop bottles , and gloves (dry ice can be held in your hands but should be kept moving and not held up too long as it can cause severe frost bite). Th ...more

How To : Build a Diet Coke and Mentos Booby Trap

We've all seen how Diet Coke explodes when you put Mentos in it, but Gianny L has a way to rig a bottle of Diet Coke so that it explodes when you unscrew the cap—the perfect prank! Video: . Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fool's Day pranks!

News : Coke Bombs

built a removable roof either a room or a car preferably in the back of a truck when a bunch of people are sleeping in a room, open the roof very quietly. have atleast 50-100 bottles of coke and mentos ready and throw at those people sleeping. the ones whose rockets (not dir ...more

How To : Pull an exploding ketchup prank

By putting some baking soda in with the ketchup you can prank someone by making the ketchup bottle spray everywhere once it's opened. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

News : Ass Rocket Race!!!!

What we do is strap heavy duty bottle rockets to the cast's respective asses. Their pants will have padding of cource. We then stick them on skateboards and light the rockets and see how far they'll go. To make this more fun they dress up like whatever they want to. This shoul ...more

News : The Peeper Creeper

Johnny or whoever plans on bringing home a girl. Unknown to the girl, one of the fat crew members of JackAss is hiding in the closet of the room where the couple are getting to know eachother just a little bit better ;). The Fat guy is wielding a box of tissues and a giant bot ...more

News : Open Champagne with a sword

Obama's inauguration may have been Tuesday, but why not party to the weekend. Here's a lesson in the Napoleonic art of Champagne sabrage. Grab a sword and an audience. Slide a sword down the body of the bottle to smash the glass lip of the bottle. The pressure of the cork's e ...more

News : Smash the bottom out of a bottle bare handed

Bill Beaty is our favorite kind of science teacher. Here he gives us a lesson in cavitation. Sounds boring, right? Ha! Not when he teaches us a wild trick to illustrate this physics phenomenon! Bet anyone holding a beer bottle that he can't break it using only his hands. Se ...more

How To : 5 Soda Pranks You Must Try!

Video: . ?The following are 5 practical jokes you can set up on your friends and family, All these pranks involve sodas so make sure you have a few handy if you want to try out these pranks. Just a little warning, 4 out of the 5 pranks showcased in this intractable are pretty ...more

News : Prank a buddy with exploding ketchup!

Middle school lunch tables are begging for this prank. Wait, who are we kidding? Everybody's lunch table could use a ketchup explosion every once in a while! This prank is from an enthusiastic kid who goes by the moniker SoccerBallz. Utilizing the power of baking soda, he pre ...more

How To : Properly Flambé Without Burning Your Food

Few things in life are as exciting and magical as fire. And setting things on fire while cooking? Well, now you're speaking my language. I'm not talking about grilling, though I do love some outdoor cooking. No, I'm talking about the most badass trick in any cook's arsenal: th ...more

How To : Brew Your Own Ginger Beer Like a Boss

Step aside, ginger ale; ginger beer is here, and it's delicious. Ginger beer is made by fermenting a combination of ginger simple syrup, yeast, and water, which gives it its robust flavor and sparkling quality. It's extremely simple to make, but you do have to wait a bit for ...more

How To : Everything You Know About Microwave Ovens Is a Lie

Chances are that you've been using your microwave just to nuke leftovers, but they can do so much more than heat up last night's dinner—microwaves can help you peel garlic more quickly, get more juice out of lemons, disinfect your kitchen, dry out herbs, give beauty products n ...more

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