Make a Foam Spear

How To : Make a spear out of foam for boffer larping

Build a spear for boffer larping! This video is aimed at Dagorhir, but you can use it for any boffer larp. You'll need foam, duct tape, a sharp bread knife or saw knife, a Sharpie, a Nerf football, cloth tape and fabric to cover it. Part 1 of 2 - How to Make a spear out of foa ...more

How To : Attack with a foam spear in boffer combat

Want to be the best spear fighter you can be? This tutorial show you two basic shots you can make when wielding a foam spear on the fields of battle at your next boffer larp. You're also shown how you can thwart a javelin shot with a spear.

How To : Fight with a foam spear in a boffer larp

This tutorial shows you firstly what a boffer spear is (and is not), and then goes over the basic stances and techniques you can use when you're on the battlefield and fighting with a foam spear. Learn how to overcome an entire phalanx with a ranged weapon!

How To : Fight with a foam spear in a boffer larp

Oh, no! A phalanx is approaching! How can you defeat their shield wall? Answer: a spear! Even if you're not going up against a shield wall, spears are still useful weapons to use in a boffer live action roleplay game because of the advantage that reach gives you. This introduc ...more

How To : Boffer sword fight with a short spear

Live action role-playing. LARP. LARPing. The battlefield. Boffer. Sword fighting. DEAD. Do these terms ring a bell? They should, if you're anywhere but heaven. This video tutorial from the Knights of Gray shows you how to use a boffer spear and why. This foam boffer weapon i ...more

How To : Boffer sword fight, after learning about boffers

Okay, you're ready to go out and kick some serious ass with you boffer? But wait... you don't even know what a boffer is? This video tutorial from the Knights of Gray will give you the information to succeed, even if you are a LARPer. A boffer sword is PVC pipe, foam insulat ...more

How To : Boffer sword fight with a spear and staff

Okay, you've mastered the boffer sword and the boffer sphere. Now what? Perhaps a boffer staff? The Knights of Gray teach you how to fight in a LARP even with this boffer staff weapon, right here in this video tutorial. So, fellow LARPing fighter, learn the strikes and the ...more

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