Make a Healthy Ice Cream

How To : Make puppy ice cream from scratch at home

This video shows you how to prepare Puppy Ice Cream for your dog. For this recipe, you will need 1 mashed banana, Dixie cups or ice cube trays, 32 ounces of vanilla or plain yogurt, 2 T. honey, and 2 T. peanut butter. Mash one banana. Place all of the ingredients in a blender ...more

How To : Do the Hannah Montana "Ice Cream Freeze" dance

This video explains how to do the ice cream freeze dance with the help of four girls, with one being the leader and showing the others how to do the dance step by step. The dance is fun and is broken into segments, making it easier to understand and easier to catch every dance ...more

How To : Make an ice cream sandwich cake

Have you ever known a man, woman, or child who didn't enjoy a good ice cream sandwich? Here's a new twist on an old favorite. You'll learn how to make a cake out of store-bought ingredients. Betty guides you through the process step-by-step so there is no guess work for you. T ...more

How To : Make a holiday ice cream sandwich dessert

This crunchy, creamy, frosty recipe is ideal for kids. And since it's low in sugar and low-calorie, it works with a diabetic meal plan. This dish is a crowd pleaser and perfect for your holiday menu. Makes a great dessert for Christmas dinner.

How To : Prepare some good ice cream recipes

In this video series, our expert will show you how to make a variety of ice cream recipes. Reminiscent of the ice cream shops of yore, our expert will show you how to make several sweet treats, including an ice cream malt, ice cream soda and ice cream sundaes. Part 1 of 14 - H ...more

How To : Make molded ice cream

Watch this video to see how to make molded ice cream. You are watching handcrafted ice cream by master ice cream molder Maria Sequeira.

How To : Make a hot banana and ice cream dessert

You have had fried banana and ice cream at restaurant before. Now try this recipe to learn how to make it at home. Watch and learn how to make this super easy dessert. Ingredients for hot banana with ice cream: Butter 3 firm bananas Your favorite ice cream

How To : Make delicious coconut milk ice cream

This video takes you through the steps of making Coconut Milk Ice Cream. There is no narration in the video, just some bouncy music and the steps printed in text on the screen while you watch hands measuring and mixing the ingredients. Starting with coconut milk powder, you mi ...more

News : Ice Cream Truck Abduction

Child abduction is not funny, but this will be. I've seen some sketchy ice cream truck drivers in the Cincinnati area and have always wondered which are for real and which are secretly out to steal unsuspecting children and their $2 in quarters. Heres what you do: Get a crappy ...more

How To : Make Easy Ice Cream at Home in Under 10 Minutes

Homemade ice cream is so good and you can make it with just a few ingredients and no special equipment. Most cookbooks and magazine recipes expect you to have an ice cream maker at home, but you can imitate the churning effect of an ice cream maker by shaking or tossing around ...more

How To : Make Amazing Affogato with Ice Cream Cubes

In Italian, the word affogato means "drowned." Kind of a morbid name for such a delicious goodie, right? But there's a reason it's called that. For those of you not in the know, affogato is a coffee-based treat usually consisting of a scoop of vanilla gelato or ice cream "dro ...more

How To : Scoop Frozen Ice Cream Without Breaking Your Wrist

Just when you begin to doubt the future of humanity, advances in ice cream scooping science continue to develop. Yumi showed you some super-cool ice cream hacks just in time for summer, and we've already discussed how to use a knife to slice ice cream when it's too hard to sco ...more

How To : Make No-Churn Ice Cream

The idea of a no-churn ice cream seems like the ultimate dessert hack. But, in fact, this concept has been around for at least the past 100 years in what Italians call semifreddo. The food linguist in you might think this dessert is just “semi” or “half “ cold. Despite the co ...more

How To : Make Homemade "Dry Ice" Ice Cream

In addition to making homemade ice cream in an empty coffee can and ziplock freezer bag, you can also make your own ice cream very quickly by using dry ice. First, place dry ice in a paper bag and smash it by rolling over the bag with a rolling pin, or by breaking it into sma ...more

How To : Make Ice Cream

There is nothing more refreshing than an ice cream in a hot summer day. And even though, here in Australia, summer is "just" a couple of months away, I still like to have a scoop or two every now and then. However, I like to make the ice cream on my own. In this way, you can m ...more

How To : DIY Ice Cream Sandwiches for the Lazy Snacker

Homemade ice cream sandwiches are delicious, but even when you use the slicing shortcut to make assembly easier, it still requires the planning and forethought to buy the ice cream and make the cookies. For the days when you have neither, you can satisfy your craving much fast ...more

News : Make a perfect structure with ice cream cones

This ingenious how-to is a genuine tribute to the designs of inventor Buckminster Fuller. This ice cream cone Buckyball was fabricated and filmed by New England textile artist Alyce Santoro. In stop motion, Alyce illustrates the carbon molecule, self-supporting Fullerene stru ...more

How To : Make Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag

We all love ice cream, but sometimes we don't know what's in it. The simple way to fix that is to make it at home. You can make ice cream in a bag in under ten minutes with ingredients you probably already have. Video: . What You Will Need: 1 TBSP Spoon of Sugar (We Recommend ...more

How To : Make Homemade Ice Cream Using Empty Coffee Cans

If you've got a couple empty coffee cans getting ready to go out to the recycling—don't get rid of them just yet. Instead, use them to make your own homemade ice cream. It's the perfect DIY treat as the weather gets warmer in anticipation of the summer season. Mix together wh ...more

How To : Make an ice cream cone punch using Stampin' Up!

If you like arts and crafts then this video is for you. Watch and learn how to make a simple, creative, and fun paper ice cream cone with strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate ice cream scoops. Great for scrap-booking, covering diaries, keeping children (or anyone who is bored) b ...more

How To : Make a healthy dessert out of grilled pears

A great dessert for the next time you hold a BBQ - once the meat has been cleared away, gril up some ripe, juicy pears! Serve with some ice cream and whipped cream, and you have an easy, delicious and healthy dessert. Make a healthy dessert out of grilled pears. Click through ...more

How To : Make a healthy fruit smoothie

Want a fruit smoothie? While we can't recommend asparagus or cheddar-flavored drinks, we encourage you to experiment, using this road map to the ultimate healthy blended beverage. Remember to be creative -- mix a variety of fruity flavors. You will need the following ingredie ...more

How To : Make homemade watermelon sorbet

If you have an ice cream maker and a food processor, you have everything you need to make delicious watermelon sorbet at home. Watch this video to find out exactly how to make this delicious, healthy, mildly alcoholic sorbet recipe.

How To : 10 Resolution Ruiners & How to Avoid Them

The start of a new year is generally thought of as a chance to start over, a time to improve or "fix" things in your life. Yet most people who set stringent New Year's resolutions find themselves failing within weeks—or even days—of setting their lofty goals. Don't Miss: 6 Al ...more

How To : Make an easy homemade caramel sauce

Is caramel one of your favorite condiments ever? Then you should definitely teach yourself how to prepare a homemade caramel sauce for two reasons: 1. To save money since you eat caramel often, and 2. To eat fresh and healthy, since most stores carry caramel sauce in jars that ...more

How To : Hot Damn! These Homemade Popsicle Ideas Look Epic

The magic of an ice cold popsicle on a hot summer's day is undeniable, whether you're a child or a kid-at-heart. Neon-colored, store-bought popsicles may have a special place in your memory, but homemade popsicles are pretty hard to beat. Here's how to create delicious frozen ...more

How To : 4 Healthier Whipped Cream Alternatives

Whipped cream is one of the most iconic dessert toppings around, but the full-fat version is not the most forgiving when it comes to fat content. With the holidays just around the corner, learn how to spare yourself a few calories—especially if you love the creamy texture of w ...more

How To : Make healthy, yummy cottage cheese at home

In order to make your own Yummy Cottage Cheese, you will need the following: milk, water, rennet, sea salt, 1/3 of a cup of cream, and cheesecloth. Heat milk to 70 degrees. Dissolve ¬º of a tablet of rennet in ¬O of a cup of water. Add the water to the milk. Mix it in well. A ...more

How To : Lose Weight with Smoothies & Shakes

It should come as no surprise that, according to Details Magazine, nearly half of all people who make New Year's resolutions pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, and/or get fit. There are innumerable companies out there that are ready and willing to take advantage of this mom ...more

HowTo : Make Insect Sushi (Swear, It Tastes Like Nuts)

Japan's Shoichi Uchiyama is a hardcore advocate of insect cuisine. His selling point? A heavenly nutty flavor, the delicious texture of shellfish, AND high in nutritional value. Via The Telegraph: "Uchiyama traces his interest in insect cuisine to his boyhood in the northern ...more

News : The Latest Pairing for Your Cookies: Cockroach Milk?

In the Western world, the only time you'd associate food with cockroaches is health code violations. And while other cultures and countries are more open to cooking with and eating these and other little buggers, insects are probably not a food trend that will be adopted by th ...more

How To : 'Hot Chocolate' Balls = Next-Level Instant Cocoa

Winter—or any cold, gray day, for that matter—is the best time for a warm cup of something hot. For me, hot chocolate is my "warm cup" of choice: rich and milky, deliciously sweet, and oh-so-comforting. On super-cold days when I can't feel my face, a nice, large cup of hot ch ...more

How To : 9 Pizza Hacks You Need to Try Before You Die

When it comes to pizza, everyone has strong opinions about how they like their pie, whether they prefer deep dish, thin crust, Chicago-style, or gluten-free. However, most people agree that a pizza is composed of some basic parts: a single layer of crust (usually wheat-based), ...more

How To : Deep Fry All the Things! Try These 5 to Start

Fried food is the best. That's not an opinion; that's a fact, Jack. And while fried standards like wings, French fries, and onion rings are all stellar, there's no way you should stop there. I believe that nearly anything and everything should be fried—even the healthy stuff. ...more

News : 9 Ways You'd Never Expect to See Broccoli

Broccoli is super. Not only is it jam-packed with nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium and fibre, but it's one veggie that refuses to be just a side-dish. Nobody puts broccoli in the corner. And there's never been a better time to get creative with veggies ...more

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