Make a Lego Man Walk

How To : Make a Lego man walking animation

If you're planning on being the next Ridley Scott of brickfilms, then maybe you need to start off with a few basics, like in this video tutorial about how to make a Lego man walking animation. Creating a world of moving legos for your "legomation" masterpiece starts with the s ...more

How To : Make the X-Men character Wolverine out of Legos

Wolverine is unquestionably the most popular member of the X-Men superhero team created by Marvel. If you like Legos, the chances that you also like the X-Men are pretty good. Combine your two loves by watching this video, which walks you through the process of making a Lego m ...more

How To : Make The X-Men character Gambit out of Legos

Gambit is one of the most popular and underutilized characters in the X-Men pantheon. Now, you can show you appreciation of this iconic anti-hero by making his likeness out of Legos. This video walks you through the process of making a Lego figure look like Gambit. The only no ...more

How To : Make a Lego Man Costume (Lego Benny)

In these video tutorials, I will show you how to make the helmet, body, hands, and legs for a Lego Benny Costume. Want to dress up like a Lego Space Man?? Now you can! The Helmet Video: . The Body Video: . The Hands Video: . The Legs Video: .

How To : Build a LEGO Man Costume for Halloween

If you need a Halloween costume posthaste, you really can't go wrong with a LEGO man costume. And one made from cardboard that is fully functional, well, you'll probably win the "Best Costume" contest hands down. Not only will this mecha-esque costume wow everyone you meet, bu ...more

How To : Make an Ozymandias from Watchmen Lego minifigure

Ozymandias, the smartest man in the world, is certainly one of the most intriguing of the many intriguing characters from the comic The Watchmen. This video features detailed instructions for making a custom Ozymandias Lego minifigure. Combine with the other Watchmen hero mini ...more

How To : Make Spider-Man villain Venom out of Legos

Venom is one of the coolest bad guys in all of Marvel comics, the iconic evil counterpart to Spider-Man. This tutorial will show you how to make a Venom Lego minifigure using only Legos and paint. He looks very cool at the end, and will make a formidable opponent for your good ...more

HowTo : Top 10 DIY Nerdtastic Halloween Costumes

Defined by Urban Dictionary, Nerdtastic: Something generally not cool, but to a nerd it's freakin' fantastic. Below, a collection of WonderHowTo's top 10 favorite, utterly nerdtastic Halloween costume tutorials. The clock's ticking, so if you don't have your costume yet, perus ...more

How To : Dial all GTA 4 cheats

Want all of the GTAIV cheats? This is a Grand Theft Auto hack like you'd never believe. Get the cheat codes for every glitch and cheat in the game. Full health and armor Dial "3625550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. No ...more

How To : Moonwalk with a running man

Check out this dance video that demonstrates how to moonwalk. Learn this classic move made famous by Michael Jackson and practice your moonwalking skills with this video. This video also explains how to combine the moonwalk to the running man. Soon you'll be able to do the Moo ...more

How To : Make a LEGO stop-motion movie

In this how to video, you will learn how to make a LEGO stop motion movie. First, you must create your set. The base plate must be taped down to the table or a hard surface. To create the animation, move the LEGO man's leg and take a picture. Move it again and take another pic ...more

News : LEGO BiPed Robot takes a Stroll

This NXT Mindstorm LEGO robot can actually walk on a treadmill. Quite an amazing feet. Nicknamed "Pinocchio" the Department of Biomechanics at the FSU Jena created it.

How To : Build a LEGO house frame

This tinkerer's tutorial will walk you through the process of assembling a house frame from plastic toy LEGO blocks, a necessary component of any LEGO house. For detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this free video how-to.

How To : Get bigger hips and buttocks

This video is a short to the point video about how to get a fab bottom! This video is aimed at both men and women who want a toned bottom and thighs. Work out the healthy way with this informative video on how to exercise to get the body you want. If you are worried about your ...more

How To : Build your own Iron Man Repulsor Arm

If you love Iron Man 2 and wish you could have his gadgets or want to have a cool costume for Halloween, you too, can be Iron Man once you're done watching this video. This tutorial will walk you through the steps needed to convert household materials and inexpensive items you ...more

News : Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou (Poem of the Day)

Phenomenal Woman by: Maya Angelou Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size But when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The cur ...more

Legs o' LEGO : Pinocchio, the Amazing Bipedal Android

This Mindstorms NXT-based 'droid may be able to walk upright like a human being — but can he do the robot? Not without a torso, he can't! Better luck next time, Biomechanics Department of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

News : Star Wars Foosball Table Made Entirely of LEGOs

An incredible LEGO feat: the Rebel vs. Empire Star Wars LEGO Foosball table. Built entirely, in and out, of LEGOs. LEGOs + Star Wars + Foosball = total Nerd-vana. Previously, Play Foosball With LEGOs. Man Spends 2 Years & 30,000 LEGOs Building Star Wars Ship. 16-Year-Old Bui ...more

News : Play Minecraft in Real Life with Official Minecraft Legos

This is crazy, Lego is putting out an official Minecraft set! It looks as though all the blocks are just one width, so I wonder how they stay together laterally. Doesn't it look awesome, though? Man, I'm excited. I wanna buy these.

How To : Perform Michael Jackson's "indian walk" dance

In this tutorial, learn how to perform a Michael Jackson move called the "Indian walk". This move is quite popular and used in music videos such as "Black or White" and "Man in the Mirror". If you would like to perform this cool step, follow along and dance up a storm.

Star Wars : A New Hope LEGO Chess Set

WonderHowTo World LEGO People points us to an amazing chess set made with LEGO Star Wars characters. LEGO fanatic Brandon Griffith of Hollywood, CA, plans to build three different chess sets, one per each original episode. Pictured below is his first completed set, Star Wars: ...more

How To : Turn her on with your walk

The first key to snagging the girl is to captivate her with your wal. A confident and masculine walk will have all eyes on you, even the ones you're looking back into. Not many men have the confidence to take over a room with their presence. And as a man who wants to get the g ...more

How To : Turn a guy on

How to turn a guy on in the bedroom. Confidence is important. You don't want to hide behind the curtains, or dive under the sheets when the lights go out. A woman who can walk around naked shows that she is confident and this is a major turn on. Also, when you understand a man ...more

News : Satan Surprise!

Synopsis: Tell one guy that a girl that one of the other guys knows just had some sketchy demonic encounter/satanic experience at some Wicca gathering she went to last night while she was trying to get answers from the past. Then say she’s incredibly creeped out right now and ...more

How To : Get the Girl You've Always Wanted

Confidence A key ingredient to building any relationship is having the confidence to ask any given woman out in the first place. Women find confidence in a man more attractive than his looks, and at first, even his personality (you will, however, have to have a good personali ...more

News : The Root Beer Hack Circle Caper

Okay, here we go. Here is the deal. Bam, Knoxville, Dunn, Steve-O, Party Boy, Jeff Tremaine, and myself are dressed in old man faces, but wearing tshirts that say "Beer is Good" and wearing diapers. (Substitute speedos for diapers if you want). We are gathered around Jack Nich ...more

How To : Choose the Right Path

Choose the Right Path Making a choice What do you do, when you do not know what to do? Perhaps, you do nothing. But such inaction may be unhealthy and even suicidal. Someone said, “The only thing for the evil to triumph is the good should do nothing”. Many people have been i ...more

News : Baby wee man

Dress wee man up as a baby. Put him in a stroller and give him a recording of a baby crying. Walk the streets with him. Stop people on the streets and ask them to watch him while you go into the store really quick. After they agree to watch him run away. When they are standing ...more


have wee-man hang from a bar above the door. make sure he is not visible to whoever is about to walk through the door have a crew member walk soon as he enters wee-man swings from the bar through the door delivering a mid air tea-bag. aka the wee-bag

News : Human Cage

So check this out. Have Johnny Knoxville dressed up in his old man costume with a cage covered by a sheat. The joke is that Wee-Man will be in the cage but nobody will know it. When Johnny Knoxville walks into a store with a bunch of tourists, Wee-man has to start hitting the ...more

News : forgot my baby

have someone walk out of a building then turn back and yell to the top story window that he forgot his baby. the man upstairs will act careless and act like hes too lazy to come down, he will then throw the fake baby out of the window. BTW HAVE A FAKE BABY. kinda obvious lol

News : Man Walks On Half a Million Volts of Electricity

Michael Faraday was an English chemist and physicist - a bona fide electromagnetism and electrochemistry genius. Without him, men couldn't walk on live electrical wires. Wait, what? In the Smithsonian IMAX documentary Straight Up: Helicopters in Action, helicopter pilots perf ...more

Apple AR : Take a Walk on the Moon with New Space Door Demo

The latest portal demo made with Apple's ARKit is one small step for man, one giant leap for augmented reality. That's right, the latest demo allows you to venture through a door onto a moon from wherever you are. Mohammed Bader, senior game developer at Gamified Labs in Kuwa ...more

News : The 15 Most Viral Costumes for Halloween 2015

If you don't want to dress up as a vampire, witch, werewolf, or zombie again this Halloween, step things up a notch and go viral. There have been a ton of funny memes and absurd news since last October, so the only hard part is settling on the right one for inspiration for you ...more

How To : Turn men on with your walk

In this tutorial, we learn how to turn men on with your walk. When you are walking, you need to walk with confidence, not like you have a stick up your butt. Guys want to see a girl walk past you and keep watching them even after they have passed. As you walk, think about how ...more

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