Make a Magnifying Glass Out of Plastic Wrap

How To : Make a mini survival kit in an Altoid's tin

WeaponCollector teaches viewers how to make a mini survival kit using an Altoid's tin. You can get an S.A.S. guide for exact instructions and further information on what you will need in an survival kit. First, you should make sure you have rubber bands around your tin to hold ...more

How To : Make a Chanukah Star of David decal

Get ready to decorate your windows this Chanukah with th cool Star of David Stained Glass window decal shown in this how-to video! You will need plastic wrap, silver puff paint, scissors, glue, red, green blue and purple food coloring, white paper, a black marker, tape, gold c ...more

How To : Spruce up frozen store-bought bread with Betty

We all love homemade bread but sometimes there just is not enough time to start one from scratch. In this clip, Betty will show you how to turn that frozen store bought dough into something just as yummy as home baked with a few simple steps. Follow along and serve delicious b ...more

How To : Make someone think you broke a glass

This how-to video will teach you how you can create a sound effect much like that of breaking glass. You can make your unsuspecting victim think that you broke a glass or that you broke something made of glass with this handy instructional video. This trick uses a coffee mug, ...more

How To : Make Ice Cream Without an Ice Cream Maker

You may have had to deal with this unfortunate scenario when you have a hankering for homemade ice cream: you find a great recipe, just the flavor you want to make, you start reading it... and you discover those ever-dreaded words "pour into your ice cream maker and process ac ...more

How To : Get rid of fruit flies in your kitchen easily

Fruit flies are the biggest pain in the you know what. They come out of nowhere, swarm in packs and are virtually impossible to get rid of without tearing your kitchen apart. Don't you wish there was a simpler way to rid yourself of these annoying pests? Well, you're in luck! ...more

How To : Build a homemade telescope

There is no greater, simpler pleasure than having a picnic with your boyfriend or girlfriend at night in a deserted park while gazing at the night sky. Unfortunately, you probably can't see much of the night sky anymore because of all the light pollution in the city. View the ...more

Inventables : A Store for Superheroes & Hackers

Founded by Zach Kaplan, a "serial entrepreneur" with a B.S. in mechanical engineering, Inventables is a futuristic online hardware store based out of Chicago. The company sells innovative materials at much smaller quantities than typically available—largely to artists, invento ...more

How To : Repair your eyeglasses

Try these simple fixes to salvage your specs. Learn how to fix your eyeglasses with this helpful guide. You Will Need * Duct tape * Needle-nose pliers * An eyeglass repair kit * Superglue * A wooden toothpick * A paper towel * A miniature safety pin * All-purpose glue * A met ...more

How To : Create DIY Filters for Your Cell Phone

In photography, using filters over lenses is a common practice and provides a great way to set the mood or to create an artistic image. The only problem is that they can be quite costly and there currently aren't many available for cell phones specifially. Fortunately, there i ...more

How To : Build a plastic model airplane

The video deals with a clear step by step process of making a plastic airplane. He asked us to select the model of the airplane we are going to make first. He has selected the North American F86A SABRE model in this demo. For assembling the airplane, he asked us to prepare a ...more

News : Sneak Nutrition Into Almost Any Food

Where We Go Wrong Nutritionally In our fifties we face numerous food challenges. We often choose to ignore them rather than face them head on. Here are the problems we face: We burn calories slower. Everything we put into our mouths seems to wind up someplace else: hips, thi ...more

Make Your Own Nitrous Oxide : Hilarious Science

If you've ever had teeth removed/minor surgery, you most likely received some laughing gas, or nitrous oxide. This gas creates a happy, lightened feeling, and causes instant laughter. In this article, I'll show you how to make some. BUT BE CAREFUL!!! DO NOT proceed in this exp ...more

How To : Make Perfect Poached Eggs, Every Single Time

Two slices of whole-wheat toast with lots of butter. Two eggs, poached to a firm yet custardy texture. The yolks should absolutely not be hard-cooked and the whites should be tender, not rubbery. That's my idea of the perfect breakfast. A golden, runny-but-not-liquid yolk, cre ...more

How To : Microwave Your Artichoke to Slash Cooking Time

A perfectly-roasted artichoke is a thing of beauty, but not everyone has the time (or patience) to deal with the extra fuss. So if you want an artichoke and you want it now, look no further than your ever-convenient microwave, which lets you steam one in only 10 minutes—no ste ...more

How To : Thaw a Frozen Steak in Minutes

It's a basic law of cooking: whenever you're really craving something, you don't have it. All you want is a glass of wine? Chances are you finished the bottle while braising meat last night. Want nothing more than a sandwich right now? Yep, you finished the bread with breakfas ...more

How To : 5 Unconventional Uses for Leftover Cookie Dough

While I frown upon any form of uneaten cookie, sometimes we overestimate our late-night cravings for baked goods leaving us with extra cookie dough at 4 a.m. If you're in the privileged dilemma of not having enough excess dough to make another batch of cookies but just enough ...more

How To : Store Thanksgiving Leftovers for Maximum Longevity

By now, you've stuffed yourself with enough cranberry-soaked turkey to last you until next year. Still, there's a formidable amount of leftovers, and you're kidding yourself if you think you won't be craving them when you wake up tomorrow with a food coma/hangover. So, make t ...more

How To : 10 Beautiful DIY Ways to Declutter Your Closet

Your closet is an area that holds important things such as keys, glasses, clothes and shoes. However, for some reason, it's always messy. Why is this? I know my closet is messy because I don’t have a lot of time to sit down and organize every little thing in there. I have neve ...more

How To : Make Amazing Dessert Art Using Bubble Wrap

The internet was blowing up recently over this mind-blowing, mouth-watering video of a woman making a cake decoration out of… wait for it… chocolate bubble wrap. Yes, that's right: she turned the ubiquitous packing material into the mold for an absolutely gorgeous cake embelli ...more

How To : Make Restaurant-Grade Sushi Rice

Contrary to popular belief, sushi is not the raw fish that one gets at Japanese restaurants, but the rice that comes with it. It's hard to tell whether this popular misconception led to or came about because of the primary flavors that we think of in sushi are the fish. We oft ...more

How To : Care for an Iguana Without a Cage

First of all, I would like you all to meet my good friend Iggy. There he is, in all his scaly reptilian glory. As you can see, he spends a lot more time on top of his cage than inside of it. You see, Iggy here doesn't deal well AT ALL with confinement. I don't know if it's pos ...more

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