Make a Realistic Paper Gun

How To : Make Passwords and Encrypt the Written List.

I wrote this about two years ago to help people make realistic passwords. The best part was while writing it I realized I encrypted the list in a manner only the maker would know.... on to the show Pa$$w0rdz Passwords should easy to remember. Now I'm not saying 123456 is ok, ...more

How To : 10 Ways to Open a Beer Without a Bottle Opener

As exciting as it can be to crack open a beer, there's nothing fun about wandering around a party and asking other partygoers for a bottle opener. Don't worry, we've got you covered: here are 10 crazy ways to get to drinking while impressing your friends with your ingenuity. ...more

How To : Survive and Thrive in the Victorian Era

I don't know how many of you had this experience in your youth, but when I was a kid, I used to actively think about what would happen if I suddenly woke up in a fantasy land, or were to pass through a portal into another space and time. I knew it wouldn't really happen, but w ...more

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