Make a Rose Out of Playing Cards

How To : Play the board and card game Cloud 9

Do you like games like Monopoly, Risk, Stratego, Dungeons and Dragons, Chess, Checkers, Uno, Battleship and Connect Four? If so, this board/card game could be next for you. Check out this video tutorial on how to play the board game Cloud 9 with designer Aaron Weissblum. Wha ...more

How To : Play solitaire with playing cards

This video provides you with a short and informative guide on how to choose glasses for blind spots. Thick rims and sides can get in the way of your vision, so watch this video and make sure you choose the right glasses for the occasion. Play solitaire with playing cards. Clic ...more

How To : Play The Game "Killer" With Playing Cards

Briefing Playing cards are used to play Killer but Killer is not exactly a card game. You cannot play this game if you do not know how to wink. I do not recommend that you go about winking at men and women to practice for this game. A minimum of 4 players are required to pla ...more

How To : Make a wallet out of a playing cards

Here is a great gift idea for any Texas hold'em poker player or other card player. Find out how to make a playing card wallet using packing tape, scissors, and six playing cards. Make a wallet out of a playing cards. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Design playing cards in Adobe Photoshop

Want to design a playing card logo? With Adobe Photoshop, the process is simple. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular image editing software or simply looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial from the folks at IT Stuff ...more

How To : Make the Platonic Solids Out of Playing Cards

Computer Science Professor Francesco De Comité has a fantastic gallery of mathematical images on Flickr. As part of this collection, he has a few hundred images of real or rendered polyhedra made out of paper or playing cards which he calls "slide togethers." These are constru ...more

How To : Flick a card out of a deck of playing cards

Lots of people love magic, and most of those people like card tricks, so why not learn a few? Whether you're a magician or not, you can still impress your friends with a few card tricks up your sleeve. Check out this video tutorial to learn how to flick a card out of a deck o ...more

How To : Throw playing cards with skill

In this video, you will learn the best way to throw cards. This takes practice, as many people who first try to throw card do not have the right grip. In order to throw the card properly, you will need to place your thumb on the center of the top side and the index finger on t ...more

How To : Make a playing card gift box

What's a better way to give a gift to a magician than to present it in a gift box made of playing cards? This video tutorial will show you how to make this playing card gift box, fold after fold. So, get out that deck of cards, count out 21 of them, and start bending and foldi ...more

How To : Make a chic duct tape playing card holder

Are you still one of those boring folks who use duct tape only as it's recommended, i.e. for taping stuff together? Well, get ready to be enlightened - while organizing your life a little bit - by watching this innovative duct tape tutorial. You'll learn a novel use for duct ...more

How To : Perform the erase the face card trick

Impress all of your friends with some card magic, or as others like to say, card manipulation or card trick. You don't need to be a magician to learn the illusion of magic with a deck of playing cards. See for yourself how easy it is to learn... watch this video tutorial to se ...more

How To : Perform the "Metamorphosis" card trick

Got a deck of standard playing cards? Looking for your next great illusion? Prefer that it be Kafkaesque? Look no further. In this free video magic lesson, you'll learn how perform the "Metamorphosis" card trick. For more information, including a step-by-step breakdown, and to ...more

How To : Perform the "Serenade of the Kings" card trick

Got a deck of standard playing cards? Looking for your next great illusion? Look no further. In this free video magic lesson, you'll learn how perform the "Serenade of the Kings" card trick. For more information, including a step-by-step breakdown of the trick, and to get star ...more

How To : Hustle your friends with card tricks

Dan Brown shares his hustling secret, actually he shares two secret hustles, both involving a normal deck of playing cards. If you want to hustle your friends, these two card tricks are the best way to do it. These two card cheats are the perfect way to win money or drinks or ...more

How To : Perform a thumb fan card flourish

Card flourishes are more of an art form, not really necessary for your magic card tricks and illusions, but really cool to impress your friends. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to perform a thumb fan card flourish, which shows you how to fan a deck of playing cards with ...more

How To : Perform a "one face up" false cut card flourish

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to perform a "one face up" false cut card flourish. A card flourish is something a magician uses, a technique for handling playing cards, mostly during magic card tricks. Is it magic though? No, just a little sleight of hand a fancy showm ...more

How To : Perform a fan spin card flourish

Card flourishes are more of an art form, not really necessary for your magic card tricks and illusions, but really cool to impress your friends. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to perform a fan spin card flourish, which shows you how to fan a deck of playing cards and h ...more

How To : Do a thumb or index card fan

This video tutorial shows you how to create a fan using a pack of playing cards. Hold the cards firmly using the thumb and four index fingers of your right hand. You then drag the cards across from left to right using either your thumb or index finger. In order to snap the fan ...more

How To : Perform the card out of thin air card trick

Impress all of your friends with some card magic, or as others like to say, card manipulation or card trick. You don't need to be a magician to learn the illusion of magic with a deck of playing cards. See for yourself how easy it is to learn... watch this video tutorial to se ...more

How To : Perform the what's up card trick

Impress all of your friends with some card magic, or as others like to say, card manipulation or card trick. You don't need to be a magician to learn the illusion of magic with a deck of playing cards. See for yourself how easy it is to learn... watch this video tutorial to se ...more

How To : Perform the holy spit card trick

Impress all of your friends with some card magic, or as others like to say, card manipulation or card trick. You don't need to be a magician to learn the illusion of magic with a deck of playing cards. See for yourself how easy it is to learn... watch this video tutorial to se ...more

How To : Perform the four aces card trick

Impress all of your friends with some card magic, or as others like to say, card manipulation or card trick. You don't need to be a magician to learn the illusion of magic with a deck of playing cards. See for yourself how easy it is to learn... watch this video tutorial to se ...more

How To : Play the pirate-filled board game Jamaica

Have you ever heard of Jamaica? Of course you have. It's that island right next to Cuba and Haiti. Well, that's not really what I'm talking about though. I'm talking about the board game Jamaica. This video series will show you how to play the board game with a presentation of ...more

How To : Amaze your friends with a great wallet card trick

Andy Field shows us a trick that has little set up and carries a high reaction. This trick is called the wrong prediction trick. You will need a deck of playing cards a wallet and a black magic marker. Take out the queen of hearts and write "9 of clubs" on the back of it. Stic ...more

How To : Make a buttercream rose with a rose tip

One of the quickest ways to dress up a cupcake or a cake is by adding a pretty rose on top. The rose acts kind of like the bow on top of a present - the present looks okay without it, but adding one turns it from drab to fabulous. Check out this video to learn how to create a ...more

How To : Perform the bandarama card trick

This video shows you how to perform the Bandaram trick. Things you'll need: deck of playing cards, elastic band. Select a card and show it to the spectators. Ace of Spades is chosen as the selected card. Return this card back to the deck. Do a table cut trick of the deck so th ...more

How To : Find the Best Black Friday Weekend Sales Online

Yesterday was the biggest shopping event of the year— Black Friday— the day after Thanksgiving. Most waiting in huge lines, getting swallowed up by commercialism on its biggest profit-turning day, and there's still tons of shopping to be had on Saturday and Sunday, with many s ...more

How To : Play no limit Texas Hold'em after the flop

Should you fold your hand or chase the draw when playing Texas Hold'em after the flop? The first three community cards that are dealt are called the flop. This how to video addresses different situations that can occur after the flop. You will learn what hands you should chase ...more

How To : Cut cards (shuffle cards) with one hand

Want to look totally pro when you deal blackjack, or even just when you're playing Go Fish with your friends? Then check out this easy yet super impressive card shuffling trick. Cutting cards can either be boring or a spectacle, so add some spice to your card game by shuffling ...more

How To : Make and paint a custom mat for playing Yu-Gi-Oh!

Serious collectible trading card gamers generally prefer to play with their cards on a mat to protect them, keep them in a contained area, and look badass. If you've always wanted a custom mat but not known how to make one, watch this video for a complete guide to making and p ...more

How To : Make paper roses for cards or scrapbooking

In this arts & crafts tutorial, learn how to make a beautiful rose embellishment out of a piece of 6x6 pattern paper and Glimmer mists to give it a pearlescent sheen. This is a fun technique and great to apply to all your craft projects including cards, scrapbook layouts or ho ...more

How To : Levitate a Playing Card

Ever wonder how to levitate something like a real magician? Well, look no further! In this tutorial, learn how to levitate a playing card from a deck of cards and impress everyone you know. This trick is easy to learn and since cards are so compact, you can perform it anywhere ...more

How To : Play The Card Game "Jack Thief"

If you have ever wondered how to teach kids to play cards then this is the game to start with. This is the best game to teach your kids and educate them about playing cards. The words "Jack Thief" are derived from the Hindi words "Gulaam Chor" as the game is called in Hindi w ...more

How To : Play The 13 Cards Game "Ramee"

A 13-cards Ramee game is usually played between 2 players with one pack of cards. If three players are playing, then a 9-cards Ramee is played with one deck. For 4-players and more 21-cards Ramee is played and two or more decks are needed. In this article I'll explain how to ...more

How To : Play The Card Game Declare

Definition Declare is a card game played by 3 or more people. If 4 people are playing the game, then one pack of 52 cards (without the jokers) is sufficient. For 4 to 8 people, two packs of cards are required, without jokers. Aim & Objective To have the minimum number of po ...more

How To : Play Poison's "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" on guitar

Want to learn how to play Poison on the guitar? With this tutorial you can learn how to play "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" by Poison on the acoustic guitar. This version is a simplified version of the song and is not exactly how Poison plays it. This lesson is geared towards inte ...more

How To : Play The Card Game "Judgment"

Definition Judgment is a game where you have to predict the number of hands you'll make and try to make those number of hands that you predict. It is a game usually for 3 or more players. Even 2 players can play but then the game won't be that interesting. 5 players can play ...more

How To : Use cards as Tarot cards with Peter John

In this Magic & Parlor Tricks video tutorial you will learn how to use normal playing cards as Tarot cards with Peter John. The diamond cards are used for money or finances in Tarot cards. Spades are known as swords in Tarot cards. Hearts are called cups, Clubs cards are recog ...more

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