Make a Snorkel for a Four Wheeler

News : 4 wheeler rodeo

jackass crew members will get in a rodeo ring with an angry bull. the guys will be riding for wheelers around it causing it to get angrier and chase the four wheelers.

News : Super Eco-Car Gets 2,752 MPG

The upcoming Shell Eco-Marathon promises to unveil vehicles that will blow current fuel economy standards way out of the water. California Polytechnic State University is one of the most promising contenders, with a vehicle that gets 13 times the 230 mpg General Motors promise ...more

LA Auto Show : The Car of the Future Is Only $6,800

There was one company at the 2015 LA Auto Show that had everyone intrigued. They didn't have a big booth, and they only had one car on display, but they definitely had everyone's attention. It wasn't Tata Motors, a company that gained international recognition when it launche ...more

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