Make a Tampon Out of a Pad

How To : Use a pad, tampon, or cup

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use a pad, tampon or cup. To use a pad, take it out of the wrapper and peel off paper on one side of the pad. Then place the sticky part of the pad onto the crotch area of your underwear. To use a tampon, take it out of the wrapper. ...more

How To : Deal with getting your period for the first time

Getting your period is an exciting milestone, but it can also be kind of scary. Don’t freak out—here’s what you need to know. Learn how to deal with getting your period for the first time. You will need basic knowledge of the female body, some thin maxi pads, pantiliners, or t ...more

How To : Use a menstrual cup

The menstrual cup is a great alternative to tampons and pads. This feminine hygiene product is reusable, eco-friendly and much cheaper than disposable tampons and pads. This tutorial teaches you how to insert and remove the menstrual cup. Watch this how to video and maybe you ...more

How To : Use "Instead" menstrual cups

A menstrual cup is a potential alternative to possibly toxic tampons or cumbersome sanitary napkins (pads). Instead is a readily available menstrual cup, but many women are unfamiliar with how to use it. This how-to video shows the procedure to using the Instead menstrual cup. ...more

How To : Insert a Playtex Tampon

This is an uncomfortable subject: your period. But you don't want to be uncomfortable when protecting yourself. You shouldn't have to worry about cardboard applicators or crappy pads, so try Playtex tampons. This video tutorial from Playtex will show you how to insert a tampon ...more

How To : Insert a reusable menstrual cup

Learn how to insert a reusable menstrual cup with this feminine hygiene tutorial. The menstrual cup is a great alternative to disposable tampons and pads. It is very cost effective and friendly for the environment. With regular sanitizing, the menstrual cup can last years. Thi ...more

How To : Deal with a heavy menstrual flow

When it’s that time of the month and a heavy period interferes with your lifestyle, it’s time to take action. You Will Need * Extra sleep * A record of your period’s intensity and frequency * A doctor * Ibuprofen * A low-fat, high-fiber diet Step 1 Get extra rest if your blee ...more

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