Make Clothes with Plastic Bags

How To : Decorate clothes with rhinestones

Add jazz to clothing with rhinestones and jewels; learn to embellish t-shirts and clothing with rhinestones, plastic jewels and gems, in this free video. Part 1 of 22 - How to Decorate clothes with rhinestones. Decorate clothes with rhinestones - Part 2 of 22. Click through to ...more

How To : Make a felt flower accessory

This is a demonstration of making a felt flower accessory for your head bands, waist band and even for your clothes. You will require wool fibers, bubble wrap, felt sponge rolling pin, washing bags and a container of hot water and a spray for soap water. First loose fibers are ...more

How To : Make iron-on freezer paper stencils to decorate clothing

Learn a fun and easy way to decorate your clothes with these iron-on freezer paper stencils. This video will show you how to create stencils perfect for personalizing aprons, tote bags, or t-shirts. With these stencils you can make thoughtful gifts for all of your loved ones.

How To : Make yourself pack light for business trips

Avoiding the need to check luggage has been one of the biggest goals of business travelers for decades, especially now that many airlines charge more baggage fees than ever. This video outlines six easy tips for packing lightly and efficiently, which will enable you to carry a ...more

How To : Use couplers for cake decoration

This video shows you how to use couplers for cake decoration using these steps: 1. Couplers usually come in two plastic pieces, a base and a ring. This system fits inside cake decorating bags or cones and allows you to use the same icing with different tips. 2. Choose which t ...more

How To : Make a papier mâché mask

Learn how to make a papier mâché mask. Make a papier-mache mask for Halloween, a masquerade party, Carnival time, or anytime! You Will Need * An old tablecloth * A work smock * A clean, empty plastic gallon jug, labels removed * Strong scissors * A craft knife * An elastic b ...more

How To : Pack your suitcase perfectly

Dan shows us how to pack a suitcase perfectly as to not take up much space but still include everything you need. Start with a list of what you need. Make sure you have all of your documents i.e. itinerary, passport, drivers license, etc. Use the 3-1-1 technique for flying. 3 ...more

How To : Play corn hole

Check out this instructional video that will teach and demonstrate how to play corn hole. What is corn hole? Corn hole is a game in which players take turns pitching small bags filled with corn (or sand or beans) at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. These platforms ...more

How To : Prank someone's door with packing peanuts

Use clear plastic wrap to create a barrier between the door and the wrap. Then fill the inner partition to the max with backing peanuts! You can get these easily in huge trash bags from the Barnes & Noble dumpsters, or from somewhere else. When you get the thing full, knock on ...more

News : Plastic Kills?

BPA: Why Plastic Ain't Good For You BPA or Bisphenol A is in many of the products we use. Everything from Ziploc bags to shower curtains, we are exposed to BPA all the time. If you're living the organic life hardcore already, you've noticed Nalgene bottles are out and have b ...more

How To : Turn old bedsheets into shopping totes

Paper or plastic is a thing of the past; both options are equally terrible for the environment. With this tutorial, learn how to turn your old bed sheets into funky grocery tote bags. You will be the envy of everyone at the store with these adorable, homemade bags. You Will Ne ...more

How To : Make shopping bags from old, used jeans

Go green with recycled blue jeans and help to eliminate plastic shopping bags. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to make shopping bags from old, used blue jeans. For a step-by-step at the conversion process, and to get started making your own blue jean shopping bags, wa ...more

How To : Rebuild your car engine

If there's one thing in life you should know, it's how to take care of your car. Getting around town is one of this hardest things to do unless you have a car. Automobiles transport us to work, to school, to shopping centers and they even take us to our impossible in-laws, but ...more

How To : Save money on your scrapbooking

The cost of scrapbooking can really add up. You can still create wonderful scrapbooks to artistically document your memories by shopping smart and cutting costs by being resourceful. You can use things you already have around the house. Scrapbooking is a great way to preserve ...more

How To : Make paper look old with tea

In this video, we learn how to make paper look old with tea. First, make tea in a plastic container by placing warm water in it and leaving a couple tea bags in. Next, take a normal piece of copy paper and submerge it in the water. Get all the air pockets out so it is complete ...more

How To : Make an Instant Slushy

Want a to make any drink into a delicious semi-frozen drink called a slushy? Usually this means putting your desired drink in the freezer and waiting until it reaches the desired state of being frozen. However, with this awesome method you can have a frozen slushy drink in jus ...more

Your Freezer : You're Using That Wrong, Too

Last week, I showed you why your refrigerator is one of the best tools in the kitchen when it comes to saving money and preserving food at its tastiest. But did you know your freezer is another underutilized ally in the cooking game? Chances are, you've been using your freeze ...more

How To : 9 Non-Shower Uses for Shower Curtain Rings

If you ever need to carry multiple plastic bags of heavy groceries from your car to your home, but don't want to strain your fingers or take multiple trips, use a shower curtain ring to carry all of them at once. Other than keeping your shower curtains hanging from your showe ...more

How To : 12 Unconventional Uses for Disposable Chopsticks

If your love for Chinese takeout has left you with a pile of unused disposable chopsticks in your kitchen drawer, then you're in luck. In addition to being a very versatile eating utensil for pretty much any cuisine, chopsticks also come in handy for eating Cheetos without get ...more

How To : Make the Most of Your Jack-O'-Lantern Leftovers

Planning on carving a pumpkin for Halloween? After you're done scooping and scraping out the inner flesh and pulp from your pumpkin, make the most of your jack-o'-lantern leftovers by using the pumpkin meat and seeds in the kitchen and for your beauty regimen. After steaming ...more

How To : Make Easy Ice Cream at Home in Under 10 Minutes

Homemade ice cream is so good and you can make it with just a few ingredients and no special equipment. Most cookbooks and magazine recipes expect you to have an ice cream maker at home, but you can imitate the churning effect of an ice cream maker by shaking or tossing around ...more

How To : Do Houndstooth Nails

This is a very easy superwowstyle Houdstooth Nails design video . Everybody has seen this pattern design somewhere or the other in their lives. They are everywhere, starting from clothes, to bags, to shoes- this is a design that is made fabrics really stand out ! Today I sha ...more

How To : 11 Food Storage Hacks for Your Next Lunch Break

Bringing your lunch to work doesn't always have to involve boring brown paper bags and plastic ziplocks. If you want to avoid crushing your homemade bagel sandwich on the way to work, store it in a CD spindle case. Tired of stealing ketchup packets from food courts? Place you ...more

How To : 18 Useful Things You Can Do with Cardboard Tubes

Don't toss out those cardboard tubes just yet. Whenever you have one leftover from a roll of paper towels, toilet paper, or wrapping paper, hang on to it, because it's got some great DIY potential. Cardboard tubes of all sizes can be handy for a variety of uses, from storing ...more

How To : 15 Super-Practical Reuses for Paper Grocery Bags

Just as how plastic grocery bags have many amazing reuses if you have a whole bunch of them stocked up in your home, the same goes for their papery counterparts as well. Paper grocery bags are pretty super-useful no matter what size they come in. You can use small paper groce ...more

Mess-Free Muffins : No Mixing Bowl Required

In my opinion, the greatest food hacks are the ones that help you cut way, way down on dishwashing. That's especially true when it comes to baked goods, which usually involves dirtying up a couple of mixing bowls, measuring cups and spoons, some kind of stirring implement, and ...more

How To : Make a Tear-Free Bath Rinse Cup for Kids

For those of us with small children, bath time can be very fun. Kids usually love splashing about and playing with their toys in the water! One thing they don't love however, is getting water in their eyes or on their face. Every parent has been through it. You go to rinse th ...more

How To : 10 Awesome Organizing Hacks for Your Living Space

If you're like most people, you probably wish you had more space in your home. With a few clever organizing hacks, you can free up more space in your living space and feel more in control of where and how you store your possessions. Use a tension rod in your sink cabinet to c ...more

How To : Cook Dried Beans in 1 Hour Flat

When given the choice between canned and dried beans, many of us are guilty of reaching for cans. They're much more convenient than investing 5-6 hours of your time to make dried beans edible. Unfortunately, while canned beans are convenient, they're certainly not better. The ...more

How To : 40 Damn Cool Things You Can Do with Eggs

All day I dream of eggs: scrambled, poached, over easy, hard-boiled, fried, baked, raw... Okay, the last one is a joke (unless you're Gaston, which means that you eat five dozen of them and you're roughly the size of a barge). But eggs are freaking good in just about any cooki ...more

How To : Give Your Food a Bath or a Rubdown for More Flavor

Brining is magic. All you have to do is make a mild saline solution, toss in your protein of choice, let it soak, and cook. You end up with incredibly tender, flavorful meat or tofu for very little effort. So why aren't more of us doing it? Pork chops soaking in a brine of sug ...more

How To : Frost Your Cake Like a Pro

Cake decorating is one of those activities that used to leave my hands sticky and my spirits dampened. No matter what I seemed to do, the final result always ended up looking like a preschool art project. Thankfully, I've discovered a few tips that make the whole mess a bit m ...more

How To : 6 Watermelon Hacks You Have to Try This Summer

Watermelon is the perfect snack for hot temperatures. It's hydrating, crisp, and refreshing, especially when it's chilled. Yet some people aren't content with leaving a good thing alone, which has given us many watermelon-based innovations, some great (vodka-filled watermelons ...more

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